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Support Blogging! - Links to School Bloggers

Support Blogging! - Links to School Bloggers
The Top 100 Bloggers of 2013: Ten Niches, Ten Bloggers! Welcome to this compilation of the top 100 bloggers of 2013! I’m going to go through ten separate categories and take a quick look at all the best and brightest from those markets. Ranging from health and fitness to SEO and internet marketing, there’s a lot of fantastic bloggers. This list won’t be the be-all and end-all of the ultimate blogging enthusiasts, but it will feature many bloggers who have stood out and are pretty recognisable in their respective niches. So without further ado, let’s dive right in! Top 10 Social Media/Internet Marketing Bloggers Jeff Bullas – Jeff Bullas is a very popular social media blogger, who runs a popular blog all about social media and online market (bet you weren’t expecting that!. Jason Keath – Jason founded Social Fresh, a social media company that has grown exponentially since its inception back in 2008. Kim Garst ­– Kim runs both a personal blog as well as Boom! Stanford Smith ­– Mr.

MindShift | How we will learn MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions. We examine how learning is being impacted by technology, discoveries about how the brain works, poverty and inequities, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking and music, among many other topics. We look at how learning is evolving in the classroom and beyond.We also revisit old ideas that have come full circle in the era of the over scheduled child, such as unschooling, tinkering, playing in the woods, mindfulness, inquiry-based learning and student motivation. Contact the us by email.

Bud the Teacher | Inquiry & Reflection for Better Learning Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit in on a conversation with some smart folks in the maker education community1. We were continuing a conversation we started on Twitter a month or so back. You can watch a recording of yesterday’s piece of the conversation here. You should listen/watch the conversation. Read More What’s the Pretty Thing? This is a post in two voices that lives in two places. Read More A First Draft in Two Voices Some of this post has been in my drafts folder for maybe a couple of months now. Read More On Boundaries, Constraints, & Kits I really appreciated Jennifer’s post last week about body image and where she saw large kids reflected, or misreflected, in literature. Read More I Was a Fat Kid. I’m writing a series of posts about my experiences at CMK. Read More #CMK18 – Make Magic Happen. My family spent some time today in Mesa Verde National Park. Read More Some Truth Amidst Our Tourism I’m writing a series of posts about my experiences at CMK.

prezi tutorial for writing. In my last blog post, I tried to explain what Prezi actually is and how it should be (or shouldn't be) compared to PowerPoint. In this post, I will try to explain some of the basics of using Prezi. Signing up: The sign-up process is pretty easy. After you have received your confirmation e-mail, you can log on to the site and start creating your own Prezis. First steps: After clicking the "New Prezi" button you will be asked to give a title for your presentation. The Editing "Canvas": Now you are at the editing area of your Prezi. After this point, you will start creating your presentation. Click here to continue reading Part 3

Apps in Education Infinite Thinking Machine Blog Collaborative Writing Why Collaborative Writing? Group writing assignments have traditionally been confined to a word processing program where one group member would attempt to record all of the group's ideas into one coherent product. However, having your students write collaboratively online allows them to share ideas in real time, peer edit, contribute to the writing process from any computer with internet access and they can share their live edits with you with a unique web address for their paper. Online, collaborative writing is an outstanding platform for a group writing assignment because it allows all group members to participate in the writing process. Some of the key advantage of online, collaborative writing include: Live, real time feedback. Collaborative Writing Tools There are a number of platforms available to students and educators to begin writing collaboratively online. Google Docs offers a more robust collaborative writing platform. Collaborative Writing Platforms: Google Docs 101 Tutorial

100 Incredible Lectures from the World's Top Scientists Posted on Thursday June 18, 2009 by Staff Writers By Sarah Russel Unless you’re enrolled at one of the best online colleges or are an elite member of the science and engineering inner circle, you’re probably left out of most of the exciting research explored by the world’s greatest scientists. But thanks to the Internet and the generosity of many universities and online colleges, you’ve now got access to the cutting edge theories and projects that are changing the world in this list below. If you’re looking for even more amazing lectures, check out our updated list for 2012 with more talks from great minds. General Let the world’s top scientists explain exactly how they do their job when you listen to these lectures. Science and Engineering From materials science to the study of thermodynamics, learn more about the science of engineering here. WTC Lecture – collapse of WTC Buildings: Steven E. Biology and Medicine Chemistry Physics and Astronomy Earth and Environment Technology Science and Business

The Prose of Blogging (and a Few Cons, Too) The Prose of Blogging (and a Few Cons, Too) Can the technology often derided as the favored tool of lowbrow cyber rogues actually be used to improve student writing? Educators are beginning to demonstrate it can. READY, AIM, BLOG Bachenheimer and a group of high school teachers launched a project to see what impact blogging would have on student performance. At the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Principal Chris Lehmann champions integration of technology into all aspects of the curriculum. "We don't start out by saying we want to start a blog," he says. Lehmann views blogging as just one part of a holistic curriculum that he says should be grounded in technology. "Blogging for the sake of blogging is fine, but what is the value added?" That's a question educational blogging advocates are now coming around to answer, and the value they're finding may seem preposterous to those who associate blogging with barely literate loudmouths and cyber predators.

The 30 Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers (2012 Edition) Looking for the best cloud computing software for your school? What about a way to remotely store homework and other assignments? It’s time to figure out which web 2.0 tool is right for you! The following presentation contains dozens of the most popular tools being used in classrooms right now. See Also: The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You Each slide in the below presentation by Rafael Scapin contains the name, description, link, and screenshot of what each tool looks like and does. Edudemic’s Recommendations If you’re looking to try out some of these tools, here are the top 5 tools we recommend you try out (if you haven’t already). Slideshare - Get the credit and audience you deserve for your presentations! - A stellar social bookmarking service that is being used by a ton of teachers right now. PlanBoard - It’s an online lesson planner made for teachers. Evernote - Featured in Edudemic Magazine numerous times, we love all things Evernote.

9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners. The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there. It’s free and easy to use. It does require Java though so Chrome users might have some trouble. Tagul Several features that do not figure in Wordle are incorporated in Tagul .For example, you have the option of choosing personalized shapes and multiple fonts to be used in your cloud. ABC Ya This application is very much like Wordle and operates the way Wordle operates. Tag Crowd This application gives you access to see frequency of words. Word It Out Word It Out helps create word clouds from any text, similar to the way Wordle does. Make Word Mosaic This one is from Image Chef and is one of the best creative tools you can find for your classroom. Wordsift TagCloudGenerator

University, classroom and teacher blogs | 21Classes - Classroom and Education Blogs Summarize Articles, Editorials and Essays Automatically Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun! » Science Vocabulary English words relating to science and scientific concepts can be come of the most difficult words to spell and memorize definitions for. Teachers are always in need of additional ways to help students learn and retain science vocabulary. Of course, worksheets always provide additional practice, but what if there was something more interactive for students to depend on? Some of the science-related topics you will find at include: astronomy flora energy human body chemistry geology periodic table animal kingdom …and many more! No matter what science concept you are studying, there is probably a game category for it at! If you have been looking for an alternative way to help your students learn science vocabulary, then have them head to the site and start playing!
