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Tw.o - Community Home of the TikiWiki CMS/Groupware Project : Co

Tw.o - Community Home of the TikiWiki CMS/Groupware Project : Co
“Yes, Tiki does it.” The Tiki Community is a global network of developers, site operators, consultants and end users. Currently has over 20,000 registered users and over 300 developers at this site. Roles are how you can help out in the Tiki Community. Feel free to participate according to your experience, availability & interests. To make our community more efficient and scalable. see here: Roles Tiki User Groups (TUGs) Tiki community members can get together in Tiki User Groups based on certain interests, locality or language. The main focus is to setup language based user groups to give an opportunity for people to communicate and contribute in their preferred language. Community Forums Feel free to ask your questions or discuss about Tiki in the Forums. Follow these news feeds to keep up-to-date with the Tiki Community.

Open Atrium Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework. Adds the ability to have private "sections" within a collaboration space with granular access control. Drag/drop layout control with dozens of widgets that can be placed on dashboards and landing pages. Please use the Issue Queue to post bug reports and patches for OA2 only (not OA1). Demos The following webinar videos for Open Atrium 2 are available: Open Atrium 2.x Projects These modules are part of the official Open Atrium project and are actively maintained and approved. Other Modules that work with Open Atrium 2.x Ginkgo theme from OA1 ported to OA2Organic Groups Theme for having a different theme on each Space.Contextual Help for an alternative to the OA Tours for adding contextual help to a site.

21st Century Collaborative I was given the task of relaying the experience. I have decided to share with you to see if you agree or disagree with these leaders' ideas and action steps and why. I encourage you to read and weigh in in the comment section below. I look forward to your responses. Newport News Public Schools is moving quickly to address learning in the 21st century, its barriers and its possibilities, and kicked things off for 2009 with a 21st Century Leading and Learning Conference. As a precursor to the conference, held Jan. 9-10, 2009 at Heritage High School, global and regional leaders in education, business and religious organizations met to brainstorm together 21st century learning concepts in a Global ThinkTank. An electronic global panel discussion kicked off the day’s events with an impressive group of thought leaders from Scotland, Thailand, and the U.S. logging in to Elluminate, a webinar software platform, to share their ideas and answer questions. Appendix A – Participants List- Removed

OptimizeTiki At this point, no one will attempt to deny that tiki uses too much memory and usually takes a long time to generate pages. The problem comes from the fact that tiki is monolithic and multiple variables are being initialized even if they will never be used and a lot of code is being processed for no reason. This page lists known problems that could be adressed to improve Tiki's speed and memory usage. Permissions Tiki has a great granularity on how the permissions are being granted. Instead of systematically declaring all variables, the pages should define which permission they can use. I think this is a minor hit for performance (we have about 174 permission) that can't be solved realistically. Features The problem is very similar. Not a bad idea, but seems only potential for a minor memory gain and needs changes everywhere in the code...probably not an environmentally good solution. Smarty $smarty->assign() sequences are way too long. ) and they should be reduced. Database Access

RHIEN - Le Réseau d’Hébergeurs Indépendants et ENgagés Artichoke: Edubloggers as “Prisoners of the nation state.” I never fail to be impressed by the “tragedy of the inertia of the mind” in education – by those educational conversations where we can froth about the networking available through the internet, the participatory cultures possible through Web2.0 branded activity, and then continue to re-imagine how we might learn through the institution of “school”. We are not only prisoner’s of Ulrich Beck’s nation state, we are prisoners of the sequestered classroom way of doing school. I think that social and political theory is, to some extent, still a prisoner of the nation-state. Reflecting about education when reading the transnational thinking of Ulrich Beck is not a good idea. “Because of new communication structures, new communication technologies, new transportation systems and so on, all different cultures, all different nations, and all different religions live in one present, even, if they live at the same time in different pasts and different futures.

Tiki Syntax On this page, you'll learn how to format text on Wiki pages and other area that support Wiki formatting (including articles, forums, and blogs). The Markup Language Wiki-Syntax The markup language used on a Wiki page is most commonly called Wiki Syntax. It uses common characters in uncommon ways (or character combinations that are not normally used together) and provides them with a special meaning. Some of the character combinations only work at the beginning of a line, while others can be inserted anywhere in the text and are active until they are turned off. Wiki-Syntax uses a character repeated twice for most functions, but it also has a few 2-character combinations. The following sections explain most of this. Quick Reference - Basic Text Formatting Basic Text Formatting The Wiki-Syntax given in this section can be located anywhere in the text so that specific characters, words, or sentences can be emphasized. Color Font Text can be any color you want it to be. (click the [+] to open) .

