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Facebook's 'dark side': study finds link to socially aggressive narcissism

Facebook's 'dark side': study finds link to socially aggressive narcissism
Researchers have established a direct link between the number of friends you have on Facebook and the degree to which you are a "socially disruptive" narcissist, confirming the conclusions of many social media sceptics. People who score highly on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory questionnaire had more friends on Facebook, tagged themselves more often and updated their newsfeeds more regularly. The research comes amid increasing evidence that young people are becoming increasingly narcissistic, and obsessed with self-image and shallow friendships. The latest study, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, also found that narcissists responded more aggressively to derogatory comments made about them on the social networking site's public walls and changed their profile pictures more often. The EE aspect includes "a sense of deserving respect and a willingness to manipulate and take advantage of others".

Find Everyone You Can’t Google Or Facebook With YC’s Ark People Search Google and Facebook can’t help you find which of your friends are single, or live in New York and like Radiohead, but Ark can. Today Y Combinator-backed sails into private beta in hopes of becoming the best place on the web to do people searches. With a variety of layer-able filters, Ark lets you search through public profiles and the private data of your friends across Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and other networks. Ark could pull searches away from Google and Facebook, disrupt dedicated sites like, and give us a better way to find people than broadcasting “Who do I know here that does this?” At first it seems absolutely ridiculous that Facebook and Google fail so hard at people search, but it comes down to politics. Rather than first typing someone’s name, Ark gives you a selection of filters to whittle down the web’s population. Search results each show a ton of info so you don’t have to dig into each to find the right person.

63% of website owners don't know how they were hacked Businesses often don't know how to react when cybercriminals hack their websites. In fact, 63 percent of website owners don't even know how they were hacked. 20 percent say they had their sites compromised because hackers exploited out-of-date or insecure software, 12 percent were hacked because the computer used to update their website was infected with malware, 6 percent said their username/password (or their colleague's) was used to access their website, and 2 percent used a public computer or public Wi-Fi network. About half admitted they only discovered the hack when they attempted to visit their own site and received a browser or search engine warning. In fact, over 90 percent didn't notice any strange activity, despite the fact that their sites were being abused to send spam, host phishing pages, or distribute malware. The results come from a study conducted by StopBadware and Commtouch, which surveyed over 600 website owners and administrators whose sites had been compromised.

Sean Parker And Shawn Fanning’s New Social Video Startup Airtime Staffs Up For Launch A few weeks ago at SXSW, Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning briefly mentioned — during a talk about another company they co-founded, Napster — that they were working on a new social video startup called Airtime. Now it looks like the company is gearing up for launch. Airtime now has a website and a Facebook sign-up button for early access. The jobs listed on the homepage are all engineering positions — yet one more testament, if one was needed, of the big drive right now to look for good technical talent (and, as some believe, the lack of it on the ground). “Our small team shares a passion for using the latest video technology to bring people together,” the company writes. Is the illustration on the homepage, designed by employee Shyama Golden, a clue? Perhaps some kind of mass, user-generated kind of broadcasting network where people vote on the quality of the content?

Pew Survey: 68% View Targeted Ads Negatively; 59% Have Noticed Targeting Ads that follow you around the web? Marketers have been putting them to good use. But a new survey finds, perhaps unsurprisingly, that nearly three-quarters of those asked dislike such targeting. And people do notice — nearly two-thirds report experiencing being targeted by ads. The findings are from a new survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Targeted Ads? People were asked how they felt about targeted ads: Rather than a simple yes/no choice, the responses gave some context. 68% said they were “not OK” with targeted ads since, as the response continued, “I don’t like having my online behavior tracked and analyzed”28% said they were “OK” because “I see ads and get information about things I’m really interested in” By Demographic The survey also broke down responses to the question on targeted ads by age and income level: In general, the older someone was, the less likely they were to agree with targeted ads. The same pattern held true by income group. False Sense Of Control?

Réseaux sociaux, mode d’emploi Et, pourtant, les réseaux sociaux ne datent pas d’hier. Ils existent depuis la nuit des temps, les clans autour du premier feu, la famille, les clubs d’anciens élèves, le "bouche à oreille", au bureau, s’asseoir ensemble autour d’un document, échanger des idées devant un tableau, tenir des réunions, faire des présentations… autant de connexions qui ont toujours conduit les individus à communiquer et à partager entre eux. Aujourd’hui s’ajoute ce nouveau média social qui abolit même les frontières. Par ailleurs, avec les réseaux sociaux, l’être humain élargit sa sphère au-delà de la famille, des amis, des collègues de bureaux… Derrière lui, il y a la force d’un groupe, d’une communauté, d’une tribu avec lesquels il communique, partage, échange… à l’exemple des événements dans les pays africains qui ont été largement diffusés, commentés et soutenus. Réseaux sociaux et monde professionnel Envoyer son CV par mail ou sur une plateforme de recrutement, c’est dépassé.

