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7 Essential Tools for a Flipped Classroom - Getting Smart by Guest Author - classrooms, EdTech, flipped classroom

7 Essential Tools for a Flipped Classroom - Getting Smart by Guest Author - classrooms, EdTech, flipped classroom
By: Erin Palmer The flipped classroom uses technology to allow students more time to apply knowledge and teachers more time for hands-on education. It’s a continually changing strategy that evolves with technology. Innovative educators are usually on the lookout for the latest technology breakthroughs that will help them better organize and conduct flipped classrooms. The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging. Google Docs Google Docs have many advantages over traditional word processing programs, including real-time automatic updates visible to all users, a feature that enables robust discussion and sharing. YouTube Ideal for first-time flippers, YouTube offers a user-friendly, universally understood platform for taped lectures and other educational videos. Teachem The Flipped Learning Network Camtasia Studio Edmodo or Schoology This guest post was provided by Erin Palmer. Related:  Blended LearningClasses inversées

Workshop: ICT for a change - How teaching in the unified classroom ... What is a Flipped Classroom Infographic Plus The Educator Guide to Flipped Classroom Teacher Infographics ProProfs presents you this info-graphic that introduces the concept of flipped classrooms. It offers you information on how teachers and students respond to this new idea of learning. Also, you may want to check The Educators’ Guide to Flipped Classroom, where you will find answer on how does a flipped classroom contribute to student learning, the top benefits and disadvantages of a flipped classroom, and last but not least, how to successfully Flip your classroom. Finally, I highly encourage you to check: Progressive Education: The Rising Power Of Student Voice Read many current educational articles or twitter feeds, and it becomes pretty clear that progressive educationalists are gaining voice. A strategy for creating a School e-learning culture Education is constantly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach. The Concept of Individualized Learning Plans in eLearning Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

Beautiful web-based timeline software péda inversée en 4 phases - mindmap 7 Stories From Educators About Teaching In The Flipped Classroom Informed articles and commentary on this powerful and often misunderstood concept. The University of Wisconsin’s Stout School of Education publishes a great Tech Tips newsletter. The last few issues of this newsletter have been packed with resources focused on topics near and dear to us here at EmergingEdTech, and we strongly recommend signing up for this free publication. I spent a good deal of time reading and appreciating the resources shared in a recent Tech Tips newsletter focused on the concept of “the flipped classroom”. Below I have shared several of the articles listed in the newsletter, along with a few more that I searched out, and I’ve provided a little insight into each of them. (Click image to access a Flipped Classroom Infographic from There is a wealth of experienced, constructive knowledge shared in this content. The Flipped Class: Myths Vs. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

Le 20 Heures de France 2 du 6 octobre 2013 en replay Deux cibles et deux raids simultanés des forces spéciales américaines, l'un en Libye et l'autre en Somalie pour interpeller 2 chefs islamistes. Washington confirme que la traque contre les terroristes se poursuit. Nous retrouverons sur place Jacques Cardoze. "Nous sommes de facto en compétition." Des enseignes Castorama et Leroy Merlin étaient ouvertes ce dimanche. Et si les solutions pour l'école venaient des enseignants eux-mêmes ? Un nouvel album enregistré à Nashville, une tournée à venir et un film avec Tonie Marshall. Le message est clair : Washington poursuit sa traque des terroristes. Les Etats-Unis proposaient 5 millions de dollars pour la capture d'Abou Anal al Liby. Les Etats-Unis ne cesseront jamais la traque des auteurs présumés d'actes terroristes. Selon ce spécialiste, cette stratégie de contre-terrorisme est de plus en plus employée par l'administration Obama. Hier, les Américains ont lancé deux opérations simultanées.

