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The Investing Web Toolbox: 25 Killer Money Management Webapps

The Investing Web Toolbox: 25 Killer Money Management Webapps

The Finance 2.0 Manifesto - Umair Haque - Dear G20, It’s confusing. Should you tax bankers’ bonuses, or limit their pay? Should you nationalize banks, or let public-private partnerships bid for bad assets? personal finance blog with anecdotes, advice and commentary. A design student from Chicago recently launched a fairly ridiculous Kickstarter campaign: He wanted to buy a burrito and graph its “deliciousness.” With an original funding goal of $8, Noboru Bitoy has blown that target out of the water. As of this post, he’s raised a whopping $1,050, all based on this simple promise: “Just how delicious is a chicken burrito from my local Chipotle? I will find & display the answer in a creative presentation!” Bitoy is hardly the source of “derp” in this story; it’s most definitely the 258 donors who have backed his campaign.

The Financial Services Club's Blog Our biggest stories of the past week are ... The Age of the Password is over I saw a great but scary presentation this week from Kamran Meer, Chief IT Security Officer at Bank Alfalah, the sixth largest bank in Pakistan. Thomas Sowell - Conservative Columnist and Political Commentator Thomas Sowell was born in North Carolina and grew up in Harlem. As with many others in his neighborhood, Thomas Sowell left home early and did not finish high school. The next few years were difficult ones, but eventually he joined the Marine Corps and became a photographer in the Korean War. After leaving the service, Thomas Sowell entered Harvard University, worked a part-time job as a photographer and studied the science that would become his passion and

Dr. Helen I was sucked into watching the TLC show Sex Sent Me to the ER last night after flipping through the channels and realizing that this was the best I was going to do on a weekend night. If you have never watched the show (good for you), it has three or so couples, each describing how their sexual escapades sent them to the ER and an ER doc will also narrate the situation. In the episode last night, a couple like variety and decide to heat up a large gummy bear (made of sugar, of course) and the woman begs the guy to pour it on her chest and eat it off. He does and it gives her third degree burns and his mouth is burned. With IT budgets finally rebounding, BS&T identifies the eight trends that will shape tech spending in 2012 and determine banks' competitive positions for years to come. For the past several years, bank IT budgets generally remained flat. The financial crisis and ensuing fallout forced belt-tightening across the industry. In 2011, however, bank IT executives finally enjoyed some breathing room thanks to some revitalized spending power.

Monetary policy for the 21st century Twentieth Century monetary policy can be understood very simply. One can imagine that, prior to the 1980s, the marginal unit of CPI was purchased from wages. That made managing inflation difficult. Bank to the Future - Financial Services Information - Searching Finance by Simon Dixon Overview We are in a time like no other. Those who play the game by the new rules understand that seven highly disruptive new technologies are changing the rules of work. You cannot buy innovation In a previous series of articles we discussed the capital Apple expends on equipment, real estate, leasehold improvements and data centers. Cost structure analysis reveals subtle shifts in strategy and the CapEx analysis demonstrates Apple’s increasing integration into its supplier network and integration into the distribution and service infrastructure that sustains its ecosystems. Another form of investing (spending now, reaping benefits later) is the spending on research and development (R&D). Let’s have a look at Apple’s R&D expenses by quarter since Q1/2006. Apples R&D expenses as percentage of sales have been declining from almost 4% to close to 2% in the last six years as shown in the following chart: While Apple’s absolute R&D expenses have grown at an annual rate of 33% they have not kept up with the far higher sales growth rate.

11 Bank IT Trends for 2011 - Bank Technology News Article 1.Chris and Barney Regulatory compliance is always a large IT outlay, but the politics of the recovery will make tech that helps banks follow the new rules a goldmine for GRC providers. The Dodd-Frank law is just one of many regulatory changes-RESPA, Basel III and new credit and debit card rules are also on tap-requiring banks that do business in the States to collectively spend billions on data mining, account aggregation, risk management and reporting technology.

The banking sector gets its own start-up boom/bubble In 2010 we had a bunch of innovative ideas become mainstream and start to impact the banking arena (for a full coverage see my post in Huffington.) However, 2011 promises to be more disruptive because as the economy finally starts to warm up, we’ll be seeing a lot of new private equity investment into start-ups in the finance arena. A new dot com boom? The intersection of interaction design, mobile technology, mobile payments, social media interactions, geo-location technology and augmented reality is producing a land grab for innovative new start-ups. We’ve already seen quite a few investments in new banking start-ups in 2010, which are the early stages of a new boom in the mobile tech space.

Drum Roll, Please: The 2011 Bank Innovation Awards Dust off your tuxedo shoes. Schedule your haircut. Get that gown altered. It’s time for the 2011 Bank Innovation Awards presented by — you guessed it — Bank Innovation.
