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Main Page UNdata Linked Data | Linked Data - Connect Distributed Data across the Web How It Works It will take anywhere from 3 seconds to 1 minute for your pic to upload, depending on how big it is. You're going to see this message every time you post a new pic. So, we're making the text really long so that it'll take you at least five picture uploads to read it all. Here's what we're thinking...While your first picture is uploading think about someone you want to kiss. When you upload your second pic think about one friend who you can beat in a race. Mind iT - Intelligent Bookmarking Browse the "About MindiT" LinkMap for quick orientation Table of Content GeneralLinkMaps OperationsSharingBest PracticesThe Next Big 3 Features Under Development General What is MindiT? The MindiT applications includes a browser (Chrome, Firefox) extension to collect the infromation and a graphical representation of the infromation - called "LinkMap" - that allows rapid access. Applications of MindiT LinkMaps include: Creating technical references ("Web Development Reference")Prepering for a perticular event or tripBrainstorming and "Mind Mapping"Researching a perticular subject ("Website Promotion") All LinkMaps are stored online and can be easily accessed from anywhere or shared with friends and colleagues. What is the browser extension used for? Find the most appropriate LinkMap to attach the new itemFind the most appropriate element in the selected LinkMap to attach the new itemSuggest a name for the new elementExtract search tags from the web page How do I import my exisiting bookmarks?

Reinventing business research | Blogabriel » Blog Archive » How to Publish Linked Data on the Web / Comment publier des données liées sur le Web ? (1/10) Chris Bizer (Web-based Systems Group, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), Richard Cyganiak (Web-based Systems Group, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) et Tom Heath (Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK) ont écrit ce beau tutorial de référence dont je veux donner ici une traduction pour en faciliter la diffusion dans l’espace francophone. Je publierai cette traduction en 10 fois, respectant ainsi la découpe en section de l’original. Résumé Ce document fournit un tutoriel sur la façon de publier des données liées sur le Web. 1 – Introduction : les données liées sur le Web L’objectif des données liées est de permettre aux gens de partager des données structurées sur le Web aussi facilement qu’ils peuvent partager des documents d’aujourd’hui. Le terme de données liées (en anglais : linked data) a été inventé par Tim Berners-Lee dans sa note d’architecture Linked Data sur le Web de données liées. Les principes de base des données liées sont les suivantes :

Springo - Top of the Web Intro | Cyborganize Are you sick of running around with too many things in your head? Do you want a way to automatically process information to find your next action? Cyborganize does all that, plus more. It makes thinking and writing automatic. It breaks down complex problems into easy steps. What is it? Cyborganize is a personal info management and productivity system. Cyborganize reduces mental resistance to zero. Cyborganize is the result of many years of experimentation with personal productivity systems. Fortunately, Cyborganize allowed me to cure my chronic fatigue via self-experimentation. Why it’s different Cyborganize is a next-generation productivity system. Like GTD, Cyborganize manages your tasks and related info. Cyborganize is not a list of the “best” software. In my opinion, that’s what’s wrong with today’s personal productivity movement. Cyborganize does both. Why is it so specific? By the way, you are not a unique special snowflake – your brain works just like everyone else’s.

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