Create A Classroom Poster Using Google Docs I have been sharing a great deal of educational posters here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. I love using posters with my students and I know many of you love them too. Sometimes it seems like we can not find the exact poster we want for our class and this is when we need to use our techy skills to craft our own posters. The process is not very hard and anybody with the rudimentary tech knowledge can do it in a matter of minutes. I have already featured a post containing several web tools to help you create your posters. However, I recently got some requests from some of my readers asking me about the tool I used in creating the posters I shared in my Freebies section. Click on each image to see it in full view 1- Open Google Docs, click on create, then on drawing 2- Give your poster a title and enlarge the drawing canvas 3- Customize the background of your poster 4- Insert lines, arrows, and text 5- Click on Insert menu to choose among many actions as shown in the screenshot

Flipped classroom ou la classe inversée : l’utilisation de la vidéo pour substituer l’enseignement magistral Peut-être ce concept vous est-il familier, ou du moins vous en avez entendu parler à travers les branches? Sinon, voici un bref survol de ce qui depuis peu a fait son apparition sur les lèvres des enseignants des écoles primaires jusqu’aux professeurs des universités, et ce surtout dans le milieu anglophone. Qu’en est-il? Vous conviendrez qu’il n’y a rien d’innovant à utiliser des vidéos pour enrichir l’enseignement; plusieurs exemples de l’utilisation de capsules vidéo comme outil pédagogique couvrent l’actualité éducative. Nous avons qu’à penser, entre autres, aux diverses plateformes pédagogiques qui permettent d’ajouter des vidéos pour consultations par les étudiants ou encore à la Khan Academy. Ce qui distingue la classe inversée, c’est l’approche pédagogique rendue possible par les vidéos. D’où vient cet engouement? Pour en savoir davantage et surtout si vous vous sentez interpellés par l’expérience, il existe plusieurs références sur le web qui sauront guider votre choix.

Blended learning solution in practice Blended learning is not only the buzz word. It is actually working. Why? Because we all realized that no single teaching approach is good enough to work for all learners. Since time immemorial we’ve been blending different instructional methods in our training initiatives. What blended learning actually is? We’ve been hired by a training institution to help them design a blended training program for unemployed people aged from 25 to 35, to become accountants, using relevant accounting software. 1. Benefits: Learners could use these lessons at their own pace and according to their prior knowledge;Learners could come prepared to classroom workshops;Learners could use these learning materials also during and after the classroom workshops if needed; 2. Benefits: The same online learning environment was provided for the learners also during live sessions. 3. And what do learners think about this kind of blend? About Jana Jan @janajan00LinkedInGoogle+

La classe inversée, une piste d'avenir pour la France ? A l'heure du décrochement sensible de la France dans les grands classements éducatifs internationaux, repenser le mariage entre pédagogie et TICE (les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication appliquées à l'Enseignement) est essentiel. Non seulement ces dernières peuvent permettre aux enseignants et aux apprenants de développer des compétences utiles aux élèves - créativité et autonomie, capacités de résolution de problèmes et de raisonnement, capacités de sélection de l'information et de communication, etc. - mais elles peuvent en plus renouveler nos approches pédagogiques. Pour cela, il convient cependant d'éviter deux écueils : ne pas voir les TICE comme un élément central dans un processus d'apprentissage global (et donc les intégrer de façon décrochée à la pédagogie) et consécutivement mettre en place la technologie d'abord et seulement ensuite songer aux applications pédagogiques de cette technologie. Libérer du temps pour une éducation individualisée

The 25 best education apps for connected classrooms Figuring out which tool is right for the job is something we all struggle with every day. Whether you’re a contractor, plumber, or teacher, there’s a lot of options to choose from. Teachers managing connected classrooms have it quite rough, though. About The Methodology To help answer your question, we polled the Daily Genius community via social media and then curated a list of the most popular apps being used in classrooms right now. What follows is the result of this effort. The 25 Best Education Apps For Connected Classrooms The following list is meant to be a useful snapshot at the top 25 apps for iOS and Android that are actually in use in many classrooms around the world. About The Badge The badge you see in this post is awarded to the creators of each app you see below. ClassDojo ClassDojo helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. Socrative Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative! Twitter Diigo Book marking tool. Evernote Remind Nearpod
