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Eight Brilliant Minds on the Future of Online Education - Eric Hellweg - Our Editors

Eight Brilliant Minds on the Future of Online Education - Eric Hellweg - Our Editors
by Eric Hellweg | 12:12 PM January 29, 2013 The advent of massively open online classes (MOOCs) is the single most important technological development of the millennium so far. I say this for two main reasons. First, for the enormously transformative impact MOOCs can have on literally billions of people in the world. While at Davos, I was fortunate to attend an amazing panel — my favorite of the conference — with a murderer’s row of speakers. Why this disruption is happening: Peter Thiel, partner, Founders Fund “In the United States, students don’t get their money’s worth. “You have to ask yourself, ‘What is the nature of education as a good?’ Where we are in the evolution of this change: Larry Summers, former President of Harvard “It’s important to remember this really wise quote when thinking about the transition to online education: ‘Things take longer to happen than you think they will and then they happen faster than you think they could.’ What’s next in this space?

Moocs-- quotes The End of the University as We Know It - Nathan Harden - The American Interest Magazine Pipelines and Dragons and Bears Oh My Eyeing China, Russia Risks its European Energy Market Cutting off natural gas supplies would hurt Russia as well as Europe, but a potential deal with Beijing could give Moscow even more leverage in its standoff with the West. The End of History? How America Forgot Geopolitics Since the end of the Cold War, many Americans have operated under the assumptions that old-fashioned geopolitics were a thing of the past. Essay Race, Democracy and the Constitution Roger Berkowitz Deciding that preferential admissions to universities on the basis of race is impermissible if not unconstitutional. Polar Shares US Unprepared For Arctic Rush A new report finds that the United States is woefully underprepared for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic. Student Debt Bubble Middle-Aged Americans Haunted by Student Debt Americans still rank student loans as their greatest financial problem well into their forties. Energy Security The Persistence of Modern Piracy Greener Pastures

A MOOC is not a Thing: Emergence, Disruption, and Higher Education | Open Education A MOOC is not a thing. A MOOC is a strategy. What we say about MOOCs cannot possibly contain their drama, banality, incessance, and proliferation. The MOOC is a variant beast — placental, emergent, alienating, enveloping, sometimes thriving, sometimes dead, sometimes reborn. There is nothing about a MOOC that can be contained. “There is a relational aspect to learning.” MOOCification: to harness (in an instant) the power of a nodal network for learning. Chris Friend writes, in “Learning as Performance: MOOC Pedagogy and On-ground Classes”, “The promise of MOOCs lies not in what the format lets us do, but in what the format lets us question: Where does learning happen? Are organized attempts to harness learning always and necessarily frustrated? True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. The MOOC is a dialectic. We are all schoolmasters, and our schoolhouse is the universe.

Clayton Christensen: Why online education is ready for disruption, now. Let’s have a little exercise. Walk me through this school you’d create. What do the classrooms look like? What are the class sizes? What are the hours? Earlier this year we discussed how the Internet is revolutionizing education and featured several companies and organizations that are disrupting the online education space including Open Yale, Open Culture, Khan Academy, Academic Earth, P2PU, Skillshare, Scitable and Skype in the Classroom. In October, Knewton, an education technology startup, raised $33 million in its 4th round of funding to roll out its adaptive online learning platform. According to the 2010 Sloan Survey of Online Learning, approximately 5.6 million students took at least one web-based class during the fall 2009 semester, which marked a 21% growth from the previous year. But with its tremendous growth, online education has brought up much debate between deans, provosts and faculty. Christensen is well-known for his academic work on disruptive innovations.

