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Tutorials/Setting up a server

Tutorials/Setting up a server
This tutorial takes you through the steps of setting up your own server using the default server software that Mojang distributes free of charge. The software may be installed on most operating systems, including Windows, Mac and Linux. Regardless of your operating system, you must begin by downloading the server software from the minecraft download page. The server is available as either a Java .jar file or a Windows .exe file. Notes: Setting up a server takes some time, and some technical knowledge. Note: There is also custom server software available, which most large servers use, but these applications are not supported by Mojang. Warning Since you're about to run your own server, you should be aware of the possible dangers. Networking in general (IP, DHCP, ports etc.)Your system configurationYour network configurationYour router configuration (if you want other people to connect over Internet) Windows instructions Verify that the latest version of Java is installed Starting the server #!

Minecraft Forum - News, Forums, Mods, and Texture Packs In light of his deep love for cats, Jeb has confirmed that this baby ocelot - named "Missus Puddums", cherished mascot at EA - will now be the Lead Developer for Minecraft, going forward, following the takeover of the game by gaming industry giant, Electronic Arts. This gives Puddums final say in all design decisions, though Jeb jokingly added that he made her "promise to not sell hats." Jeb cites personal time and additional projects as reasons for his stepping down, but makes it a point to say that he will still be involved in Minecraft development. Some of the proposed changes to Mincraft include:- "Always on" DRM, to reduce account-spoofing - Monthly DLC packages - Graphics enhancement, to make Minecraft more realistic Jeb added that it was a "scary move, but I feel strangely confident. Puddums commented on the situation as well, stating that she wasn't "sure when the idea came up the first time (from Jeb), but it has been a few months now. Missus Puddums said:

Data values These data values refer to the different types of blocks and items. They are used in many, many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world and inventory items (including items in chests and items dropped in the world). Item IDs are only valid for items. There are also Entity IDs for entities such as mobs and projectiles. Block data further defines blocks placed, describing for example the height of water or the direction a torch points. IDs[edit | edit source] Key Horse Variants[edit | edit source] Horse entities have variant fields that determine the markings on the horse. Variant names taken from the names of the texture file they correspond to. Summoning a horse entity without specifying the Variant value will result in a white horse. Using a Variant value that is not a true ID (all true IDs are displayed on the chart above) will result in an invisible horse. Biome IDs[edit | edit source] Enchantment IDs[edit | edit source] Status effects[edit | edit source]

Minecraft - JeuxOnLine Il existe déjà une bonne quantité de serveur Minecraft, aussi il est pertinent de se poser la question de la raison d'ouvrir un serveur supplémentaire. Il est important pour vous d'y répondre car c'est ce qui déclenchera chez les joueurs le souhait de vous rejoindre dans l'aventure. Si vous souhaitez toujours créer votre serveur Minecraft ce guide est fait pour vous ! Préparatifs Ouvrir un serveur Minecraft requiert un très gros investissement technique et temporel de votre part, et très probablement financier. La location d'un serveur dédié Il vous faudra louer un serveur dédié suffisamment puissant pour faire tourner le logiciel serveur Minecraft ainsi que les incontournables "mods" (extensions) que vos joueurs vous réclameront tôt ou tard. Quelle bande passante ? Tout dépend du nombre de "slots" (nombre de joueurs simultanés) que vous souhaitez autoriser sur votre serveur. Donc, à raison de 800Kb/s cela donne : Pour 10 slots-joueurs : 8mb/s de bande passante montante Le bon Java /?
