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The social side of strategy - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice

The social side of strategy - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategy in Practice
In 2009, Wikimedia launched a special wiki—one dedicated to the organization’s own strategy. Over the next two years, more than 1,000 volunteers generated some 900 proposals for the company’s future direction and then categorized, rationalized, and formed task forces to elaborate on them. The result was a coherent strategic plan detailing a set of beliefs, priorities, and related commitments that together engendered among participants a deep sense of dedication to Wikimedia’s future. Through the launch of several special projects and the continued work of self-organizing teams dedicated to specific proposals, the vision laid out in the strategic plan is now unfolding. Wikimedia’s effort to crowdsource its strategy probably sounds like an outlier—after all, the company’s very existence rests on collaborative content creation. Our objective in this article isn’t to present a definitive road map for opening up the strategy process; it’s simply too early for one to exist. Closer to home

Comment mettre en place une stratégie webmarketing à moindre coût ? Peut on obtenir de la visibilité pour son site web sans budget ou avec un budget inférieur à 5000€ ? Voici une excellente question que l’un d’entre vous nous à envoyé via la rubrique “Vos questions”. Je vais essayer de vous donner deux exemples de plan de communication on-line l’un sans budget et l’autre avec 5000€… On va prendre l’exemple d’un e-commerçant lambda vendant des livres et des produits culturels. Néanmoins, je vais tacher de rester assez généraliste pour que les conseils s’appliquent à n’importe quelle activité. Plan de communication sans budget… Si vous n’avez aucun budget de communication, il vous faudra être débrouillard et passer du temps à apprendre les rudiments du webmarketing. Forcément, nous allons nous tourner vers tous les leviers emarketing gratuits. SEO : référencement naturel [35%] Le référencement naturel est un des leviers “gratuit” les plus puissants. Réseaux sociaux [25%] Autre levier gratuit et générateur de trafic : les réseaux sociaux. Affiliation

How multinationals can attract the talent they need - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Talent Global organizations appear to be well armed in the war for talent. They can tap sources of suitably qualified people around the world and attract them with stimulating jobs in different countries, the promise of powerful positions early on, and a share of the rewards earned by deploying world-class people to build global businesses. However, these traditional sources of strength are coming under pressure from intensifying competition for talent in emerging markets. Talent in emerging economies is scarce, expensive, and hard to retain. In China, for example, barely two million local managers have the managerial and English-language skills multinationals need. How can global organizations best renew and redeploy their strengths to address these challenges? Becoming more attractive to locals A big historic advantage global companies have over local competitors is the ability to offer recruits opportunities to work elsewhere in the world. Prepare your highfliers for top roles

Cómo escribir un plan estratégico para la educación Aunque la educación, a simple vista, te dé la impresión de que nada tiene que ver con el mundo empresarial, ambos tienen en común la necesidad de disponer de un plan estratégico. Cómo escribir un plan estratégico para la educación. Foto: Flickr En tu plan estratégico deberás plantearte metas y detallar cómo tienes pensado conseguirlas Sirve como mapa para indicar el camino a seguir, fijará objetivos a alcanzar, metas a cumplir, indicadores y estrategias para mejorar los resultados. Esa es la primera cuestión que debes plantearte. 2. 3. 4.Estrategias claves. 5.Mide el progreso. 6.Créditos.

2012 Global CEO Study Overview For some time, businesses have been refining and optimizing their networks of suppliers and partners. But something just as meaningful has been happening – the sudden convergence of the digital, social and mobile spheres – connecting customers, employees and partners in new ways to organizations and to each other. In speaking face-to-face with 1,709 CEOs, general managers and senior public sector leaders around the globe, leaders confirmed that our new connected era is changing how people engage. Empowering employees through values CEOs see greater organizational openness ahead. Videos: CEOs discuss their employee priorities Shared values driving key decisions CEO Murray Jordan of Foodstuffs, a New Zealand food cooperative, extolls the benefits of shared values for his company. View this video (00:02:05) Tweet this video Bringing value and making a difference View this video (00:03:52) Tweet this video Every employee is an innovator View this video (00:03:14) Tweet this video

Next-Generation Product Development At least half of all product launches fail to live up to companies’ expectations. For every four projects that enter development, only one makes it to market, according to a recent study at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Booz & Company found in an earlier study that about 70 percent of the resources spent on new launches are allocated to products that are not successful in the market. Most companies have only themselves to blame. The traditional, gated product design process — what we’ll call the first-generation approach — is rigid and linear, locking in customer preferences, potential risks, and other features at the beginning of the process. To get more out of new product design, companies need to adopt a third-generation approach: a more agile product development system capable of addressing frequent iterations of multiple design options early in the process, based on continuous testing and highly sophisticated customer-driven design changes.

