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25 Great Podcasts You Should Download

25 Great Podcasts You Should Download

10 Most Unsettling Dark Comedies of All Time There's something about modern life that calls for dark humor. It seems appropriate that, in the face of adversities, the best form of defense is to poke fun at those very adversities through the time-honored American tradition of celebrating the macabre, the unsettling and the downright twisted. Here at "PopCrunch Towers" we decided to put together a list of the ten black comedies that made us feel the most genuinely uncomfortable; menacingly comic cinematic milestones that managed to be by turns — or at once — both funny and disturbing. So get your cringe muscles tensed, and we'll begin! 10. The 1997 George Armitage movie Grosse Pointe Blanke is something of a cult classic.

planet5D | the best HDSLR site on the planet The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins - All-TIME 100 Best Nonfiction Books - TIME Writing her lover’s “autobiography” proved a witty way for American author Gertrude Stein to detail her own life as Parisian writer, salon host and arts patron. Ostensibly, readers can take in the book, published in 1933, as Stein writing about Alice B. Toklas (which is what the title suggests) or as Toklas “writing” about Stein (which is what the book actually is). Either way, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas was groundbreaking in its experimentation with form: an autobiography written by another person. Many modernist masters make an appearance in Stein’s tome — among them Picasso, Hemingway and Matisse — and their influence on Stein is recounted through vivid anecdotes. Next Black Boy

Film Tips | 7 Simple Mistakes Filmmakers Make | Raindance I am just off a plane to Cannes 2013 where I look forward the joy of making new contacts and renewing old friendships. “It’s A People Business” is such a truth. On the crowded flight, I was reminded how I have made so many errors over my time in the business. Nobody gets everything right all the time, but everyone should be striving to learn from what went wrong. I am taking the liberty of sharing these, in the hope that you won’t make these same 7 Simple Mistakes: I don’t want “Believe In You” to sound like a gospel song, especially since this also happens to be the week that Whitney Houston died. When I was in primary school back in Ontario, I didn’t speak until I was 6 or 7. I looked at the apple then at her and thought to myself ‘Wow! I ended up getting really good at reading and in visual art (I didn’t manage to fo to film school). The first step to becoming a successful filmmakers, is to change how you feel about filmmaking (and filmmakers) Here’s a simple exercise. Hope this helps,

The Top 10 Best Science Fiction Books Before the comments fill up with “Why didn’t you include this” and various slights against our personal and professional integrity, this is just a list of ten great science fiction novels, not in order, and by no means the top ten ever produced. ‘Ten of the best’, not ‘the ten best’. That being said, please post up your own favourites, as we’re always looking for new things to read. 10. Heinlein’s elegantly constructed novel evokes some of the finest traditions in science fiction, with a near-future setting on the mongrel colony of Luna, which is preparing its revolution against the tyrannical rule of Earth. 9. | Kindle Edition Card’s seminal novel has been in and out of the news since its release, whether it’s for the long-mooted (and finally killed) idea of a film adaptation, through to the graphic novel version, through to it being a set text at US military academies. 8. 7. | Kindle Edition 6. | Kindle Edition 5. | Kindle Edition 4. | Kindle Edition 3. | Kindle Edition 2. 1. More Top 10s:

17 People All DSLR Video Beginners Should be Following I count my favorites down. I’ve wanted to do this post for awhile now to share what I feel are the top 17 people to follow if you want to learn and be inspired for shooting DSLR Video. I am going to be counting them down, but before I start, this list is in order of how I feel when they have produced new content. You know that feeling you get when you see they have published something new. I look for people that are inspirational, educational or creative. Top 17 17. Oops, I totally forgot to add Tony Reale from NextWaveTV. Now this list moves around a lot because some people that started sharing great stuff a year or so ago have become less sharing now so I have move them down a little bit. What I need help with is I know they are other people out there that I would love to know about so please leave a comment on who’s videos do you most look forward to seeing? Royalty free music by Products Used In This Video Used in this video Canon 50mm 1.8

HowToFilmSchool Film Blog and Learning Center for Film Makers Flavorwire It’s been five long years since we’ve been treated to a new Paul Thomas Anderson film. The 2007 Daniel Day-Lewis drama There Will Be Blood left an indelible impression on audiences, but fans of the Boogie Nights director are ready to see his 1950s-set, Scientology-inspired tale The Master about a cult leader (Philip Seymore Hoffman) who rises to prominence, with a drifter as his right-hand man (Joaquin Phoenix). Although Anderson quickly established himself as a wunderkind, the road to the filmmaker’s first feature wasn’t an easy one — as website This Must Be the Place pointed out. See what the talented director had to say about making his first movie Hard Eight past the break. Then, click through for more words of wisdom, anxious confessions, memories, and the early hopes and fears of other famous directors, reflecting on their first feature films. Paul Thomas Anderson on Hard Eight Angelina Jolie on In the Land of Blood and Honey Joel and Ethan Coen on Blood Simple

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