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Apps That Boost Your Productivity

Apps That Boost Your Productivity

wunderlist Wunderlist kommt als schlichter Aufgabenplaner, der sich auf die wichtigsten Features beschränkt: Über das Eingabefeld fügen Sie einzelne To Dos hinzu und geben optional noch ein Fälligkeitsdatum an. Favoriten, Ordner sowie Sortierfunktionen nach Datum helfen dabei, auch in großen Aufgaben-Sammlungen noch den Überblick zu behalten. Ist eine Aufgabe erledigt, haken Sie sie mit einem Klick ab. Besonders praktisch: Nach einer kostenlosen Registrierung aus dem Programm heraus haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Aufgaben über den Webserver des Herstellers zu synchronisieren. Incubadora de empresas en Valencia. Startups y emprendedores Ya ha pasado más de un mes desde que llegamos de nuestra aventura en la carretera. Ahora tenemos una mejor perspectiva de qué hicimos, porqué lo hicimos y de para qué nos ha servido. Ha sido un ejercicio duro. Intenso tanto física como mentalmente. Cada día dormíamos en un sitio diferente, comíamos lo primero que pillábamos y conducíamos largas distancias. Afrontamos nuevos retos, dimos cursos y charlas, e intercambiamos impresiones con un montón de gente que nos hizo reflexionar y cuestionar muchas de las cosas que nos han modelado en los últimos años. - Shares - Shareaholic Analytics Works on WordPress, Tumblr, Drupal and other popular platforms. If you're using WordPress, install the Shareaholic for WordPress plugin. When you use either the share buttons or related content tools, you'll get analytics data for your website. If you only want analytics, or are running on a different platform, just follow the instructions below to get up and running in just a few minutes. If you need help, head over to our support center . 13 CEOs and Founders Reveal Their Top Productivity Hacks Becoming more productive is something that everyone wants to achieve. It's a difficult task though, because thinking about becoming more productive and actually setting things in motion are two different things. In an excellent post on Quora, a bunch of CEOs, tech entrepreneurs, and start-up pros share their favorite hacks for getting things done more efficiently. There were a ton of great responses and we sifted through some of the important ones to put together this collection of productivity hacks in hopes that they will help inspire and supercharge your own personal productivity. --Kevin Smith

ToDoList Portable Wer zeitgleich viele Aufgaben bearbeiten muss, kommt ohne Sekretärin schnell ins Schludern. Ein hilfreiches Tool für Einzelkämpfer ist die kostenlose ToDoList, das wir Ihnen hier in der portablen Version anbieten, die nicht installiert werden muss und auf Wunsch direkt vom USB-Stick läuft. Mit der Freeware priorisieren Sie Ihre einzenen Tasks und können sich mit einem Blick über Fortschritt, Status und geschätzte Dauer informieren lassen. Eine Kommentar-Funktion hilft Dritten sich in Ihrer ToDoList zurechtzufinden. 10 herramientas imprescindibles para emprendedores. « Antonio Torres Cuando empezamos una startup una de las primeras cosas que nos preguntamos es cómo le vamos a hacer para administrar la empresa y qué herramientas vamos a usar para esto, sin dejar de pensar que tenemos poco dinero y queremos ahorrar en todo lo que se pueda. En este post les comparto 10 aplicaciones que se han vuelto imprescindibles para la mayoría de los emprendedores y la mejor parte es que son gratuitas. Administra tu empresa con Google Apps. Para mi Google Apps es la herramienta por excelencia para starups, te permite tener tus correos con tu dominio pero bajo la infraestructura de GMAIL con una capacidad de más de 7GB por cuenta. Además de ofrecerte todos los productos de Google como son, Google Docs (hoja de cálculo, procesador de textos, formularios y aplicación para hacer presentaciones), Google Reader (para organizar feeds), Calendarios, Grupos, etc. Url:

Use Evernote to save and sync notes, web pages, files, images, and more. Plan your next trip Keep all of your itineraries, confirmations, scanned travel documents, maps, and plans in Evernote, so you’ll have them when you need them. Toodledo : A to-do list to organize your tasks The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing Starting a business is exhilarating. Unfortunately, the “build it and they will come” theory doesn’t hold much weight and those overnight success stories you hear about are often the result of behind the scenes years of hard work. Simply put, startup marketing is a unique challenge often times because of the limited resources, whether it’s time, money or talent.

To do list, simple, easy, fast, sharable: Ta-da List Hello, We launched Ta-da List back in January of 2005 so everyone could have a fast and free to-do list app in their web browser. There wasn’t much out there that was good in 2005. My, how things have changed. Now there are dozens and dozens of great free to-do list apps on the web and dozens more on the iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone.

A Deep Dive Into Facebook Advertising - Learn How To Make It Work For Your Business! As a savvy internet user you might think no one clicks on Facebook ads. Wrong. Facebook is on track to make over $4 billion in revenue this year from advertising. Someone’s clicking. 5 Psychological Studies on Pricing That You Absolutely MUST Read As marketers and business owners, you will most likely come to deal with the process of pricing your products or services. The thing is, many folks struggle with this process because although they understand their customer’s needs, they aren’t experienced with what to charge people for their work. Below I’ve analyzed a few recent research studies that dive into pricing of products and services in the hope that you might better understand how to price your own goods.

54 Quotes from Startup Leaders on How to Improve Conversions Large and small companies alike invest a lot of time and money working on improving their conversion rates. And as we all know, there are countless “experts” and websites all trying to sell you their advice on how to improve conversions. In this blog post, I'm going to take a different spin on this conversion topic... I surveyed 54 companies and asked each of them one question: Startup of the Week – Itembase: the online inventory service that's conquering the US Keeping track of receipts and purchases might not be the sexiest concept for a startup but there’s no denying that it’s appealing for other reasons: Practical, effective and time-saving are words that spring to mind when looking at Berlin-based startup Itembase. These traits are arguably ones that will get the team of three cofounders further than their flashier counterparts. Itembase wants to be users “online inventory for everything”, giving consumers the ability to organise their online purchase plus providing post-purchase support. And so far it’s working: Itembase has lured close to 100,000 users to the service since launching last August. We caught up cofounders Stefan Jørgensen and Per Meurling to find out more about Itembase’s US expansion and how a Viking helmet could be partially responsible for their success… Founders Ramo Karahasan, Stefan Jørgensen and Per Meurling
