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Clothes Vocabulary - Learn English Vocabulary

Clothes Vocabulary - Learn English Vocabulary

Present Simple & Present Progressive: présent simple et présent progressif ou continu Notes Notez le 's' à la troisième personne du singulier du 'Present Simple'.Avant d'ajouter -ing, il faut doubler la consonne finale si les deux conditions suivantes sont remplies: le verbe se termine par une seule voyelle suivie d'une seule consonne,la dernière syllabe est accentuée, ou il n'y a qu'une syllabe. Pour savoir si la syllabe est accentuée, il faut consulter un dictionnaire. Emploi Present Progressive Le Present Progressive (ou Present Continuous) s'emploie pour parler de: ce qui se passe maintenant: I'm reading a page on the Internet at the moment. Present Simple Le Present Simple s'emploie pour parler de: ce qui est toujours vrai: The sun rises in the east. Le Present Simple est aussi employé pour les verbes d'état, c'est-à-dire les verbes qui font référence à un état mental, émotionnel, etc. Il est à noter pourtant que certains de ces verbes peuvent avoir une signification autre que celle qu'ils ont lorsqu'ils sont considérés comme des verbes d'état. Pratique

words used to describe clothes - synonyms and related words | Macmillan Dictionary A-line adjective an A-line skirt fits closely around the waist and is slightly wider at the bottom baggy baggy clothes are very loose on your body boot-cut boot-cut trousers become slightly wider at the bottom so that they fit easily over boots brief not covering much of your body button-through British a button-throughskirt or dress has buttons that go from the top to the bottom clingy informal fitting in a way that shows the shape of your body close-fitting showing the shape of your body décolleté a piece of woman’s clothing that is décolleté is very low at the top so that you can see part of her shoulders and breasts easy-care easy-care clothes do not need to be ironed after they are washed full a full piece of clothing is loose on your body because it contains a lot of cloth homespun homespun clothes are made from cloth that someone has produced at home hooded with a hood wearing a piece of clothing that has a hood informal used about the type of clothes that you wear at home or to relax itchy Jackie-O American

Présent simple - What time do you wake up? - I wake up at 9.30 am Principaux emplois : vérités permanentes, actions répétitives/habituelles; sentiments Syntaxe : Ajoutez un -S à la 3ème personne du singulier. Si le verbe se termine par un -y précédé d'une consonne, le -y se change en -ies Exemple (verbe : to wake up / se réveiller): I wake up You wake up He/She/It wakeS up We wake up You wake up They wake up Négation : Utilisez les auxiliaires DON'T ou DOESN'T (3ème forme du singulier) I don't wake up at 9.30 am She doesn't wake up at 9.30 am Le 's' de la 3e personne du singulier vient se greffer à l'auxiliaire DO, pas au verbe. Question : Utilisez DO ou DOES (3ème forme du singulier) Do you wake up at 9.30? Le 's' de la 3e personne du singulier vient se greffer à l'auxiliaire DO, pas au verbe. Réponses : Do you wake up at 9.30 ? EXERCICE: Mettre les verbes au présent simple

DESCRIBING CLOTHING - Dictionary for Kids Rating: 4.2/5 (45 votes cast) Types of Clothing 1 long-sleeved shirt 2 short-sleeved shirt 3 sleeveless shirt 4 turtleneck (shirt) 5 V-neck sweater 6 cardigan sweater 7 crewneck sweater 8 turtleneck sweater 9 knee-high socks 10 ankle socks 11 crew socks 12 pierced earrings 13 clip-on earrings Types of Material 14 corduroy pants 15 leather boots 16 nylon stockings 17 cotton T-shirt 18 denim jacket 19 flannel shirt 20 polyester blouse 21 linen dress 22 silk scarf 23 wool sweater 24 straw hat Patterns 25 striped 26 checked 27 plaid 28 polka-dotted 29 patterned/ print 30 flowered/ floral 31 paisley 32 solid blue Sizes 33 extra-small 34 small 35 medium 36 large 37 extra-large Describing clothes - Clothes, Fashion – Picture Dictionary Parts of clothes and shoes 1 collar 2 lapel 3 sleeve 4 buckle 5 shoelace 6 heel 7. buttonhole 8. button 9. hood 10. sole 11. hemline 12. pocket 13. seam 14. zipper 15. cuff 16. waistband 17. short-sleeved 18. long-sleeved 19. wide 20. narrow 21. baggy 22. loose 23. tight

BBC Learning English | Prononciation Conseils Listening Welcome to EnglishClub Listening, to help you learn the skill of listening in English. Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. What Is Listening? How to Hear English Everywhere How can you hear English when you're not in an English-speaking country? Dictation Do you want to improve your English listening skills? Listen to English by Radio Listen to English online with programmes from stations like the BBC or Voice of America. Listen to the News Listen to our weekly digest of the news in English. Listen to Poetry in English Some classic pieces of poetry and other texts for you to listen to and read. Podcasts You can listen online or download these readings, many of which come with transcript and wordchecker to explain vocabulary. Improve your listening with MyEC! MyEnglishClub features thousands of videos and songs for English learners. This Week in History Listen to a new story every Monday. English Listening Links Words that Rhyme (YL)
