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3DEnvironmentalist | Dax Pandhi's Official Website Motion Graphics Inspiration Talib Kweli feat. Abby Dobson - State of Grace (Official Music Video)dreambear Michael Bublé - You Make Me Feel So Young Video - Animated VideoTigrelab 2014 Oscars Graphics Montage by Mill+The Mill Sticky ↓ Sevenfold Random Magazine - New Media Art / E-culture Illustration « Hydro74 I was getting ready to work on a project when I noticed a folder I actually forgot about. It was a old illustration mock for a client (that never paid, ha) from about 2 years ago. The illustration is decent. But i will never get a use out of it. HydroFree: The MudBug *Enjoy & Share a file with a friend this week. Finally Done… June 7, 2007 Ah… Feels nice to get this project done. so yeah, these are the final pieces. Here is the first piece. These two prints are in process of getting printed. email me if interested: Here are a few pieces that were prepped for for Cosh today. This weekend I went over to the bookstore to pick up the new issue of Ride Magazine to see how the ad turned out for Kink which is on the back cover. Last week was a pretty busy and insane week. Here is a larger version. Tech Rex V.5 May 23, 2007 Here is the illustration with a little color added. Tech Rex V.4 May 21, 2007 Here is the line art. Tech Rex V.3 May 18, 2007

2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle… la typographie » 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle… la typographie La question du parasite, du symbiote hante la question du support. Une interaction, une concurrence des signes qu’abrite, que supporte le médium. Nous rappelant que ce moyen nécessaire des images et des textes est, en plus d’un centre — d’un canal qui relie les flux du message, entre production et perception, émission et réception — un genre de centre. Comprendre un centre de vie avec ses compétitions, ses interaction, ses équilibres. Un lieu biologique avec des corps qui se développent de façon plus ou moins contrôlée, plus ou moins intentionnelle. Le bruit est justement cette catégorie de signe non désiré, non intentionnel qui surgit de l’économie, de la génétique ou de la pragmatique des supports. Mathias Schweizer m’annonçait fièrement, il y a quelque temps, que ses photomontages numériques n’étaient achevés que quand il y glissait un, je cite, « poil de cul », sans que je sache très bien si l’expression était plus ou moins métaphorique.

SEHER ONE 32 magnifiques « infographies typographiques » Il y a les infographies et les infographies typographiques. Dans ces dernières, les designers usent de leur intelligence pour jouer avec les mots et les fontes de bien jolie manière. Les mots sont sans doute le meilleur outil existant pour véhiculer des idées. Mais les mots arrangés au sein d’une visualisation spécifique et travaillée peuvent être encore plus efficaces pour passer un message ou une idée. Aussi, si l’on voit fleurir sur le Web un grand nombre d’infographies, peu d’entre elles mettent l’accent sur la typographie. Les infographies typographiques vont donc plus loin, mettant en valeur, grâce à la typographie et les effets typographiques, des messages clés au sein même d’une infographie. Un seul mot d’ordre : l’expérimentation. Source

Rare Photos: Hitler's Bunker, Captured by LIFE Photographer In April 1945, as Russian and German troops fought — savagely, street by street — for control of the German capital, it became increasingly clear that the Allies would win the war in Europe. Not long after the two-week battle for Berlin ended, 33-year-old LIFE photographer William Vandivert was on the scene, photographing the city’s devastated landscape — and the eerie, almost unfathomable scene inside the bunker where Adolf Hitler spent the last months of his life; where he and Eva Braun were married; and where, just before war’s end, the two killed themselves. Between August 1940 and March 1945 American, Royal Air Force and Soviet bombers launched more than 350 air strikes on Berlin; tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and countless buildings — apartment buildings, government offices, military installations — were obliterated. Vandivert, LIFE reported, “found almost every famous building [in Berlin] a shambles.

Bulking Out a Puppet- Mail Man I think I'll take a little break from talking about my puppet head construction and save part III for another time. Today I'll be showing the progress of adding padding to bulk out my puppet. Unlike 'Elle' (Our actress character) who's body is mostly sculpted and cast in silicone, the Mail Man's will be padded out using sponges and foams since most of his body is covered by his uniform. Once the armature is padded out his clothing will be made to fit and sewn together using real fabrics. There will be two Mail Man puppets used for filming so I will be working on both armatures simultaneously to make sure the two puppets are padded identically. You can find out more about the construction of these armature on my brothers blog HERE. Now for the hard part....or parts. Square holes where cut to allow access to the rigging points. The chest secton was made using the same techniques as described above. Now for the soft parts. The arms where made using the thicker foam.

Lufthansa Boeing B747-8 / LH Magazine images by: Marcin GruszczykSoftwares: 3ds max, After Effects, Brazil r/s, Photoshop We're glad to be able to show some of the images we've produced for Lufthansa's new Boeing 747-8. The images were featured in full glory in a special edition of the Lufthansa Magazine. As with our previous work for Lufthansa, Jens Goerlich was responsible for the photography side. All background shots were taken in the Mojave Desert, together with corresponding high-res HDR panoramic images. There were some additional shots of a runway taken at an airfield that were later composed into the original shots. Credits: Client, Production: Jens Polkowski / Deutsche Lufthansa AG Photography: Jens Goerlich Additional modeling: Fjodor Tscherkassow Postproduction: Meike Wittenstein / mo postproduction HDR pipeline: Jens Polkowski, Martin RepplingerCG Portfolio - more information Ads

Arnaud de Mullenheim