The Problems with Coursera's Peer Assessments Cross-posted at Inside Higher Ed When I wrote about the launch of online education startup Coursera back in April, one of the things that most intrigued me most was the description that founders Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng gave of their plans for a peer-to-peer grading system. I’ve been a critic of the rise of the robot-graders — that is, the increasing usage of automated assessment software (used in other xMOOCS and online courses, as well as in other large-scale testing systems). So Coursera’s plans for peer assessment sounded pretty reasonable. The plans sounded reasonable too, I admit, as I’m someone who’s used peer review a lot in my own classes. I found my students to be pretty fair with the assessments they gave their peers. The variability of feedback: Many students are unprepared to give solid feedback to one another, and the course has done little to prepare them for such. The lack of feedback on feedback: The anonymity of feedback: The lack of community:

Creatividad e innovación en el proceso de diseño | Sofia Luna Al crear un objeto, todo diseñador aspira a que sea un éxito; pero para lograrlo, es necesario llevar a cabo un buen proceso de diseño. Pero, ¿qué es un proceso de diseño adecuado? Lamentablemente es posible encontrar infinidad de variantes que en lugar de orientar, confunden aun más. John Heskett1 define al «diseño» distinguiendo las distintas funciones que la sola palabra per se puede referir: «diseño es diseñar un diseño para producir un diseño». Parsons2 menciona que cuando se buscan referencias de procesos de diseño en el campo profesional, se encuentra, por un lado al diseñador estrella —que en unos cuantos minutos boceta en un trozo de papel que entrega a su asistente (es un ejemplo extremo que no se da en todos los caso)—, y en el otro extremo al departamento de diseño de una gran empresa que realiza investigaciones, fabrica prototipos y lleva a cabo pruebas. El proceso de diseño requiere de intuición, de acción predictiva. Author Sofia Luna Monterrey Edition Mario Balcázar D.F.

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: MOOCs Part 5 of my Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012 series The Year of the MOOC Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs. This was, without a doubt, the most important and talked-about trend in education technology this year. And oh man, did we talk about it. In retrospect, it’s not surprising that 2012 was dominated by MOOCs as the trend started to really pick up in late 2011 with the huge enrollment in the three computer science courses that Stanford offered for free online during the Fall semester, along with the announcement of MITx in December. Who cares what Cormier thinks and predicts? January: Googler and Stanford professor (and professor for the university’s massive AI class) Sebastian Thrun announces he’s leaving Stanford to launch Udacity, his own online learning startup. February: MITx opens for enrollment. April: Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller (also involved with Stanford’s fall 2011 MOOCs) officially launch their online learning startup Coursera. May: June: July: August: September:

ZIOR13 : BIZKAIWEEK - 09Julio #EDUC... How To Bring Serious Games Into The Classroom Serious Games inviting children to use a more embodied learning approach Dr. Alex Games (his real name), Education Design Director at Microsoft Studios, shares some new game experiences that can bring both augmented reality and embodied learning into the classroom. He holds a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction/Learning Science from the University of Wisconsin Madison, and led the Educational Games and Simulations Project at the Center for Instructional Technologies. “Nearly three decades of scientific research in games and learning have shown evidence that game play can help players develop a systemic understanding of world phenomena, creativity and strategic problem solving skills. Jump Into Learning - New Developments Project Columbia, the code name for a new experience being designed in conjunction with the Sesame Workshop Curriculum team, is a new environment where active fun and literacy meet. 2.

Ruta BBVA : Noticia 28 de junio de 2015 ¡Te presentamos los 7 proyectos de Emprendimiento Social del sector Educación que se desarrollarán durante la Expedición 2015! La educación a lo largo de la vida se basa en cuatro pilares: aprender a conocer (aprendizaje), aprender a hacer (técnicas y habilidades), aprender a vivir juntos y aprender a ser. Sus protagonistas lo tienen muy claro, y es que no hay nada como partir de una educación eficaz para crear una sociedad con valores. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Los proyectos giran en torno a la mejora de la calidad educativa, ya sea a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías o la implantación de nuevas metodologías de aprendizaje, y proponen una estrecha implicación y participación de los alumnos, sus padres y los profesores, así como una mayor autonomía de aprendizaje por parte del alumnado, permitiendo que los alumnos se puedan ayudar entre sí compartiendo material e incentivando la cooperación. Volver a Noticias
