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Heather Christo Cooks

Heather Christo Cooks

Sugar-free Hot Cross Bun Truffles + Win a $100 Bed Bath N’ Table Gift Card Chocolate at Easter time is such a given, as are the traditional hot cross buns. Combining the two in a bite-sized truffle is a fun and indulgent way to enjoy a treat these holidays. Dairy-free, sugar-free, vegan and Paleo. A few months ago, as I was brainstorming recipe ideas for the March issue of Nourish Magazine, a simple google search for Easter hot cross bun truffles uncovered a number of good-looking but sugar-laden recipes that also contained dairy. I wanted mine to be different, so I got to work and made these. See also: Natural Dye Easter Eggs They ended up looking really cute, especially when served up on this Bed Bath N’ Table cake stand – see giveaway below. The base is made with blended raw cashews and vanilla powder – just on its own it tastes sublime! See also: 77+ Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Organic wild dried blueberries add that element of dried fruit to the truffles. Giveaway: Win a $100 Bed Bath N’ Table Gift Card Just in time for Easter! Cuisine: Easter Prep time: link

Amel's Kitchen Good Life Eats bulut ağacı lemon « Resep Minuman Untuk anda yang suka memasak, pasti tak asing lagi dengan yang namanya sereh. Sereh atau juga disebut serai, bisa juga disebut Lemon Grass ini merupakan tanaman anggota rumput-rumputan yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Umumnya sereh ini digunakan sebagai penyedap dan pengharum masakan. Yakin deh masakan anda akan sedap dan beraroma jika ditambahkan sereh. Sereh beraroma wangi karena sera memiliki kandungan minyak atsiri. Selain membuat nikmat masakan? • Membantu memulihkan pilek dan flu • Mengurangi demam • Membantu menyembuhkan kram, perut kembung, dan nyeri rematik • Membantu menjaga kesehatan pencernaan • Mencegah infeksi lambung, usus dan saluran kemih karena dalam sereh terdapat kandungan antibakteri. Nah setelah tahu manfaat sereh, pastinya ingin kan mengkonsusmsi sereh. tak perlu mengkonsumsi mentah-mentah, karena kita bisa menyajikan sereh ini dengan segara dan tentunya tanpa menghilangkan manfaat kesehatnnya. Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat resep minuman ini adalah :

How Sweet It Is Ginger Scallion Chicken Meatballs, Baby Bok Choy, Shiitake Mushrooms, and Soba in Broth {recipe} I have nothing. No clever, marginally related dating, delicious, dating delicious, nor life story tie-in to my recipe for Ginger Scallion Chicken Meatballs. However, March 9, in addition to being one of my first blog friend Eliot‘s, seven other facebook friends’, and my mama’s birthday, is National Meatball Day and at this point, that’s about as good a story as it’s going to get. My version of Ginger Scallion Chicken Meatballs was inspired a year ago by Bon Appetit magazine. Their recipe is neither the original nor remarkably unqiue, but it was the first one that caught my attention because of they way it’s served — in a shallow pool of light stock rather than smothered in a sticky sauce. I added grilled baby bok choy to the bowl my second attempt, then shiitake mushrooms on a third attempt, and finally soba noodles with double the soup. The key to my version is that you’re supposed to make a generous batch of Ginger Scallion Sauce for something else first. Happy Birthday, Mama! serves 4

Home - They Draw & Cook Kalyn's Kitchen Pizza sans gluten Pizza sans gluten Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais publier ma recette de pâte à pizza sans gluten, mais je ne pensais jamais à dégainer mon appareil photo. Après avoir testé différentes pâtes extraites de différents livres sur le "sans gluten", je n'avais jamais réussi à obtenir de pâte fine, croustillante telle une véritable pizza. j'en ai essayé avec plusieurs sortes de farines, sans succès. Finalement je suis revenue aux sources et je prends une farine spéciale pain panifiable sans gluten de la marque Dr Schar. Abandonnez tout espoir de pâte ferme, que l'on étale au rouleau, votre pâte sera compacte et bourrative. 200 ml d'eau tiède /chaude1 cc de levure de boulanger sèche175 gr de Mix pan de schär 1 petite cc de sel1/2 cc de sucre1 cuillère à soupe d'huile d'olive Dans un récipient, versez l'eau et la levure, mélangez et attendre quelques instants afin qu'elle se dissolve. Ajoutez la farine, le sel et le sucre et mélangez bien. Préchauffer votre four th8 / 240 °
