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magazine antidote Fashion Wire Daily: the First Word in Fashion Berlin Reified: Food, Design and Everyday Life in Berlin Style News - International Style Gluten Free Recipes | Vegetarian Recipes - The Healthy Apple 160G Fueling Chakras (Foods and Dietary Guidelines) Chakra: Index | Basics | Symbols/Names | Primary 7 | Exercises | Foods | Meditations When you think about your chakra system you probably aren't considering the types of foods that you consume. Because our chakras are energy vortexes and invisible to most of us one might well imagine that chakras would thrive on energy, prayer, or other such spiritual stuff... you know, those things that we can't see with the human eye. However, the chakras cannot sustain our human body without our help. Chakra Foods Check out the foods under each of the seven primary chakras below to help you determine how your current diet might be deficient or over-indulgent. Feeding Your Root Chakra Grounding Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, etc. Feeding Your Sacral Center Nourishing the Sexual/Creativity Center Sweet fruits: melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut, etc. Feeding Your Solar Plexus Chakra Feeding Your Heart Chakra Feeding Your Brow Chakra

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