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A Few Rules for Making Homemade Infographics

A Few Rules for Making Homemade Infographics
Like many other fans of infographics, we were excited about today's launch of, a site that helps normal folk create infographics. The program just requires users to upload data, and it generates a pretty JPG with charts, graphs, and icons -- no PhotoShop skills required. Given the service's ease and availability -- it's free to join -- it will probably mean the proliferation of more infographics. The definition of what an infographic is can be pretty broad. 1. 2. On this Mac vs. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cisco Reminds Us Once Again How Big The Internet Is Getting - Arik Hesseldahl - Enterprise One of the well-worn buzz phrases in tech that re-surfaces from time to time is “The Internet of Things.” When I first encountered it, it was in 2002, and it was used in the title of this story in Forbes about the use of RFID chips by retailers like Wal-Mart to track inventory. Nine years later it draws a big yawn. Now it seems the networking giant Cisco Systems has appropriated it to mean something else entirely, something a lot more meaningful in the larger context of the Internet. The way Cisco sees it, the number of devices connected to the Internet exceeded the number of people populating the entire planet. Of course, Cisco would like you to associate its brand with these kinds of big thoughts rather than its more workaday corporate troubles. Getting to that utopia will also require completing the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Anyhow, the fine folks at Cisco have whipped all this big thinking into an easy-to-understand graphic which they’ve kindly shared with me.

10 Awesome Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Ultimately, if you have a little design skill, the very best approach is to create all the simple graphs and illustrations yourself using vector graphic software. Stat Planet Hohli

10 Commonly Misunderstood Words My friends and I are self-professed grammar geeks. Upon hearing Alanis Morissette’s 90s hit “Ironic” on the radio, a worn out discussion usually breaks out: is she using the word “ironic” correctly? Yes, you can roll your eyes now. But, seriously, “It’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife” is not really ironic, is it? (And I know that this discussion is more worn out than your favorite gym shorts…) Today’s infographic supports my argument, but it also schools me against using “literally” as an emphatic “really,” and reminds me that politely chuckling does not a bemused person make. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

The Imperfections of the U.S. Judicial System I figured this infographic would be appropriate given the recent controversy in the Casey Anthony trial. Honestly I haven’t been following the coverage enough to form an opinion. But judging by my recent Facebook news feed, several of my friends have followed the trial and have quite a bit to say about it. Considering how popular shows like Law & Order are, I’m sure this infographic will entertain the majority of you readers. It must suck for the half of exonerees who have not received any financial compensation. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

MacroHistory : World History Are We Wired For Mobile Learning? Because of the proliferation of new technologies, the younger generation today is outgrowing traditional forms of education – remember pencils, chalkboards, textbooks and graphing calculators? Whether we are in the car, on the train, at work, or in a classroom, mobile technology in particular is giving us the ability to learn on-the-go. See the infographic below to learn why we are wired for mobile learning, and how we can use mobile technologies to educate ourselves. Note to teachers, bloggers and all those interested: Want to use this infographic in your class or share it on your blog? No problem! Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class Warm-Up Activity What is “mobile learning”? Writing Challenge

UPS vs. FedEx: Surprising Stats Compared Every other day or so I get a shipment from some producer, publisher or as of lately, someone who wants Bit Rebels to review their gadgets. As you might have guessed, it’s either delivered by UPS or FedEx (occasionally even DHL). And if I am completely honest, I have never even bothered to see what other shipping companies are out there. I don’t even recall hearing any other company name when talking about shipping stuff. Maybe it’s because I want a master of a song or a letter to get to the recipient safely and on time. Alright, so who cares if there are other delivery brands out there. What if you were to look at the statistics and the data that these two multinational companies share? Via: [PackageFox]

50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks An absolute gem of an article by John Brandon and Graham Barlow from MacLife on 30th March over at TechRadar. This is going to become my iPad manual from here on in. Customised iPads for all iPad 2 tips and original iPad tips - get 'em here! With great new features like two video cameras, a faster processor and a thinner design, the iPad 2 is the world's best tablet device. iPad 2 review It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. 1. iOS now supports folders. 2. Double-clicking the Home button shows you all the apps that are running on your iPad in a bar along the bottom of the screen. 3. The internet got mightily upset when Orientation Lock was replaced with Mute on the iPad during the last iOS update. 4. If you're carrying around sensitive data, you can now enable a feature that'll erase all the data on the device if someone inputs the incorrect passcode 10 times. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

The Forex Market Explained Although the stock market gets all the publicity, trading currencies in the Forex market is a little different than trading a regular company’s stock. The Forex market trades currency and trading goes on for 24 hours during 5.5 days-a-week. These hours of operation mean that the Forex market trades in 1 day what Wall St. trades in a month. Right now the US dollar is not as strong as it used to be. The Forex market can be a bit simpler than Wall St because of a limited number of popularly traded currencies. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

10 Astounding Infographics Comparing Money Matters Around the World 47 Flares Google+ 2 Twitter 31 Facebook 4 Reddit 1 StumbleUpon 1 Pin It Share 0 LinkedIn 8 inShare8 47 Flares × It goes without the saying that comparing wealth and spending in different countries is almost impossible: people work, earn and even spend differently – moreover, their ways of life and views can be too different to compare. However, we still try to compare because people move around the world and they want to know what they can expect in different corners of the globe. Here are the 10 greatest examples of information graphics comparing money, spending and earning around the world: 1. U.S. The most interesting finding of the stats research and the visualization: The U.S. is the clear leader in total annual spending, but ranks 9th in Science performance and 10th in Math. Note: It is unclear what was the measure used to compare the countries in their math and science performance. 2. Most Expensive Cities is the World is an interesting visualization by Home Loan Finder. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do You Know The Real Cost Of Social Media? These days if you’re not using social media to build your brand then you’re way behind the times. But many companies are fooled into thinking that social media marketing is free, or at least close to free. A new infographic published on uncovers some of the costs of using social media for marketing, from staff costs to external fees, advertising and more, and discusses whether the ROI makes social media spending worth the cost. The infographic begins with a simple statement. “With social media at the height of its popularity, advertisers and companies find it an easy and trendy means of expanding their marketing horizons. According to the infographic, running a social media campaign is far from free. Megan O’Neill is the resident web video enthusiast here at Social Times.

20 Examples Of Infographs That You Don’t See Every Day | I think we all know what an infograph is, and nowadays they are increasingly popular. The bad thing is that almost all of them are becoming boring and very similar. In this article I have collected 20 infographs that are very unique design and also interesting subjects. Twitter Dots: Mapping all Tweets for a specific Keyword Twitter Dots translates individual tweets as simple dots on a geographical world map. It is as simple as that. Mapping Android Activations Worldwide In the war for the next smartphone platform, all weapons are allowed, including some good old mapping captured in a 1080p HD video. Visualizing the Airspace in Europe Transport visualization firm Ito World has taken flight routes drawings to the next level, in particular by adding a detailed level of information in terms of the exact travel altitudes of the tracked airplanes. Poverty Infographic A two poster series exploring the effect poverty has on education. 9 Years of Sleep A Physical Representation of News Ghost Counties

Tipping Etiquette Around the World Growing up I never really understood the tip, it always seemed as though we were just paying twice for someone to do their job. However as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized tipping is a pretty important thing. After all these people are handling your food and other important things you don’t want them messing with/up. Today’s infographic Tipping Etiquette Around the World does a nice job of comparing the way people tip in different countries. Being in the service industry is not all it’s cracked up to be, but the tips sure do help. Click to enlarge Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox
