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Is the UK the same as Britain, Great Britain and England?

Is the UK the same as Britain, Great Britain and England?
The UK is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long. The UK part of Europe and is a member of the European Union (EU). Click here to find out about the Geography of the UK The official name of the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". The name refers to the union of what were once four separate nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland (though most of Ireland is now independent). England - The capital is London. The capital of the UK is London. Interactive Map of the UK Before 1922 the UK included Ireland in the definition, but when the Irish Free State ceased to be part of the Union the title changed to include 'Northern Ireland'. The United Kingdom (UK) was formed in on January 1, 1801 and constitutes the greater part of the British Isles. Related:  Engelska

Teaching Ideas The Teacher's Corner Listen to English around the World. Click on any of the flags below to hear accents from some of the main English-speaking countries. Hear more English accents. One of the best ways of improving your English is to listen to radio news and discussion in English on your computer. Using the links below you can get instant access to English language radio news programmes wherever you are in the world, without a radio. Perfect for listening practice and improving your listening skills. You might also want to visit our Listening Comprehension Exercises page. Listen to the Bible in MP3 format Listen to film soundclips

Skönlitteratur och film III Nu har vi sett alla tre avsnitt av "Goodnight Mister Tom" och som avslutning på vårt arbetet med "Skönlitteratur och film" skriver vi nu "a film/book review". De tre läxor som eleverna har haft under arbetets gång har gått ut på att jämföra och reflektera över olika frågor relaterade till filmen och boken. Detta hjälper eleverna nu när de ska summera allt i sin recension. Eleverna utgår från dessa frågor när de arbetar: Who is your favourite character in the film/book?

Learn English with jokes in three levels HIS or HE´S? Choose the right option. 1. This is John. a good student. marks are great. 2. 3. got a new bike. 4. 5. very nice. always ready to help us when we need. 6. 7. 8. 9. from Portugal. 10. mother is a nurse and father is a doctor. 11. 12. house is big because very rich. 13. 14. sick. at home today. 15. 16. got six pets. parents let him have them. very lucky. 17. 18. 19. 20. bedroom is so tidy! Halloween Worksheets and Activities Lanternfish has a variety of different activities for Halloween. Just click on the worksheet below. It may take a while to open as most of the files are MS Word documents. Happy Halloween! Crosswords: What monster likes blood? Halloween Crossword 1 Halloween Crossword 2 Monster Madness Ultimate Halloween Crossword (Hard) All About Witches All About Vampires Answer Key for Ultimate Halloween Crossword Scrambled Pumpkins: Students unscramble pumpkins to find out what monsters eat for breakfast on Halloween morning: Halloween Scrambled Pumpkins Word Searches: Students find 33 Halloween words hidden in the backdrop of a haunted house. Halloween Search Easy1 Halloween Search Easy2 Halloween Word Search Hard Reading Comprehension and Creative Writing: Students read a page-long beginning to a spooky Halloween story. Haunted House Reading and Writing Relative Clause Grammar Practice: Students use the relative clause is a monster that to define Halloween monsters. Kinds of Monsters Halloween Word Scrambles:

Pernilla's English Classroom Speech - I have a dream... SpeechI will now present the whole theme that we are going to work with during the next few weeks. Don't worry - I will give you instructions while we are working as well.You work together in your groups with: 1. The magic of three Watch the film about the Magic of three: 2. How to write a speech Now watch the film I have made for you. The key words to remember are: A FOREST, TONE, BODY LANGUAGE 3. If you need the text you find it here.Number 4 is what I will take a closer look at. •I have a dream that one day this nation will... •I have a dream that one day... •I have a dream that... •I have a dream today. •This is my hope and faith. will be able to... •This will be the day when... 5. 6. You can choose if you want to present your speech in front of the whole class or if you want a friend to film your speech and show it instead. It is ok to use the iPad or your smartphone with iMovie if you want to spice up your speech! Good Luck!

"Som Berlin på DDR-tiden" - but I have a dream... - Sara Bruun Den tredje måndagen i januari är en nationell helgdag i USA. Då hedrar man minnet av Martin Luther King Jr och lyfter fram vad han stod för, nämligen alla människors lika värde oavsett bakgrund. I år är Martin Luther King – dagen den 18 janauri. Med tanke på vad som pågår i Sverige just nu och i Skåne i synnerhet önskar jag att vi också stannar upp och tänker till. Förtydligande (5/1): Jag menar självklart inte att ATT det är samma sak i Hyllie och Kastrup som i Berlin på DDR-tiden. Jag hittade en uppgift på som knyter an till Martin Luther King Jr . Jag tror att uppgiften ovan skulle kunna bli en bra inledning till ett större arbete om människors lika värde med de äldre eleverna. Här kan ni se Rasmus tal. Eleverna fick feedback på sina tal och i stort sett alla ville sedan göra om talen. När vi var klara med talen gick vi vidare till att lära oss om Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks har också sin dag när man stannar upp och tänker till kring mänskliga rättigheter. Sara Bruun

LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Facelift – has gone through a total facelift. For the last week, we have been working to make more accessible, user-friendly, modern and faster for our visitors’ convenience. Themes have got a more prominent position, as you can access them on a separate Themes Page as well as under each level’s menu item. The number of language level categories has been diminished from five to four, after a vote on Facebook. The former Lower Intermediate Level materials have been transferred either to Beginner 1-3, to Elementary 4-5 or to both. Other categories remain the same. Kooperativt lärande – Elevaktiva arbetssätt Life on Scilly – pedagogfredrik Den här serien från UR är helt underbar. I sex avsnitt får vi följa ungdomarna Tom, Amy, Harry, Shamus och Jess. Vi får följa deras liv, tankar, drömmar, skola, hobbies och mycket annat från deras liv på de vacka Scillyöarna utanför Englands sydvästkust. Varje avsnitt är ca 15 minuter och man kan välja om man vill ha svensk, engelsk, eller ingen text. Eleverna får lyssna på engelsktalande ungdomarEleverna får kännedom/kunskaper om företeelser och sammanhang i ett område där engelskan talas som modersmålEleverna kan känna igen egna tankar och känslorDet finns färdigt arbetsmaterial med varierat innehåll, inkl lärarhandledningMaterialet är lätt att anpassa till den unika elevgrupp man för tillfället harDet är lätt att jobba digitalt med arbetsmaterialetDet finns hörförståelseuppgifter till varje avsnitt På mitt förra jobb körde jag den här serien i min specialundervisning jag hade med elever i åk 7-9. Where is it?  How big is it?  How many people live there?  Would you like to go there?
