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Where No Child Left Behind Went Wrong - Adam Richardson

Where No Child Left Behind Went Wrong - Adam Richardson
by Adam Richardson | 8:27 AM October 17, 2011 Recently President Obama started talking about the first substantive changes to the No Child Left Behind Act in its 10-year history. He argued that while the goal of closing the achievement gap between students of different ethnicities and income levels is a laudatory one, the levers and incentives that the program has in place are not working. I couldn’t agree more, but I still have a fundamental disagreement with the narrow focus of No Child Left Behind. It has a retrograde emphasis on teaching children “the basics” (followed by annual testing on the same) using subjects and methods more relevant to the past mass-production era, rather than the creative, global, innovation- and information-driven economy that we are in. Less of the Three R’s, More of the Four C’s Creativity If you lack the ability to be creative, inventive, and resourceful, and look at problems from a fresh perspective, you’re not much use to many employers these days.

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