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Official Chemtrail Forecast and Report Center

Official Chemtrail Forecast and Report Center

Chemtrails PROOF: Geoengineering And Cloud Seeding Statutes Geoengineering And Cloud Seeding Statutes There is such an effort to convince people about the reality of what are popularly called "chemtrails", but what should be properly referred to as geoengineering, cloud seeding, or weather modification). Most people simply point to the sky and say "look!". Others go into extreme technical detail on the nature and conspiracy of these trails in the sky and where they originate from. But as with most of the topics that are considered by many to be conspiracy theory, weather modification can simply be "proven" to the most skeptical among us by the very state and federal codes that allow these trails in the sky to be laid in the first place. There is no crime if all crime is legal… And all 50 states are in a cooperative agreement to allow this spraying to commence uninhibited across state borders, which means that the governor of your state is in full compliance and acquiescence. WAC 173-495-070 – Permit Requirements. SUBCHAPTER A. In this chapter: Really?

Powder contrail generation - The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy The present invention relates to method and apparatus for contrail generation and the like. An earlier known method in use for contrail generation involves oil smoke trails produced by injecting liquid oil directly into the hot jet exhaust of an aircraft target vehicle. The oil vaporizes and recondenses being the aircraft producing a brilliant white trail. Oil smoke trail production requires a minimum of equipment; and, the material is low in cost and readily available. However, oil smoke requires a heat source to vaporize the liquid oil and not all aircraft target vehicles, notably towed targets, have such a heat source. Also, at altitudes above about 25,000 feet oil smoke visibility degrades rapidly. The present invention is for a powder generator requiring no heat source to emit a "contrail" with sufficient visibility to aid in visual acquisition of an aircraft target vehicle and the like. The nitrogen gas stored in cylinder tanks 25 and 26 is charged to 1800 psig, for example.

Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails Barbara H. Peterson Farm Wars While I might assume a particular position on an issue, that position is subject to change when new or more relevant information becomes available. Here is where we went wrong: The patent for aluminum resistance mentioned in What in the World are They Spraying? Here is where we were right: Monsanto DOES own patents that appear to mitigate the effects of geo-engineering, that can be applied to a whole host of fruits, trees, grains and veggies. The claimed invention, in the field of functional genomics and the characterization of plant genes for the improvement of plants, was made by or on behalf of Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. and Monsanto Corporation as a result of activities undertaken within the scope of a joint research agreement in effect on or before the date the claimed invention was made. FIELD OF THE INVENTIONDescribed herein are inventions in the field of plant molecular biology and plant genetic engineering. © 2012 Barbara H.

Visible Invisible: The Green Sheep Who Wouldn't Look Up Hi Es-tee; my name is Paul and I am administering Elizabeth's facebook account. I do appreciate your concern with this issue, but I'm not sure what you feel that we can do about it, if indeed it is actively being carried out as you say. I apologize for removing you from our friend lists, but as there is currently insufficient evidence backing up your theory about geoengineering, we can't have chemtrail videos being posted on this page. As I'm sure you're well aware, most people do not respond well to this issue. I hope you will understand. Sincerely, Paul My response: Hi Paul; I'm actually quite shocked that Elizabeth May has someone administering her Facebook Page that is so ignorant of current environmental concerns. Elizabeth lives on an Island where all you have to do is look up to verify that my videos and photographs of Military jets spraying on a daily basis is a reality. Sincerely, E. May 15th, 2010 six U.S. military jets sprayed us like bugs in Saanichton on Vancouver Island. Yes!

WEATHER MODIFICATION WEATHER MODIFICATION. Rainmaking efforts began in Texas in the early 1890s, when army units, recalling that in the Civil War artillery bombardments often had been followed by rain, experimented by firing explosives into the air in the hope of obtaining rain. Experiments were conducted in Midland at least as early as 1891 by Gen. Robert St. For several decades subsequent to the Post experiment, no weather-modification projects in Texas were documented. The number of commercial weather-modification projects in Texas increased markedly in the 1950s and '60s, prompting the state to adopt a statute controlling cloud-seeding operations. Another application of cloud seeding is the suppression of hail. Subsequently, a concerted effort was made by the federal government in cooperation with various states, including Texas, to advance weather modification. George W. The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article. Donald R.

Who knew there was a Texas Weather Modification Act (1967?) Guess these guys have been at it for some time..... "In addition, in administering the Texas Weather Modification Act (enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1967), the program issues licenses and permits to organizations and individuals responsible for carrying out both cloud seeding and other weather modification operations. The aim of the regulatory function is to ensure that various methods of modifying the weather do not dissipate clouds nor inhibit their ability to produce rainfall to the detriment of people or property in the affected areas. The program also sponsors and provides administrative and technical oversight for ongoing weather modification research and development activities. This includes the use of federal grants for exploratory, and confirmatory, cloud seeding experiments. TDLR issues reports on the results of cloud seeding research work and shares information on technological advances with other State agencies, governmental organizations, and interested individuals.

Weather Modification Military Service Members, Veterans, and Spouses - For more information about applying as a military spouse please go to the Military Spouse FAQs page. The Texas Weather Modification Advisory Committee met January 30 at 10:00 a.m. in Austin. The agenda is online. The meeting was archived and is available for viewing via RealPlayer. Weather Modification - Currently, cloud-seeding projects designed to increase rainfall from convective cloud towers are conducted in nearly 31 million acres of Texas (or almost one-fifth of the state’s land area). In addition, TDLR issues licenses and permits to other organizations, as well as individuals, responsible for carrying out weather modification operations for both rainfall enhancement and hail suppression. The program also sponsors and provides administrative and technical oversight for ongoing weather modification research and development activities. Weather Modification Regulation

Forecast Upper level ridging has taken over much of the western half of the United States. This means quiet weather conditions will persist throughout the week. Expect sunny skies today with continues northwesterly flow. This will hold temperatures down a few degrees but we’ll still manage to reach the mid 70’s. Ridging aloft continues through Thursday before zonal flow develops by Friday. The forecast becomes more interesting this weekend as a strong upper level system pushing onto the southern Californian coast. Today: Sunny skies with winds from the northwest at 10-15 mph. Tonight: Clear skies with wind from the southwest at 5-10 mph. Wednesday: Sunny skies with winds from the southwest at 10-15 mph. Thursday: Sunny skies with winds from the southwest at 10-20 mph.
