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Understanding Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns in Your Family

Understanding Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns in Your Family
Many people hope that once they leave home, they will leave their family and childhood problems behind. However, many find that they experience similar problems, as well as similar feelings and relationship patterns, long after they have left the family environment. Ideally, children grow up in family environments which help them feel worthwhile and valuable. They learn that their feelings and needs are important and can be expressed. Children growing up in such supportive environments are likely to form healthy, open relationships in adulthood. Types Of Dysfunctional Families The following are some examples of patterns that frequently occur in dysfunctional families. One or both parents have addictions or compulsions (e.g., drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, gambling, overworking, and/or overeating) that have strong influences on family members.One or both parents use the threat or application of physical violence as the primary means of control. Resulting Problems Making Changes Final Note

Loneliness Growth and change during college years produces a variety of feelings in students. In addition to feelings of excitement and anticipation, there may also be feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is not necessarily being alone. We may be alone for long periods without feeling at all lonely. On the other hand we may feel lonely in a familiar setting without really understanding why. The best way to begin to understand loneliness is to examine some of the ways people experience it. you’re alone and you don’t feel you have a choice not to be;you feel that you’re lacking attachments you had in the past;you are facing changes in your life–a new school, town, job, or other changes;you feel there’s no one in your life with whom you can share your feelings and experiences;your self-perceptions are that you’re unacceptable, unlovable, not worthwhile even if others don’t share those perceptions. Misconceptions About Loneliness Loneliness can be made more intense by what you tell yourself it means.

Self-Confidence Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. Having self-confidence does not mean that individuals will be able to do everything. Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic. People who are not self-confident depend excessively on the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. Self-confidence is not necessarily a general characteristic which pervades all aspects of a person’s life. How is Self-Confidence Initially Developed? Many factors affect the development of self-confidence. Surprisingly, lack of self-confidence is not necessarily related to lack of ability. Assumptions that Continue to Influence Self-Confidence Self-Defeating Thought Patterns All Or Nothing Thinking.

Love Addiction and Toxic Relationships Are you in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend that you know is bad for you? Do your family and friends tell you how concerned they are? Do you make up your mind to leave only to go right back again? When we think of addictions, we think of alcohol, drugs, gambling or food, but addiction to love can be even more prevalent than any of these, especially among women. Marsha is a twenty-eight year old woman with an excellent educational background, an upwardly mobile career, a great apartment, and supportive family and friends. Thomas had been in love with Amy for a long time, when she died in an auto accident. Betty was recently divorced when she met Jack. Love addictions are very common and extremely hard to recognize when you are addicted. From an early age, we are taught that love is a beautiful thing, and love lasts forever. Some of the signs of love addiction are: 1. If you think you may be addicted to a toxic person or relationship, there is hope.

Hot and Cold Love Addicts: A Lethal Combination Your rating: None Average: 3 (3 votes) A lot has been written about love addiction and yet it is still a misunderstood disorder. For instance, many people believe that love addicts only run hot —passionately pursue someone who is unavailable like in the movie Fatal Attraction. However, many love addicts also run cold ? Love addiction is an unhealthy attachment (conscious or unconscious) to either a person, relationship or romance. (1) Obsessed love addicts experience attachment by way of secret fantasies (unrequited love) or what I call a hyper-involvement with another person ? (2) Relationship addicts cling to the notion of connectedness with someone in order to avoid loneliness or the feeling of being unlovable which they associate with being single. (3) Romance addicts are in love with romance, i.e. euphoria, intimate rendezvous, passionate sex, erotic fantasies, etc. It is the narcissistic and codependent love addicts who run hot and cold. Author's Bio:

Narcissism - Understanding Narcissism & Abusive Relationships : Melanie Tonia Evans Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The personality disorder that destroys relationships, families and lives by Melanie Tonia Evans Introduction to Narcissism This information is a purposeful broadcast. What is Narcissism? Narcissism is an unhealthy focus on self that affects others in unhealthy ways. The definitive quality of healthy narcissism is obtaining self-gratifying results in ways that don't damage other people, whereas unhealthy narcissism works from the mindset: "I win, and I don't care if you lose," or, "Your loss is my win." Internet searches for narcissism is literally exploding, thus more people are discovering, researching and asking questions about narcissism. Narcissist Personality Disorder is a Cluster B mental disorder, and is categorized in this cluster alongside others such as Histrionic Disorder and Borderline Disorder (just to name a couple.) How Do Individuals Deal With Inner Pain and Emotional Insecurity? No-one is perfect and this is totally understandable! It's simple: 1. 2.