Z Pudelkiem na barykady Paweł Wroński 11.02.2012 , aktualizacja: 10.02.2012 22:36 Stało się. Do buntu wezwał internetowy Pudelek. Powstał, bo - jak pisze autor - "komentarze w tzw. poważnych mediach są tak stronnicze, że postanowiliśmy napisać kilka słów". Reszta artykułu dostępna dla naszych prenumeratorów Wszystkie artykuły w serwisach,, i 22 serwisach lokalnych.Na różnych urządzeniach: na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie oraz na czytnikach i w aplikacjach na iPhone'a i iPada. Wypróbuj już od 0,99 zł za pierwszy miesiąc Bez prenumeraty możesz przeczytać do 10 artykułów miesięcznie.Masz prenumeratę cyfrową Gazety Wyborczej lub abonament Piano? CircleMe, encore un réseau social Aujourd’hui je vous présente un nouveau réseau social nommé CircleMe. CircleMe vous permettra de regrouper tous vos centres d’intérêt en ligne, donc si vous faites dans la discrétion, passez votre chemin… Première étape, la création d’un compte Pour faire simple, vous allez pouvoir vous connecter directement via votre compte Facebook, il vous faudra juste choisir un pseudo et un mot de passe. Votre profil Dans votre espace (Me), un éditeur apparaîtra vous permettant de personnaliser votre interface : choix de l’image de fond, de l’avatar, modification de la police et des couleurs. Entrons maintenant dans le vif du sujet – CircleMe vous permettra avant tout de regrouper les choses que vous aimez. Vous disposez également d’une rubrique « ToDo’s », dans cette rubrique vous allez pouvoir intégrer tous les sujets qui sont susceptibles de vous intéresser, mais que vous n’avez pas encore eut le temps de découvrir réellement.

The Daily Hits 1st Birthday, Reaches 100,000 Paid Subscribers on iPad. What's Next? The Daily, the News Corp publication that launched exclusively on the iPad one year ago Thursday, is setting its sites beyond tablets in 2012. The publication has amassed more than 100,000 paid subscribers on the iPad, making it the third top-grossing iPad app in the iTunes Store last year. Of those 100,000, about half pay The Daily's $0.99 per week subscription fee, and the other half are annual ($39.99 per year) subscribers, according to publisher Greg Clayman. Earlier this month, The Daily launched its first Android edition for Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets. We spoke to Clayman about The Daily's first year and what lies ahead for 2012. Greg Clayman addresses attendees at Mashable's 2011 Connect conference in Orlando. In some senses, The Daily's exclusive launch on the iPad was a progressive embrace of new technology — one that many thought was ahead of its time. We were very specific about designing a native daily news experience for a tablet. Will you ever have a website? Sure.

Entre haute couture et porno, l'explosion atypique de Tumblr Si Tumblr n’a pas encore égalé Facebook et Twitter en nombre d’utilisateurs, cette plate-forme de blogs connaît un succès fulgurant. Décryptage. La plate-forme de blogs Tumblr (Capture d’écran) Sur la planète Tumblr, les Français ne représentent que 1,89% de la population contre 42,31% d’Américains. Mais le nombre d’adeptes de ce réseau social, comme dans le reste du monde, croît dans l’hexagone à toute vitesse, surtout depuis que la version française a débarqué en février. Tumblr a été créé en 2007. Un peu de Twitter, Wordpress, Facebook... La recette concoctée par David Karp, le jeune fondateur de Tumblr est un ingénieux mélange de ce qui a fait le succès de différentes plates-formes. Tumblr, c’est d’abord un peu de Wordpress et de Blogger. Une plate-forme de blog pour partager des textes, des photos, des citations, des liens et des vidéos. On y retrouve aussi un peu de Twitter. Pour ce faire, l’internaute s’abonne aux blogs qui l’intéresse comme on peut « suivre » des comptes sur Twitter.

The 9 most surprising facts about the Facebook IPO | Today in Tech Facebook's SEC filing reveals a treasure trove of information on the social media behemoth It's official: Facebook, the world's most famous internet company, is about to go public. In a move expected to net the social networking giant a cool $5 billion, Facebook shares will be available for purchase this May under the ticker symbol FB. It's a little surprising that Facebook is "only" raising $5 billion — previous suggestions put the figure as high as $10 billion. Nevertheless, that will still make Facebook's IPO the largest in internet history; significantly bigger than Google's. And while Facebook is raising $5 billion, the company itself could be worth as much as $100 billion. But while those facts may be surprising, they're hardly the most surprising aspects of the Facebook IPO. Facebook is the largest social network by a huge margin 1. 2. 3. 4. Facebook users have a lot to say, and they don't hold back 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [Image credit: Andrew Feinberg] More from Tecca:
