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Internet of Things Platform Connecting Devices and Apps for Real-Time Control and Data Storage

Internet of Things Platform Connecting Devices and Apps for Real-Time Control and Data Storage

Débuter en domotique Situation immobilière, solutions techniques adaptées à vos besoins, budget et compétences utilisateurs sont les éléments qui détermineront les orientations de votre projet domotiques. Il n’existe pas de solution idéale car chaque besoin sera spécifique et différent. Cependant, je vous propose avec cet article de passer quelques obstacles avec un peu de recul sur votre besoin en vous posant quelques questions. le confort (automatisation, personnalisation suivant votre environnement, et intelligence de votre système) ;les économies (connaitre vos consommations pour appliquer un modèle économique adapté) ;la sécurité (alarme incendie, alarme inondation, alarme intrusion, surveillance vidéo …) ;l’aide à l’autonomie (le contrôle distant de votre habitat depuis un terminal informatique). Tout au long de cet article, j’utiliserai trois expressions permettant de définir les trois grandes classes technologiques de la domotique actuelle. 1.1 – Locataire ou propriétaire 1.2 – Type d’habitation

Microsoft, GE Healthcare to form new health IT company, Caradigm The companies completed their joint venture agreement, receiving regulatory approval to form a new company that combines Microsoft's data platforms with GE's clinical applications. The two companies have just received regulatory approval to form a new health IT company that combines Microsoft’s strengths in developing large-scale data platforms with GE Healthcare’s expertise in building healthcare applications. Caradigm (part care, part paradigm) wants to help “health systems and professionals to use real-time, organization-wide intelligence to improve healthcare quality and the patient experience,” they announced in a news release on Wednesday. The joint venture will develop and market an “open healthcare intelligence platform” and “collaborative clinical applications” focused on managing population health. Caradigm is where Microsoft moved almost all of the hundreds people and handful of products that formerly were part of its Health Services Group. Image: Caradigm Jun 7, 2012

The Internet of Things (and With Things) (By Roberto Saracco, IEEE ComSoc Senior Member, Chair of ComSoc Strategic Planning Committee) It is happening. More and more objects (mostly sensors so far) are connected to the Internet. STEP 1: Why is this happening? Electronics is cheap, and getting cheaper by the day. Electronics and software make objects aware of their environments. Communications is getting more and more pervasive. IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) is active in all these “enabling” technologies, from radio to networks and protocols. STEP 2: Is it business as usual? Our telecommunications networks were designed for symmetric traffic at 64 kb/s with individual transactions lasting about 3 minutes. And now, it's changing all over again. And ComSoc, again, is on target, looking at the future of the internet, at the future network architectures. STEP 3: Is IoT the next Big Thing? IoT is using limited traffic capacity, and it is not going to generate tremendous revenues to operators in terms of traffic sale.

CarTel [MIT Cartel] Road transportation is a “grand challenge” societal problem. With close to a billion vehicles on the road today, and a doubling projected over the next 15-20 years, we face pressing challenges to the efficiency and the safety of this infrastructure. The CarTel project combines mobile computing and sensing, wireless networking, and data-intensive algorithms running on servers in the cloud to address these challenges. CarTel is a distributed, mobile sensing and computing system using phones and custom-built on-board telematics devices; one may think of it as a “vehicular cyber-physical system”. CarTel helps applications easily collect, process, deliver, analyze, and visualize data from sensors located on mobile units (mobile phones and in-car embedded devices). VTrack and CTrack are two related systems that process error-prone position streams to accurately estimate trajectories and delays. The results of VTrack/CTrack are accurate delay estimates for road segments. Version 0 Version 2

Mobile Millennium
