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jQuery Tutorial

jQuery Tutorial

Мега-Учебник Flask, Часть 1: Привет, Мир! Это первая статья в серии, где я буду документировать мой опыт написания веб-приложения на Python, используя микрофреймворк Flask. Здесь список всех статей в серии:Часть 1: Привет, Мир! Часть 2: ШаблоныЧасть 3: Формы Часть 4: База данныхЧасть 5: Вход пользователей Часть 6: Страница профиля и аватарыЧасть 7: Unit-тестированиеЧасть 8: Подписчики, контакты и друзьяЧасть 9: ПагинацияЧасть 10: Полнотекстовый поискЧасть 11: Поддержка e-mailЧасть 12: РеконструкцияЧасть 13: Дата и времяЧасть 14: I18n and L10nЧасть 15: AjaxЧасть 16: Отладка, тестирование и профилированиеЧасть 17: Развертывание на Linux (даже на Raspberry Pi!) Моя предыстория Я разработчик ПО с двузначным числом лет опыта разработки комплексных приложений на нескольких языках. Приложение Приложение, которое я собираюсь разрабатывать как часть этого руководства, является сервером микроблогов, и я решил назвать его microblog. Во время нашего прогресса я затрону следующие темы: Как видите, я весьма значительно берусь за все это. . Мигель

Ruby on Rails Testing stevecastaneda This course felt like a very solid intro, and left me wanting to research more into using Factory Girl and even RSpec down the line once I get the hang of things. I wish it had a bit more on test driven development, but this course did teach me most of what I needed to know to embark on that journey myself. The challenges seemed a bit more tougher on this one. jQuery Django Django is a widely-used Python web application framework with a "batteries-included" philosophy. The principle behind batteries-included is that the common functionality for building web applications should come with the framework instead of as separate libraries. For example, authentication, URL routing, a templating system, an object-relational mapper (ORM), and database schema migrations (as of version 1.7) are all included with the Django framework. Compare that included functionality to the Flask framework which requires a separate library such as Flask-Login to perform user authentication. The batteries-included and extensibility philosophies are simply two different ways to tackle framework building. Why is Django a good web framework choice? The Django project's stability, performance and community have grown tremendously over the past decade since the framework's creation. There's some debate on whether learning Python by using Django is a bad idea. Django books and tutorials

Backbone.js Tutorial byronanderson I had just been thinking that my javascript was getting messy and hard to maintain, and this course shows up to introduce me to Backbone.js . The course is in line with the level of javascript that you should know after completing the other javascript courses this site offers- jQuery Air: First Flight and Captain's Log, and CoffeeScript. The course's difficulty derives almost entirely from understanding the value-add of Backbone.js itself- you don't need to set up the server-side code or the layout html! The exercises are just handhold-y enough to keep things moving at a good clip. jQuery UI Python 3 для начинающих и чайников - уроки программирования

Responsive Web Design willdayton This is my favorite course yet. The topic is increasingly relevant and soon to be essential knowledge for most front end developers. And a great topic is just the first thing the course gets right. Each screencast is professionally produced, informative yet not excessive, and builds incrementally. Learning jQuery | Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library
