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Are you ready for the era of ‘big data’? - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation

Are you ready for the era of ‘big data’? - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation
The top marketing executive at a sizable US retailer recently found herself perplexed by the sales reports she was getting. A major competitor was steadily gaining market share across a range of profitable segments. Despite a counterpunch that combined online promotions with merchandizing improvements, her company kept losing ground. When the executive convened a group of senior leaders to dig into the competitor’s practices, they found that the challenge ran deeper than they had imagined. The competitor had made massive investments in its ability to collect, integrate, and analyze data from each store and every sales unit and had used this ability to run myriad real-world experiments. At the same time, it had linked this information to suppliers’ databases, making it possible to adjust prices in real time, to reorder hot-selling items automatically, and to shift items from store to store easily. But over the last few years, the volume of data has exploded. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Les apports d'Oracle NoSQL Database L'intégration d'une base NoSQL estampillée Oracle dans l'appliance Big Data annoncée sur OpenWorld 2011 a suscité des interrogations sur la nature de celle-ci. Fallait-il voir Berkeley DB Java Edition derrière cette base NoSQL ? Oui, mais pas seulement, répond Charles Lamb, un ancien de Sleepycat, l'éditeur originel de BDB. Quand Oracle a présenté sa solution Big Data Appliance (alliant matériel et logiciel), sur OpenWorld 2011 début octobre, il a précisé qu'il la livrait avec « R », le langage d'analyse statistique Open Source, ainsi qu'avec une base de données NoSQL maison. A l'issue d'OpenWorld, Charles Lamb, l'un des anciens de Sleepycat, désormais membre de l'équipe technique d'Oracle, a jugé utile d'apporter, sur le blog officiel qu'il tient, quelques précisions sur cette base de données capable de manipuler d'importants volumes. « J'ai consulté les commentaires de la Twitter-sphere au sujet d'Oracle NoSQL Database. (Oracle NoSQL Database/Source Oracle - cliquer ici pour agrandir)

An Open Data Ecosystem Rufus Pollock recently shared his thoughts on scaling what he sees as the current open data ecosystem. He writes, “The last several decades the world has seen an explosion of digital technologies which have the potential to transform the way knowledge is disseminated. This world is rapidly evolving and one of its more striking possibilities is the creation of an open data ecosystem in which information is freely used, extended and built on. The resulting open data ‘commons’ is valuable in and of itself, but also, and perhaps even more importantly, because the social and commercial benefits it generates — whether in helping us to understand climate change; speeding the development of life-saving drugs; or improving governance and public services.” Pollock continues, “In developing this open data ecosystem there are three key things are needed: material, tools and people. Read more here. Image: Courtesy Flickr/ okfn

Seizing the potential of ‘big data’ - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice Large-scale data gathering and analytics are quickly becoming a new frontier of competitive differentiation. While the moves of companies such as, Google, and Netflix grab the headlines in this space, other companies are quietly making progress. In fact, companies in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to retailing to telecommunications to insurance have begun moving forward with big data strategies in recent months. Together, the activities of those companies illustrate novel strategic approaches to big data and shed light on the challenges CEOs and other senior executives face as they work to shatter the organizational inertia that can prevent big data initiatives from taking root. 1. Many big data strategies arise when executives feel an urgent need to respond to a threat or see a chance to attack and disrupt an industry’s value pools. In the case of a retailer we studied, big data was part of a difficult battle for market share. 2. 3. 4. About the authors

Mu Sigma offers $108M reasons to believe in big data — Cloud Computing News Competing through data: Three experts offer their game plans - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing The ability to generate and analyze massive amounts of data today demands that executives rethink the role of information in business and even the nature of competitive advantage. In this interactive video, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Erik Brynjolfsson explores intriguing new research about the relationship among data, analytics, productivity, and profitability. Jeff Hammerbacher, cofounder of the data-oriented start-up Cloudera, describes what it takes to harness the “big data” that companies collect. Finally, Butler University men’s basketball coach Brad Stevens explains how he uses data to help his squad punch above its weight. McKinsey’s Michael Chui and Frank Comes conducted the interviews. Click on the interactive video to view them, or read them in edited text format below. Interactive The data advantage Most great revolutions in science are preceded by revolutions in measurement. Becoming data driven Required skills Think of it this way. The new landscape

The story behind Opera’s $84M big data funding — Cloud Computing News The Big Business of 'Big Data' GE Appliances & Lighting, via Business WireA GE data center. Is Big Data a Bubble? In case you’re in a hurry: Of course it is. And that is good. Longer version: Last week there were several events that convinced me that one of the great tech bubbles inflating right now is around what people have agreed to call “Big Data.” Basically the term reflects the fact that its now so easy to digitize and put on the Internet all kinds of information — things as diverse as the measurements of passive sensors, most or all the world’s books, 200 million tweets a day and most of the world’s significant financial transactions — that the data is growing enormously. Big Data is really about, however, the benefits we will gain by cleverly sifting through it to find and exploit new patterns and relationships. Other companies look at air and soil data to write insurance about crop production. Sometimes there were overreaching conclusions. Mr. “We have all the data we need. Correction: October 24, 2011

6 companies doing big data in the cloud — Cloud Computing News 10 Lessons Learned By Big Data Pioneers -- InformationWeek How can you prepare for the big data era? Consider this expert advice from IT pros who have wrestled with the thorny problems, including data growth and unconventional data. 1 of 11 What does it take to make the most of big data, as in tens, if not hundreds of terabytes of information? Yahoo, eHarmony, Facebook, NetFlix, and Twitter have discovered that Hadoop is an ideal, low-cost platform for processing unstructured data. Keep in mind that not all big-data deployments are measured by total scale. More Insights Big Data Is on a Collision Course with the Cloud — Cloud Computing News Big Data Summit Nov 8 - Nov 9, 2011 - Strategic Insight for Business Technology Leaders

Some big thoughts on big data and cloud for 2012 — Cloud Computing News
