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Internet Archive: Free Downloads: American Libraries

Internet Archive: Free Downloads: American Libraries
The California Digital Library supports the assembly and creative use of the world's scholarship and knowledge for the University of California libraries and the communities they serve. In addition, the CDL provides tools that support the construction of online information services for research, teaching, and learning, including services that enable the UC libraries to effectively share their materials and provide greater access to digital content. Books from the Boston Library Consortium . See a Tag Cloud for the Boston Library Consortium collection. Books contributed by Getty Research Institute . As a member of the Open Content Alliance, the University Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is contributing digital content to the Internet Archive from our Rare Book Collection and North Carolina Collection, including rare Spanish dramas, UNC Yearbooks, and North Carolina legislative materials. Books contributed by the Boston Public Library . by California Revealed

21st Century Libraries The internet has given students an incredibly vast world of up-to-the-minute resources, including nearly limitless outlets for research and investigation. But many students turn immediately to the untamed internet when faced with a research assignment, often overlooking the value in a virtual library solution. Virtual library collections, or databases, give students access to trusted content and research tools with links to authoritative information that has been vetted by subject-matter experts. Today’s 21st-century school libraries make use of virtual collections while also giving students ample opportunities for enhancing their digital literacy, research, and collaboration skills which are essential in a globally connected world. With the generous support of Questia School, the editors of eSchool News have compiled this collection of stories from our archives, along with other relevant information from around the web, to help you transform your school libraries for the 21st century.

INICIO Somos una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, establecida 1997, con sede en San José, Costa Rica y nuestra área de acción es América Latina y el Caribe. Conoce más Nuestra misión es proteger el patrimonio latinoamericano -cultural, natural e intangible- posibilitando la democratización de su acceso, conocimiento y uso responsable por parte de las comunidades. Conoce más Soluciones factibles, desde un enfoque integral del patrimonio, que permitan a las organizaciones e instituciones el desarrollo de capacidades, la transparencia en su gestión y la puesta en valor de las colecciones y recursos patrimoniales a su cargo. Conoce más

450 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free Down­load a Free Audio­book from Audi­ble and also Down­load hun­dreds of free audio books, most­ly clas­sics, to your MP3 play­er or com­put­er. Below, you’ll find great works of fic­tion, poet­ry and non-fic­tion, by such authors as Twain, Tol­stoy, Hem­ing­way, Orwell, Von­negut, Niet­zsche, Austen, Shake­speare, Asi­mov, HG Wells & more. Also please see our relat­ed col­lec­tion: The 150 Best Pod­casts to Enrich Your Mind. Fic­tion & Lit­er­a­ture School Library Management Resources for School Librarians - Index Policy Manuals and Other Management Tools How to set up a school library for Non-librarians What Do I Do With All of These Books? Up to Top Handbooks and Guidelines for Students and Faculty Policies Manual - Plainville School, Rainsville, AL. Volunteers Grandview Elementary School Volunteer Info - This is for adult volunteers. Ideas for New Media Specialists The 12 Most Important Things to Do . . . in the First Week of Your New Job - By Carrie Marting and Julie Marie Frye in the Knowledge Quest Blog. This site is maintained by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian, Philadelphia, PA.

Project Gutenberg - free ebooks World Digital Library Home 100 livros clássicos para download Uma compilação com 100 obras, entre autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, escolhidas entre os 10 mil títulos disponíveis no portal Domínio Público. A lista, traz desde livros seminais, formadores da cultural ocidental, como “Arte Poética”, de Aristóteles, até o célebre “Ulisses”, de James Joyce, considerado um dos livros mais influentes do século 20, além de clássicos brasileiros e portugueses. Todo o acervo do portal DP é composto por obras em domínio público ou que tiveram seus direitos de divulgação cedidos pelos detentores legais. No Brasil, os direitos autorais duram setenta anos contados de 1° de janeiro do ano subsequente à morte do autor. A Divina Comédia — Dante Alighieri Ulysses — James Joyce A Metamorfose — Franz Kafka Don Quixote. Don Quixote. Cândido — Voltaire Uma Estação no Inferno — Arthur Rimbaud Iluminuras —Arthur Rimbaud A Esfinge sem Segredo — Oscar Wilde Viagens de Gulliver — Jonathan Swift Poemas — Safo O Elixir da Longa Vida — Honoré de Balzac Arte Poética — Aristóteles

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional Passado Musical Projeto patrocinado pela Petrobrás, com o objetivo de resgatar uma parte da memória musical armazenada na Biblioteca Nacional, no acervo de quase 12 mil discos de 10 polegadas (78 RPM). Edital do Programa de Residência de Tradutores Estrangeiros no Brasil A Fundação Biblioteca Nacional lançou um novo edital do Programa de Residência de Tradutores Estrangeiros no Brasil. EDITAL - Concurso Público - 2014 A Fundação Biblioteca Nacional torna pública a abertura de inscrições e estabelece as normas relativas à realização do Concurso Público para provimento de 40 (quarenta) vagas. Biblioteca Acessível Normas de acesso aos portadores de necessidades especiais, usuários da biblioteca acessível Dados das Bibliotecas Públicas no Brasil As bibliotecas públicas no Brasil são consideradas equipamentos culturais e, portanto, estão no âmbito das políticas públicas do Ministério da Cultura (MinC). Exchange Program for Brazilian Authors 2014 Convocatória - Antologias e Coletâneas de Ensaios
