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How meditation might ward off the effects of ageing

How meditation might ward off the effects of ageing
High in the mountains of northern Colorado, a 100-foot tall tower reaches up through the pinetops. Brightly coloured and strung with garlands, its ornate gold leaf glints in the sun. With a shape that symbolises a giant seated Buddha, this lofty stupa is intended to inspire those on the path to enlightenment. Visitors here to the Shambhala Mountain Centre meditate in silence for up to 10 hours every day, emulating the lifestyle that monks have chosen for centuries in mountain refuges from India to Japan. After several years of number-crunching, data from the so-called Shamatha project is finally starting to be published. It's the kind of claim more often associated with pseudoscience. But a new generation of brain-imaging studies and robust clinical trials is helping to change that. "You pay attention to your own breath," explains Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist who studies the effects of meditation at Massachusetts general hospital in Boston. It's not just an abstract concept.

Comment méditer chez soi - Comment pratiquer la méditation © Jupiter Postures, respiration, fréquence… Utiliser sa force mentale pour trouver la paix est plus simple qu’on ne le croit. Petit précis en sept étapes à l’usage de ceux qui veulent apprendre comment pratiquer la méditation au quotidien. Laurence Lemoine Quand le stress nous asphyxie, nous sommes comme la montagne encerclée de nuages. Du zen au tantra, du yoga au tai-chi, les techniques sont variées mais reposent toutes sur les mêmes bases : une posture ou un mouvement juste, un travail de respiration, une présence attentive à l’instant. Le mot d’ordre de cette séance sera donc : « Essayez. » Ne cherchez pas à vous conformer strictement à ce qui vous est proposé ici. 1 - Trouvez le bon moment Tout dépend de ce que vous en attendez. L’idéal est de choisir un moment et une durée déterminés (par exemple juste avant le petit déjeuner, pendant dix minutes) et d’essayer de s’y tenir. 2 - Créez l’environnement adéquat

Falling Down the TM Rabbit Hole, How TM Really Works, a Critical Opinion Learning Meditation Home Page L'Esprit Indompté Soul Science - Home Tapping the immense power of thoughts The ability to heal, love and create is in our minds, says Harsh Kabra If scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are to be believed, the human race is going to have direct contact with aliens in the next 10-15 years, not through radio waves, but through "the power of thought." For many of us, thoughts are nothing more than routine creations of a functioning brain, a la water flowing from an open tap. However, in taking a simplistic and abstract view of what philosophy professor W D Hart called "the artefacts of an analysis of a mind", we fail to appreciate the real energy that brainwaves embody. In fact, the power of thought is no longer limited to the realm of philosophy. An Austrian health care company has invented a thought-powered prosthetic arm, which works based on the impulses from the wearer's brain. A study by researchers at University College, London, corroborates that brainwaves have a direct influence on a person's behaviour.

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