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Tooltipster - The jQuery Tooltip Plugin

Tooltipster - The jQuery Tooltip Plugin
Styling your tooltips with a custom look ⇑ Tooltipster makes it very easy to go from one of the packaged themes and customize a few properties of your choice. To do so, we recommend that you create a so-called "secondary theme" which will override some properties of a packaged theme. Create a new css file and include it in your page. For your secondary theme to be applied, provide an array of themes instead of just one. Changing the size of the arrow might be the only challenging customization but it's doable! Updating a tooltip's content ⇑ It's easy as pie to update a tooltip's content - whether it's open or closed. $('#myelement').tooltipster('content', 'My new content'); // or when you have the instance of the tooltip: instance.content('My new content'); Tooltipster plays a subtle animation when the content changes. Using AJAX to generate your tooltip content ⇑ One great use for this is to grab dynamic content for your tooltips via AJAX. Forcing or disabling sides ⇑ Predefined behaviors

kamens/jQuery-menu-aim ColorBox, une lightbox jQuery légère et extensible ColorBox est un plugin jQuery qui permet de générer une lightbox légère et totalement personnalisable pour accueillir photos, textes ou vidéos. Avec plus de quarante options disponibles, ColorBox s’inscrit dans la lignée des meilleurs générateurs de « pop-in ». Facile à utiliser, c’est aussi un des plugins jQuery les plus utilisés sur Internet. Un plugin léger et complet Au même titre que Fancybox, ColorBox est un plugin de qualité. Parmi la multitude d’options, vous retrouverez le type de transition (« fade », « elastic » ou « none »), la vitesse d’animation, l’insertion d’une légende, les boutons de navigation, le degré d’opacité du background, les dimensions de la lightbox, l’activation du diaporama, ou encore la navigation au clavier. Facile à mettre en place ColorBox est très simple à utiliser. Une fois la structure prête, on déclare jQuery et le plugin (script et feuille de style) dans notre document. Il existe de nombreux plugins jQuery qui proposent de la génération de lightbox.

jQuery Easing Plugin Description A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. Please note, the easing function names changed in version 1.2. Please also note, you shouldn't really be hotlinking the script from this site, if you're after a CDN version you could do worse than try Download Download the following: Example Click on any of the yellow headers to see the default easing method in action (I've set as easeOutBounce for the demo, just because it's obviously different). Select easing types for the demo first one for down, second one for up. The Clicker Updates 12/11/07 1.3 jQuery easing now supports a default easing mode. 04/10/07 1.2 Updated to include all methods from Robert Penners easing equations. 28/06/07 1.1.1 Updated the method to not overwrite the newly renamed 'swing', or the new 'linear' style coming in 1.1.3. 22/06/07 Rewritten the above to include callback syntax, nothing else has changed. Advertisements Need reliable hosting for your blog? Credits Donate Usage Default Custom

Magnific Popup: Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device(for jQuery or Zepto.js). Examples Single image lightbox Three simple popups with different scaling settings. 1 — fits horizontally and vertically, 2 — only horizontally, 3 — no gaps, zoom animation, close icon in top-right corner. Lightbox gallery You may put any HTML content in each gallery item and mix content types. Zoom-gallery If you wish to open the popup only after image is fully loaded, you may preload image via JS. Popup with video or map In this example lightboxes are automatically disabled on small screen size and default behavior of link is triggered. Dialog with CSS animation Animations are added with simple CSS transitions, you can make them look however you wish.More animation effects on CodePen. Popup with form Entered data is not lost if you open and close the popup or if you go to another page and then press back browser button. Ajax popup Fast

