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Knowledge At Wharton Business - Personal Training Business Action Plan. Darden Speaker Series This series features speakers who have visited Darden as part of the Darden Distinguished Speaker Series (DDSS), the Darden Leandership Forum (DLF), and the 50th Anniversary Speaker Series. The speaker series brings top-level corporate, government, and industry leaders to Darden to discuss current business issues and trends, and their individual leadership philosophy. These guest speakers represent a variety of experiences, industries and geographical regions, but all share a similar commitment to the core values consistent with the Darden mission: to better society by developing leaders in the world of practical affairs. Subscribe to this series of podcasts: or auto-subscribe in iTunes: Monday, March 4, 2013DAPHNE KOLLER, CO-FOUNDER OF COURSERA The Darden Leadership Speaker Series presents Daphne Koller, Co-founder of Coursera, a social entrepreneurship company that works with top universities to make the best education freely accessible to everyone. James P. John A. Martha N. Wendy L.

"The Hundred Dollar Business" Blog Temple SmallBizU The Temple University Small Business Development Center provides exceptional training opportunities for start-up and existing business owners. Take advantage of the free or nominally priced educational programs. Classes are available in the following areas: Business PlanningBusiness OperationsHuman resourcesAccounting, FinanceTaxesMarketingSalesLegal Issues There are also excellent training opportunities in international trade, environmental, government procurement and technology commercialization. Our two featured series are our Entrepreneurial Success Workshop and Construction Management Certificate program.

100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching By Tara Miller Some educators have expressed an appreciation for the irony of experienced instructors who have had to learn about social media later in their careers teaching it to younger students who have grown up in an Internet environment. Despite what may seem to be somewhat of a disadvantage, the experienced teacher brings life lessons and the ability to guide students in a positive direction no matter the topic being taught. The following tips, tools, and resources can assist any teacher with the basics about social media and ways to share that information with students. Tips and Resources for Educators From tips on combating fear of social media to tools and articles to help guide you, these resources will get you off to a good start. Social Media Classroom. Networking Help students learn about networking with these tips and resources. Networking. Creating a Positive Web Presence Keep Your E-Image Clean. Blogging Blogging in the Classroom. Social Networking Sites Twitter

New Consumer Bill of Rights The original work done by John F. Kennedy on the Consumer Bill of Rights was a towering achievement and it was never our intent to start from scratch. In fact, it was our intent to change the original as little as possible while still expanding and updating the rights. Our amendments are to three of the current five rights. 1) The right to safety: We made two additions to the language that we believe represents the expectation that today's consumer should have as part of an exchange with any enterprise. 2) The right to be informed: This section saw the biggest changes probably based on two factors: the power of transparency to empower consumers and the newfound access now possible through the creation of the Internet. Additions represented here in italics: These amendments were made to represent our new understanding that what is in our products can be as dangerous as what is in or on our foods. 3) The right to choose: This right saw two important amendments.

100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists | Best Colleges Online Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. If you’re looking for even more amazing lectures, check out our updated list for 2012 with more talks from great minds. General Let the world’s top scientists explain exactly how they do their job when you listen to these lectures. Science and Engineering From materials science to the study of thermodynamics, learn more about the science of engineering here. WTC Lecture – collapse of WTC Buildings: Steven E. Biology and Medicine From drug research to evolution to writing the genetic code, watch these lectures for the latest developments in biology and medical research. Chemistry These chemistry scientists discuss the atomic theory of matter and other mind-boggling principles in the following lectures.

COMMON Watch as Alex Bogusky, Rob Schuham and John Bielenberg present COMMON, and follow along with the deck below (Download PDF). We’re confident that benefiting people, communities, society, the environment and future generations is the new advantage in business. We’re launching the COMMON brand in support of this transition from competitive advantage to collaborative advantage. COMMON is one part community; one part business prototyper; and one part collaborative brand. A living network of creative people rapidly prototyping dozens or hundreds of progressive businesses designed to solve social problems.
