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Gay rights in the US, state by state

Gay rights in the US, state by state

Obama se prononce pour le mariage homo Le président des États-Unis Barack Obama s'est prononcé aujourd'hui pour la première fois en faveur des mariages homosexuels, dans un entretien à la chaîne ABC. "Pour moi, à titre personnel, il est important de dire que je pense que les couples du même sexe doivent pouvoir se marier", a-t-il déclaré. Il devient ainsi le premier président des Etats-Unis en exercice à prendre une telle position, et ce à moins de six mois de la présidentielle. Les pressions s'accumulaient depuis plusieurs mois sur le président américain pour qu'il clarifie sa position très ambiguë sur ce sujet de société. Le président démocrate, qui s'était dit en 2008 favorable à des partenariats civils sans aller jusqu'à soutenir le mariage homosexuel, s'était contenté d'affirmer que sa position "est en train d'évoluer" à ce sujet. Dimanche, le vice-président Joe Biden avait jeté un pavé dans la mare en se prononçant pour la première fois en faveur de ces mariages. Six Etats l'autorisent

Bullying and LGBT Youth Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) youth and those perceived as LGBT are at an increased risk of being bullied. There are important and unique considerations for strategies to prevent and address bullying of LGBT youth. Creating a Safe Environment for LGBT Youth It is important to build a safe environment for all youth, whether they are straight or LGBT. Build strong connections and keep the lines of communication open. Federal Civil Rights Laws and Sexual Orientation Federal civil rights laws do not cover harassment based on sexual orientation. Many states protect against bullying because of sexual orientation in their state laws. Additional Resources

Watch_Dogs WeAreData Romney’s openly gay spokesperson resigns due to anti-gay backlash Richard Grenell, the openly gay man who was appointed as the security and foreign policy spokesperson by Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, has resigned from his position, due to fierce opposition from anti-gay conservatives, the Washington Post reports. Mr Grenell was appointed just over a week ago for the post, which provoked an immediate outcry from right-wing conservatives, though that wasn’t the only reason for controversy. He also had deleted some 800 tweets prior to the appointment that some people saw as sexist. A statement obtained by Jennifer Rubin at the Post reads: I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman. It seems that Mr Grenell decided to resign after he was kept in the dark on national security issues, which have taken centre-stage in the presidential campaign.

Huff Post: Gay Marriage Des données sur Paris et les Parisiens localisées par le biais du réseau métropolitain Revenu net annuel moyen par foyer fiscal. Année : 2009. Source : INSEE. Impôt annuel moyen par foyer fiscal. Nombre de chômeurs par rapport à la population de 15 ans ou plus. Nombre d'étudiants par rapport à la population active de 15 à 64 ans. Nombre de diplomés de l'enseignement supérieur long par rapport à la population non scolarisée.Diplômes de l'enseignement supérieur long : licence, maîtrise, master, DEA, DESS, doctorat, école supérieure niveau licence et plus (hors DEUG, DUT, BTS, diplôme paramédical ou social...). Nombre de célibataires par rapport à la population de 15 ans ou plus. Nombre de mariées par rapport à la population de 15 ans ou plus. Nombre de retraités par rapport à la population de 15 ans ou plus. Nombre de femmes et d'hommes par rapport à l'ensemble de la population. Nombre d'habitants au km². Nombre de ménages propriétaires de leur résidence principal par rapport à l'ensemble des résidences principales. Année : 2011. Source : RATP.

I'm a Gay Mormon Who's Been Happily Married for 10 Years One of the greatest unintended consequences of being gay is that it serves as a genuine eye-opener to all the bullshit you get fed as a child. When you realize that much of what you were taught by authority figures about sex and relationships was wrong, it gives you the freedom to question all kinds of received wisdom, not just that about sexuality. What's sad in Josh's case is that he failed to use this opportunity to question the very absurd superstitious bullshit with which he happened to have been raised. As someone who was also gay and raised LDS, I will always be grateful that my love of guys led me to question, think about, research and discover the fraudulent nature of my religious belief, and indeed of all supernatural claims I've run across so far. One other point.

The Art of Transliness Sightsmap Teen lesbian couple found shot in Texas park Police are investigating the shooting of two teenage girls in a small Texas community along the Gulf of Mexico. KRIS reporter Lindsay Curtis has the story. By Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News Two teenage girls in a relationship were found with gunshot wounds to the head in a south Texas park, with one of them dying from her injuries, media reports say. Police were searching for their assailants. Mollie Judith Olgin, 19, and Mary Christine Chapa, 18, were found in knee-deep grass in a nature area in Portland by a couple Saturday, said Portland Police Chief Randy Wright, who confirmed to details first reported by the Corpus Christi Caller Times. Olgin, originally from Ingleside but recently living in Corpus Christi, died; Chapa, of Sinton, was rushed to a hospital where she had surgery and was in serious but stable condition on Sunday, local NBC affiliate reported. Friends told that the girls had been together five months.

GATE - Global Action for Trans* Equality | working for trans* rights internationally

*Gay Rights Chart By State/Population* by arapoza Jan 16