Parallax Gallery In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a Flash parallax scrolling gallery from scratch. Parallax scrolling is frequently used in most 2D animation and games, where the background images and foreground images scroll at different rate of speed. This will create an illusion of depth as the background images are moving slower than the foreground images. View Demo Gallery Download Demo ZIP 1. First we need to make a tiled wood floor image. 2. Now make a new document, 2520 x 450px. 3. Make a rectangle shape just below the wall. 4. Select foreground color #f0ecd6 and make a rectangle shape above the floor layer. 5. Paste in your vector logo on the wall. 6. Now it is time to add in some furnitures in the scene. Couch's Shadow Make a new layer. Go to Edit > Free Transform (Cmd + T). 7. Make a new selection as shown with the Pen Tool. 8. Since these steps are very repetitive, I'm not going to further explain the details. 9. First, export the tiled background image. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Backbone.js Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface. The project is hosted on GitHub, and the annotated source code is available, as well as an online test suite, an example application, a list of tutorials and a long list of real-world projects that use Backbone. Backbone is available for use under the MIT software license. You can report bugs and discuss features on the GitHub issues page, on Freenode IRC in the #documentcloud channel, post questions to the Google Group, add pages to the wiki or send tweets to @documentcloud. Backbone is an open-source component of DocumentCloud. Downloads & Dependencies (Right-click, and use "Save As") Backbone's only hard dependency is Underscore.js ( >= 1.5.0). Introduction Many of the examples that follow are runnable. Upgrading to 1.1

jQuery plugin for Avgrund concept popin Avgrund is a jQuery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses interesting concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations (e.g. in IE 6-9 has standard behavior). You can simply init Avgrund with one line and linking 'avgrund.css' file: $('element').avgrund(); Avgrund has several options for you to customize it easily: Avgrund plugin was inspired by Hakim's Avgrund.js demo.

Les meilleures solutions de diaporama flash et javascriptWebCssDesign Les meilleures solutions de diaporama flash et javascript Voici un récapitulatif des meilleures solutions de diaporama flash ou javascript gratuites jQuery, Mootools et Prototype Polaroid Gallery v.1.01 Polaroid Gallery est une galerie Flash open-source développé par Christopher Einarsrud. Active Slideshow Pro Avec Active Slideshow Pro vous pouvez créer des présentations mutil-médias gratuitement avec un maximum d’options. PicLens Slideshow Basé sur PicLens et RSS technology voici une solution intéressante de galerie web. Plogger Plogger est annoncé comme la nouvelle génération open-source de galerie photo. Shadowbox Shadowbox écrit en javascript et CSS est une solution pour présenter vos médias via le web. PhatFusion Slideshow Une solution pour vos transitions d’images. Galleriffic Galleriffic est inspiré par Mike Alsup’s Cycle plug-in, mais pensé pour de grosses quantités de photo. NoobSlide Fancybox Outil pour afficher des images, contenu html et multi-média Auto Generating Gallery Barack Slideshow

rot rot.js: ROguelike Toolkit in JavaScript #################### #.............##...# #.............##...# - GitHub #............D##.?. examples The Basics When initializing a typeahead using the typeahead.js jQuery plugin, you pass the plugin method one or more datasets. The source of a dataset is responsible for computing a set of suggestions for a given query. Bloodhound (Suggestion Engine) For more advanced use cases, rather than implementing the source for your dataset yourself, you can take advantage of Bloodhound, the typeahead.js suggestion engine. Bloodhound is robust, flexible, and offers advanced functionalities such as prefetching, intelligent caching, fast lookups, and backfilling with remote data. Prefetch Prefetched data is fetched and processed on initialization. Remote Remote data is only used when the data provided by local and prefetch is insufficient. Custom Templates Custom templates give you full control over how suggestions get rendered making it easy to customize the look and feel of your typeahead. Default Suggestions

Gallerie jQuery : 20 exemples vous facilitant la tâche Dans le web que nous connaissons aujourd’hui, les galleries dynamiques sont choses communes. Je dirais même qu’il s’agit d’un standard pour un site web d’entreprise désirant afficher leurs produits et services. Pour vous faire gagner un peu de temps dans vos recherches, voici 20 plugins de galeries jquery toutes prêtent à être utilisés pour votre prochain site web! P.S. « Cette liste de galeries JQuery est parue initialement sur le site de ». Galerie JQuery Premium Le mot de la fin Une gallerie jquery semble être un «must» pour tous les sites web de compagnies depuis 2009. Rédigé par Louis-Philippe Dea de l’entreprise Guerilla Web