Narcissism and Relationships Blog by Melanie Tonia Evans | Melanie's narcissism and relationships blog provides info support and tools to help you recover from narcissistic abuse and create fulfilling relationships! Addictive Relationships It is often very hard to end a love relationship even when you know it is bad for you. A “bad” relationship is not the kind that is going through the usual periods of disagreement and disenchantment that are inevitable when two separate people come together. A bad relationship is one that involves continual frustration; the relationship seems to have potential but that potential is always just out of reach. In such relationships, individuals are robbed of several essential freedoms; the freedom to be their best selves in the relationship, the freedom to love the other person through choice rather than through dependency, and the freedom to leave a situation that is destructive. Despite the pain of these relationships, many rational and practical people find that they are unable to leave, even though they know the relationship is bad for them. Are You Addicted? Listed below are several signs of addiction. The Basis of the Addiction Strategies for Overcoming Relationship Addictions

Why Does My Loved One Seem to Love Drugs More than Me? - Drug Addiction Treatment A famous Oscar-winning actor at the top of his career is found wandering the streets of Los Angeles in a drug haze. A beautiful celebrity known for her fashion sense is sent to jail for driving under the influence of drugs. The daughter of a nationally known politician is convicted of selling cocaine. It’s hard to understand why people throw away their lives just for drugs. It’s even harder to understand how someone you care about allows himself to be fired from one job after another, even though he has the talent to succeed, because of a cocaine problem. Or how she allows her need for painkillers to come before taking care of her own children. The answer is that you are asking the wrong questions. Read “The Truth about Drug Addiction”

When the Time Comes to Walk Away - Drug Addiction Treatment Recovering addicts know that the days, weeks and months following treatment can be rough on the family. In many cases, familial relationships have already been so fractured they are almost beyond repair. For others in recovery, the very occurrence of a setback, however small, is enough to send the family into turmoil and threaten the sobriety of the newly-clean addict. So it is that recovery, which should be a joyous time, a time of hope and renewal, can just as quickly turn into a phase of desperation, failure and relapse. For the recovering addict and his or her spouse/significant other or family, sometimes the only option that makes sense is to walk away. Walking Away Isn’t Quitting When you walk away from your family, it should never be as a result of the desire to quit. Let’s take an example. Clearly these two individuals are experiencing a great deal of difficulty adjusting to Woody’s new sobriety. Display Respect and Love It’s not as easy as that, however. How the Addict can Leave

15 Cool Ideas For Pink Girls Bedrooms Pink color is timeless theme for girls bedrooms. For many people it is a symbol of tenderness and youth. This color is associated with fairy-tale princess or Barbie and almost every girl dreams about a charming pink bedroom. Pink color could perfectly fit as traditional bedrooms with classical furniture and amazing curves as contemporary, more severe ones. Sources: cool kids bedrooms, girls bedroom, girls bedroom furniture, girls bedroom ideas, kids bedroom, pictures of pink rooms, pink and green girls room, pink girls room, pink room designs, pink room ideas

Marijuana Seeds - Single Marijuana Seeds Life With My Step Father : I Have Been Emotional Abused Story I’ve wanted to put my feelings about my step father into words for many years, but it has taken a long time to crystalise my thoughts. I have spent my whole adult life with a range of insecurities, and a bad lack of confidence that has seriously damaged my career, relationships, and many other aspects of my life. I have watched as friends and younger cousins have moved forward with their lives, while I have struggled terribly with developing any quality of life, and often felt unworthy of having things that other people take for granted. After years of cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy, I actually gave up on ever being able to have a happy, enjoyable lifestyle, and I now resign myself to the fact that I will never have the self esteem or confidence to achieve any of the things I have dreamt of. Where does this lack of self esteem and poor confidence come from? Another time, he walked towards me, with his hand raised, while I was doing the usual nightly washing up.
