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Dazzling Photos of Gold Fireflies in Japan

Dazzling Photos of Gold Fireflies in Japan
Digital Photo Blog shot these beautiful long exposure photographs of gold fireflies in Japan during the June to July rainy season, when they come together to mate. You can find more of these photographs here. Image credits: Photographs by Digital Photo Blog

The Schmidt Sting Pain Index: How Much Could You Take? Have you ever been stung by a bee? Want to know how much you have suffered on a scale of one to four? Then take a look at the Schmidt Sting Pain Index which rates the relative pain caused by the sting of hymenoptera. That would be sawflies, wasps, bees and ants to most of us.The Sweat Bee Schmidt describes the sting of the Sweat Bee as “Light, ephemeral, almost fruity. A tiny spark has singed a single hair on your arm.” They are very common all over the world except in South East Asia and Australia where there are few branches of the family tree known as Halicitidae. The Fire Ant Coming in at 1.2 on the scale is the Fire Ant (species in the genus Solenopsis). If you don’t leave it alone the bump can become infected as it forms a milky white pustule which reacts badly to scratching. The Acacia Ant Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship between two species, and so it is with the Bullhorn Acacia and the eponymous ant that inhabits its hollowed out thorns. Bald Faced Hornet The Yellowjacket

BBC Nature - Bioluminescence videos, news and facts 10 Fascinating Cases of Mind Control Animals Controlling the minds of other living creatures is simply the stuff of science fiction right? Well for some creatures becoming a real live zombie is a daily hazard. Here are 10 examples of real parasitic behavior modifications. These are in no particular order. Phorid flies Pseudacteon The genus Pseudacteon, of which 110 species have been documented, is a parasitoid of the ant in South America. Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite the definitive host of which is the cat, but the parasite can be carried by all known mammals including humans. Euhaplorchis Californiensis This parasite lives in the gut of shorebirds and produces eggs that are released in the bird’s stool which are spread into the salt-water marshes and ponds of southern California. Jewel Wasp Ampulex Compressa When a female jewel wasp is ready to lay its egg it finds a cockroach and administers two stings. Hairworm Spinochordodes Tellinii Costa Rican Parasitoid Wasp Hymenoepimecis Argyraphaga Lancet Liver Fluke Bonus

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