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Social Media Advertising, Social Games Advertising, Online Brand Advertising

Social Media Advertising, Social Games Advertising, Online Brand Advertising
April 03, 2014 MediaPost | A Common-Sense Look At The New IAB Viewability Guidelines You probably took note of the Media Research Council (MRC) and IAB guidelines on viewability that were released earlier this week. Here’s what you need to know -- and what plenty of people in the industry are still missing. There’s no questioning th... April 01, 2014

Top 12 Online Fundraising Platforms for Donors & Non-Profits Thanks to the social web, each of us has the unprecedented ability to offer not only monetary support but also the reach of our own online networks in support of a cause. Non-profits can also tap into a myriad of sites enhanced by social media to turbo-charge fundraising campaigns and galvanize supporters. Here are some of the best funding sites that leverage social networks and online crowds to help you do some (social) good. We Make Brands Social Oracle Social Relationship Management delivers the first, unified solution for social monitoring, marketing, applications, engagement and analysis, and it fully integrates products from Vitrue including Publisher, Tabs, Shops, Games, Open Graph Object and Analytics. - News Feeds im Abo Home » Internet Startups » – bringt Blogbetreibern und interessierten Lesern kostenlos Vorteile Heute stelle ich euch ein Berliner Startup vor, dass Blogbetreibern dabei helfen kann, mehr Traffic auf ihren Blog zu lenken und neue Stammleser zu akquirieren: für Blogbetreiber Email Marketing Pricing Can I try Emma first before signing up? You betcha! With an Emma trial account, you can get a taste of the full account experience by creating a campaign and sending it to your list, setting up audience groups, performing searches, you name it. Whenever you're ready to send more email, you can simply activate your account and continue the work you already started. How can I pay?

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Ab sofort suchen wir Verstärkung für unser Team. Mit bauen wir an der Zukunft der Supermärkte. Bist du bereit für eine spannende Aufgabe? Dann melde dich bei uns. Kindling Idea Management We keep your ideas safe Many of the world's largest financial institutions trust Kindling with their data, and we take this responsibility very seriously. We view securing all of our customer's data as our most important corporate function. Social Media Management Software Über uns - triptailr triptailr ist die Lösung, wenn deine Urlaubsplanung nicht Suchmaschinen, sondern Menschen machen sollen. Sag uns einfach, wer du bist und was dich interessiert, und wir übernehmen den Rest: Denn nur bei triptailr bekommst du Vorschläge, die zu dir persönlich passen, und nicht Suchergebnisse für jedermann. Reiseplanung? Reiseplanung! Im Durchschnitt verbringen wir 9 Stunden auf 13 verschiedenen Websiten, bevor wir uns entschließen, eine Reise online zu buchen. *Online Business Blog, 2013

Crowdrise It will take anywhere from 3 seconds to 1 minute for your pic to upload, depending on how big it is. You're going to see this message every time you post a new pic. So, we're making the text really long so that it'll take you at least five picture uploads to read it all. Here's what we're thinking...While your first picture is uploading think about someone you want to kiss. When you upload your second pic think about one friend who you can beat in a race. On your third photo upload think about your favorite food that begins with the letter H.

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