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Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed
The Key to Happiness Literally Lies Within You Are you sick and tired of searching for the answer to health and happiness outside of yourself? On the internet, at the doctors, in a book, on a course? This is just not true. The answer to our health and happiness lies within us. We look for the answers everywhere but inside ourselves. Go to bed when you are tired Put clothes on when you are cold Drink when you are thirsty Eat food when you are hungry Take clothes off when you are hot Avoid using the body when you have been injured and many other ways it stays in communication with you so that you can continue breathing, walk freely, and process food so that you remain nourished. The problem that we have is that there is so much body hatred in our societies in both men and women that we generally ignore our bodies’ wisdom in the pursuit of perfection. How do we do this? We- And on. We have lost the ability to listen to the wisdom of your body and we rely on external signals to function.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® Lecture on: 05/17/1990 Location: Los Angeles, CA Copyright © The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan class, you need to eat as many melons, preferably cantaloupes, as you can during the day and then do the meditation at the end of the day. This class goes with 5/18/90. You won't believe what I'm going to say, but I have said it for twenty years and I know you don't believe what I am saying because you don't understand what I'm saying. You have also been told that you are not pretty, you are not beautiful, so you have to make up. When we see a lot of insanity around us we start worrying. Please don't misunderstand that anybody is a handicap. Actually man has never understood one thing: it is the most notorious thing in the mind of the man and that is the thought. I have myself reached an age of sixty-one. One day I was sitting in a bus. You know how low and mean we are that we try to look good to ourselves? It is amazing. It is so simple. Then why we can't all do it when we know it so well? 1. #2.

Spiritual Growth Tools Tres Tipos Poderosos Y Faciles Para Magnetizar Tu Trabajo Ideal por Olivia Reyes Las encuestas internacionales dicen que más de un 90% de la población se encuentra a disgusto con su trabajo y de alguna forma sienten que su vida es miserable por tener que realizar una labor que no les satisface. A continuación encontrarás varios tips muy eficientes para revertir el paradigma y comenzar a crear el trabajo de tus sueños. Son tips muy sencillos pero son la créme de la ciencia de la creación deliberada, así que ponlos a trabajar a tu favor ;) 1. 2. 3. Mi lista de diversión en el trabajo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Recibe el E-book gratis: "La Ley de la Atracción, como hacer uso de una ley que rige tu vida para bien ó para mal" descárgalo aqui:

:mnmlist Life: 100 Ways To Screw It Up A couple of months ago I wrote a blog post about 100 Ways To Live A Better Life. The post got featured almost instantly on Delicious, Reddit and StumbleUpon. Since then, it gets a few hundreds hits every day and a new comment every once in while (although it’s more than 2 months old now). But re-reading it the other day I spotted a slight imbalance. Then it hit me: life is not pink. So, I realized I know at least 100 ways to screw up your life too. [Update: There is an ebook based on this. Without further ado, let’s start: 1. Feel sorry about what happened to you. 2. Even if you know you’re lied. 3. Wrong partnerships may be both personal or professional. 4. Make them “bigger” than you. 5. Daydreaming is good. 6. Because you’re too tired of doing the same stupid things again while you’re awake. 7. If you did something wrong, instead of a) assessing what was really wrong, b) learn the lesson and c) move on, play the guilt card. 8. If you lost something, act like you’ve lost everything.

I resolve to keep things in perspective. One of my resolutions is “Remember how little most things matter in the long run.” Also, I’m trying to be less defensive when I make mistakes. I hate to be wrong, I hate to screw up, I hate to forget to do something – and it really bothers me when I do. I want to bore everyone with my endless explanations, justifications, and excuses. This came up last night. “No,” I said (what chucklehead, I wondered, would give a surprise party for an eight-year-old?). “Because the invitation says ‘Surprise,’” my friend explained, very nicely. “Yes,” someone else chimed in. “Oh, my gosh, really? I immediately sent an email to class parents, with the subject head, “The surprise is on ME”: Hello all – somehow, I did not notice that our birthday-party invitation has “SURPRISE” written on it.How this is possible, I don’t know – but the party is NOT a surprise. Why let it bother me? I keep reminding myself of the commandment, “Let it go.”

VISUALIZACION PARA LIBERACION DEL RENCOR :: MUJER EXITOSA Para comenzar vamos a empezar con una relajación por medio de la respiración inspirando y exalando por la naríz siete veces, hasta que toda ansiedad se disipe. Comienza poco a poco regulando tu respiración, suave y pausadamente, escucha tu corazón, siente tu cuerpo, tu energía, permite que tu energía fluya a través de tu cuerpo suavemente. Visualízate a ti mismo en un lugar donde te sientas feliz, cómoda/o, puede ser lo que tú quieras, un un bosque, un lago, en fin, tu pones las reglas y tu imaginación la materia prima .Diviértete creando ese lugarcito mágico. Ahora, viene la parte tanto difícil como divertida… Llama con tu mente y corazón a las personas hacia quienes guardas rencor una a una, invoca su esencia, su ser. Trabaja de una en una y como te sientas mejor, si te incomoda en algo el proceso déjalo y vuelve a intentarlo después pues no queremos que las emociones se arremolinen demasiado. Ahora, con la fuerte intención de liberarte haz el movimiento para soltarlo.

Why Forgiveness Is Power? To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. ~Robert Muller Do you consider yourself to be a forgiving or resentful person? If somebody has hurt you in the past or did something to make you suffer, would you hold on to those past events, thoughts and feelings, or would you just let them go? I always say that where there is anger, hate, revenge, bitterness, there is also a lot of pain underneath, and I really believe that to be true. I know it’s a lot easier to give back exactly what you receive, and in this case, a lot of negativity, but we don’t want to do what’s easier, but rather what is best for our health, well being and also of those around us. Just think about it. I guess it’s time for you to stop, don’t you think? For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Who is the person that mistreated you?

Afirmaciones positivas para la Salud | Dentro de Mi Esta entrada ha sido leida 17.642 veces Para ayudar a nuestro organismo a través de nuestros pensamientos son muy útiles las siguientes afirmaciones de salud, si estás enfermo o si estás sano es importante crearnos la realidad de que nuestro cuerpo funciona a la perfección, para así fortalecer nuestra salud. La palabra es poder, cuando las pronunciamos activamos el campo de energía a nuestro alrededor pero recuerda esto es solo una parte del proceso debes tomar acción también. Las siguientes afirmaciones puedes adecuarlas a tus necesidades, utilizando palabras más cómodas para ti y de acuerdo a tu situación o enfermedad específica. Siéntete libre de crear tus propias afirmaciones positivas con respecto a la salud. Al igual que funcionan las afirmaciones para atraer dinero o amor entre otros también nos sirve para mejorar y mantener nuestra buena salud, solo tenemos que desearla, creer en ellas y decir todo de forma positiva. Aprende más Afirmaciones Positivas en los siguientes artículos:
