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Reader - Play

Reader - Play

Reader - Play 3 Ways To Use Google Reader As An Online Archive Like many of you, for the past few years I’ve been using Google Reader to subscribe to blogs and news feeds. Instead of having to go out and scan each and every one of my favorite blogs for new and interesting content, I can read; share; tag; favorite and organize my favorite posts directly in Google Reader. It saves me a valuable abundance of time. Google Reader is not only one of the best RSS feed aggregators out there, but it can also be used as a powerful system to archive rss feed data you may want to access in the future. Anything that has an RSS feed can be backed up and archived with Google Reader for access long after the feed is gone. Here are just a few ideas on the types of data you can archive this way. How do you know if an RSS feed is available for the site you’re browsing? Archive Your Tweets One of the primary ways I use Google Reader as an archive is for backing up my Twitter stream. Keeping with the Twitter theme, you can also archive Twitter searches.

RSS Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Entwickler fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Art fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Standard fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Website fehlt RSS (engl. ursprünglich Rich Site Summary, später Really Simple Syndication) ist eine seit dem Anfang des Jahres 2000 kontinuierlich weiterentwickelte Familie von Formaten für die einfache und strukturierte Veröffentlichung von Änderungen auf Websites (z. B. News-Seiten, Blogs, Audio-/Video-Logs etc.) in einem standardisierten Format (XML). Funktionsweise[Bearbeiten] Nachdem der RSS-Feed abonniert wurde, kann der Abonnent die Nachrichten im Feedreader einlesen. Zum Lesen eines RSS-Feeds dienen herkömmliche Webbrowser oder spezielle Programme, die auf die Ähnlichkeit zum Nachrichtenticker angepasst sind. Im Unterschied zur Benachrichtigung per E-Mail geht die Initiative bei RSS vom Empfänger aus, der den Feed abonniert hat. [Bearbeiten] <?

kuratieren Verb[Bearbeiten] Worttrennung: ku·ra·tie·ren, Präteritum: ku·ra·tier·te, Partizip II: ku·ra·tiert Aussprache: IPA: [kuʀaˈtiːʀən], Präteritum: [kuʀaˈtiːɐ̯tə], Partizip II: [kuʀaˈtiːɐ̯t] Hörbeispiele: — Reime: -iːʀən Bedeutungen: [1] als Verwalter (Kurator) betreuen, organisieren Herkunft: zugrunde liegt lateinisch curare → la „sorgen für, sich kümmern um“ Sinnverwandte Wörter: [1] betreuen, organisieren, verwalten Beispiele: [1] Ich kuratiere eine Ausstellung. Wortbildungen: Kurator, Kuratorium Übersetzungen[Bearbeiten] ? [1] Dudenredaktion (Hrsg.): Duden, Die deutsche Rechtschreibung. [1] Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon „kuratieren“ Ähnliche Wörter: kartieren, kurieren

News aggregator News aggregator Function[edit] Visiting many separate websites frequently to find out if content on the site has been updated can take a long time. Aggregation features are frequently built into web portal sites, in the web browsers themselves, in email applications or in application software designed specifically for reading feeds. The aggregator provides a consolidated view of the content in one browser display or desktop application. By 2011, so-called RSS-narrators appeared, which aggregated text-only news feeds, and converted them into audio recordings for offline listening. Types[edit] The variety of software applications and components that are available to collect, format, translate, and republish XML feeds is a testament to the flexibility of the format and has shown the usefulness of presentation-independent data. News aggregation websites[edit] Web-based feed readers[edit] Web-based feeds readers allow users to find a web feed on the internet and add it to their feed reader.

The 10 Best News Aggregator Apps For Those On The Go With more news sources emerging and the feeling of information overload growing, it's handy that there are so many news aggregators out there. However, it's a crowded market, so finding out which ones are worth your time and are best suited towards your way of consuming information can be time-consuming. Therefore, we've rounded up what we think are the ones to consider. Prismatic For: iPhone One of the newer reader apps out there, Prismatic is probably one of the best designed iPhone reader apps out there. Use it if: You're always on the go and want content that brings in the best of both local and international sources. Flipboard For: iPhone, Android, iPad The incredibly stylish magazine which looks even better on tablet, Flipboard makes the entire reading process as stylish as possible and integrates all your social media accounts like Twitter and Instagram. Use it if: You prioritise style and interface in a news app. Zite For: iPhone, iPad, Android Google Currents Feeddler RSS Pulse News360

Top 50 Free Aggregator Apps - 1 to 50 based on popularity Home > News > Top 49 Free Aggregator Apps 1 to 49 based on popularity Aggregator applications are online tools that pull content from numerous news sources and compile it into one easy to follow interface the user can browse. Popularity rank 127 AppAppeal rating 5/5 BuzzFeed is a viral tracking Web site. Popularity rank 1,383 AppAppeal rating 4/5 organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into a newspaper-style format. Popularity rank 1,405 AppAppeal rating 4/5 Price range (p/month): $10.00 - $99.00 Free plan available Mobile apps Buffer makes it easier for users to share content on social networks regularly without making multiple visits to thei... Popularity rank 1,677 AppAppeal rating 5/5 FriendFeed provides users with a fun, engaging way to strike up conversations and share their thoughts. Popularity rank 2,090 AppAppeal rating 5/5 Price range (p/month): $2.95 - $4.95 Spokeo makes it easy for users to find a wealth of information on someone they are looking for online.
