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onism The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is a compendium of invented words written by John Koenig. Each original definition aims to fill a hole in the language—to give a name to emotions we all might experience but don’t yet have a word for. The author's mission is to capture the aches, demons, vibes, joys and urges that roam the wilderness of the psychological interior. ▸ visit the facebook page to hear the backstory behind each word ▸ follow on twitter (@obscuresorrows) for whatever reason ▸ send me a tumblr message describing emotions you need words for ▸ send me an email via JOHN KOENIG is a designer and commercial director who lives in St. He is currently writing a book version of The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. Copyright © 2013 John Koenig.

Descargar libros gratis | EEG Signal Processing for Dummies EEG Signal Processing for Dummies As promised in my previous post about Event-Related Potentials, I will explain the basics and standard steps commonly used in the analysis of EEG signals. There is a lot of literature and many concepts are involved in the field of EEG signal processing, and some of them can get very technical and difficult. That is why my aim in this post is to try to give a general overview of the different concepts without getting into too much detail. Figure 1: Basic steps applied in EEG data analysis 1. As we can see from figure 1, the first thing we need is some raw EEG data to process. 2. The next step could be considered the most important one: feature extraction. There are other feature extraction methods that are worth mentioning, such as EEG tomography, that allows us to compute the regions inside the brain that are active (applying the so-called inverse-problem approach). Figure 2: Example of a graph. 3. 4. Well, that's all for now.

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13 Vital Reminders For Writers Writing is tough work. If I may be so bold as to attempt a simile, I’d say that it’s like walking through a dark forest, but with your legs tied together. So in actuality you’re not really walking at all. But sort of hopping. Oh yes, and there’s a little devil perched upon your shoulder whispering sweet doubts in your ear. And the worst thing of all is that he’s composing his insults more poetically than you ever could. To battle this devil, here are 13 punchy quotes that will help you remain focused as you hop through that dark forest.

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