Community Manager Dominique Quand on construit et développe une communauté, on est souvent focalisé sur « l’extérieur », rarement sur « l’intérieur » – l’entreprise où vous travaillez. Or, c’est pourtant là, au coeur de votre entreprise, que se joue (parfois, voire souvent… toujours ?) le devenir de votre communauté. Certes, cela peut paraître parfois décourageant d’enchaîner réunions sur réunions pour y présenter votre communauté, ses valeurs, etc. Voici quelques idées – pensez à ajouter aussi les vôtres en commentaires, surtout si elles vous paraissent évidentes et sans intérêt ;) - préparer 2-3 slides pour présenter votre communauté à vos collègues. - dans votre présentation, pas de chiffres ni de bullets points : racontez des histoires ! - utilisez le matériel de votre communauté pour construire vos slides : photos, commentaires, articles,… - rédigez chaque semaine une newsletter (un simple email suffit) pour raconter la vie de votre communauté. Tags: Construire une communauté

Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins Turck MMCache for PHP - Turck Software St. Petersburg This project is hosted by SourceForge. See Turck MMCache SourceForge project page. Content What is Turck MMCache? Turck MMCache is a free open source PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache for PHP. Turck MMCache stores compiled PHP scripts in shared memory and execute code directly from it. Since version 2.3.10, Turck MMCache contains a PHP encoder and loader. Since version 2.3.15, Turck MMCache is compatible with Zend Optimizer's loader. Turck MMCache does not work in CGI mode. Here are some other products that provide the same functionality: The following table shows benchmark result for different opcode caches. Test Command - "/usr/sbin/ab " -n200 -c1 -dS" Server - 2 x PIII 800MHz, RAM 512MB, Net 100Mb, RedHat Linux 7.3, Linux 2.4.18, PHP 4.1.2, Apache 1.3.27 Test Host - 2 x PIII 1GHz, RAM 1GB, Net 100Mb, Linux 2.4.18 As you can see the Turck MMCache is at the first place, but Zend Accelerator follows with only a small lag.

Mac Help Blog September 21st, 2012 For those of us who aren’t rushing out to get the new iPhone 5 today, I know there’s been an overwhelming temptation to upgrade to iOS 6. While there are a lot of great new changes, there are also a few features that have gone away: 1. Maps Not sure that this is change for the better. 2. You can now directly link your Facebook account with the iOS, which enables you to post photos directly from you photo album to Facebook, update status from the notification center, and sync your contacts with their FB account. 3. It works much better. 4. Consider this improved ONLY if you have AT&T. 5. Looks neat, but haven’t yet had a chance to use it. Also, we’ve had reports from some users who have encountered problems while updating to iOS 6 via iTunes and Software Update. September 12th, 2012 Surprise, surprise! So what’s new with the iPhone 5? Thinner and lighter than previous iPhones: 7.6mm thick, weighs 112 grams. FIVE (5) rows of icons + shortcuts. August 27th, 2012

Dossiers technopédagogiques This article endeavours to denote and promote pedagogical experimentations concerning a Free/Open technology called a "Wiki". An intensely simple, accessible and collaborative hypertext tool Wiki software challenges and complexifies traditional notions of - as well as access to - authorship, editing, and publishing. Usurping official authorizing practices in the public domain poses fundamental - if not radical - questions for both academic theory and pedagogical practice. The particular pedagogical challenge is one of control: wikis work most effectively when students can assert meaningful autonomy over the process. Cet article décrit et promeut des expériences pédagogiques qui ont recours à une technologie libre et ouverte désignée sous le terme «wiki». Le principal défi sur le plan pédagogique est celui qui relève du contrôle : les wikis sont en effet plus efficaces lorsque les élèves peuvent exercer une plus grande autonomie sur le processus. - Banque d'Images - Photos libres de droits - Images 24 242 631 images à partir de 0,74 € pour tous vos projets créatifs. Toutes les photos et illustrations sur Fotolia sont proposées sous une licence libre de droits, vous pouvez donc les utiliser sans limite de temps pour l'illustration de tous types de documents professionnels. Le prix des images est affiché en crédits (monnaie utilisée sur Fotolia - Crédit à partir de 0,74 €). Acheter des crédits S'abonner

The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia, Part II Why Wikipedia started working This is a good place to explain why Wikipedia actually got started and why it worked (and still does work, at least as well as it does). The explanation involves a combination of quite a few factors, some borrowed from the open source movement, some borrowed from wiki software and culture, and some more idiosyncratic: Open content license. We promised contributors that their work would always remain free for others to read. That's pretty much it. Probably, all or nearly all other project rules were either optional, or straightforward applications of these principles. So the basic principles that explain why Wikipedia could start working--and still does work--are relatively simple, few in number, and above all general. A series of controversies So much for the very early history of Wikipedia; the next phase involved rapid growth and some serious internal controversies over policy and authority. The project continued to grow. The governance challenge

AdWords Palavras-chave são o que as pessoas pesquisam no Google. Seu anúncio aparece ao lado dos resultados de pesquisa relevantes. Seus anúncios são exibidos no Google Quando as pessoas pesquisarem no Google usando uma de suas palavras-chave, seu anúncio poderá ser exibido próximo aos resultados de pesquisa. Atraia clientes Basta que as pessoas cliquem no anúncio para fazer uma compra ou saber mais sobre você. Tópico anteriorPróximo tópico Inscreva-se agora Nossa rede de publicidade inclui: O Google AdWords oferece: Alcance segmentado Agora você pode anunciar para pessoas que fazem pesquisas no Google. Maior controle Você pode editar seus anúncios e ajustar seu orçamento até obter os resultados desejados. Valor mensurável Não há compromisso de tempo ou requisito de gasto mínimo. Preocupado com os custos? Defina o seu orçamento Não há um gasto mínimo exigido – você decide quanto pagará no AdWords. Evite adivinhações Pague somente pelos resultados Divulgue seu endereço através dos anúncios de empresa local.