Quelques conseils pour bien segmenter une campagne d'emails Un des nombreux challenges du marketeur est de cibler le bon destinataire d’une campagne d’email marketing avec le contenu qui correspond à ses attentes. Segmenter correctement la liste des destinataires permet de résoudre ce problème. Pour nous aider dans cette démarche, Marketing Sherpa partage les résultats de plusieurs études sur la segmentation des emails, et surtout quelques conseils pour segmenter une campagne d’email marketing. Se préparer Le travail de segmentation est certes long et fastidieux, mais il apporte de nombreux bénéfices. Assembler les éléments clés et collecter les données Il reste à définir les types de données à collecter. Etudes à long terme L’étude des comportements des segments à long terme permet d’en apprendre suffisamment sur les consommateurs pour pouvoir les grouper avec d’autres personnes qui répondent aux même codes ou au même stimulus. Les différents types de segmentation La segmentation peut être géographique, par types de produit, par comportement.

Organizing for an emerging world - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization As global organizations expand, they get more complicated and difficult to manage. For evidence, look no further than the interviews and surveys we recently conducted with 300 executives at 17 major global companies. Fewer than half of the respondents believed that their organizations’ structure created clear accountabilities, and many suggested that globalization brings, as one put it, “cumulative degrees of complexity.” However, our research and experience in the field suggest that even complex organizations can be improved to give employees around the world the mix of control, support, and autonomy they need to do their jobs well. What’s more, redesigning an organization to suit its changing scale and scope can do much to address the challenges of managing strategy, costs, people, and risk on a global basis. Rethinking boundaries IBM’s experience in Asia “This is a cultural transformation,” says Cannon-Brookes. A complex calculus Process pointers Don’t standardize more than is necessary.

MIT Sloan Management Review - The New Business of Innovation How Coping Strategies can Make Your Business Less Relevant  When was the last time you took a fresh look at the value or relevance of your business to today’s marketplace? Did you take action? Businesses of all types, sizes and locations are impacted by shifting global business conditions, rapidly changing business models and innovation. Innovation Is a Double-edged Sword Innovation is touted as the solution. Former GE CEO, Jack Welch once said, When the change on the outside is faster than the change on the inside – the end is near. Large-scale studies confirm what most business leaders feel that the volatility and growing complexity of the business climate undermine “business as usual.” The how is a challenge in both learning what to do differently and overcoming the resistance to change. Technology, especially information technology, is also a double-edged sword. In many cases the time it takes to retool the information technology is longer than the product lifecycle.

#ASTD2011: 7 tips to enhance your next presentation | SmartBlog on Leadership There appears to be some noticeable trends when Microsoft PowerPoint is concerned. The first is elimination. Obviously, there’s a big problem with this option – with what do you replace it? The other trend is creating a deck of nothing but beautiful photos with no text. While I think both of these techniques might have their advantages in the right situation, there are times when we have to create a PowerPoint presentation with words and bullet points. That doesn’t mean slides have to be boring. Use a 50-50 ratio. As much as we might want to rid ourselves of PowerPoint, when done properly, it can enhance the session experience. Image credit: davidf via Related Posts No Related Posts Found

Pourquoi les emails doivent être optimisés pour les mobiles ? Nous avons déjà vu comment constuire un liste en opt-in ou double opt-in,comment mettre en place des campagnes off-line, comment bien utiliser le Html dans vos emailing, ou encore quelques astuces pour que votre email ne soit pas considéré comme spam. Aujourd’hui nous allons abordé un sujet assez méconnu, celui du monde de l’emailing sur téléphone portable et autres plateformes mobiles. Qui aujourd’hui n’a pas vu ou même recu un e-mail sur son téléphone ? Nous voyons bien dans notre quotidien l’exposition des smartphones et autres eeepc. Mais combien ont déjà pensé à cibler leur campagne d’email en fonction de ce nouveau facteur qu’est la nomadité ? Voici un tour d’horizon qui nous permettra de bien avoir à l’esprit que toute campagne d’emailing sera forcément confrontée à cette nouvelle problématique. Une fois que vous avez bien pris en compte l’adaptation de votre emailing pour vos clients mobile, vous devrez penser à la page d’atterrissage que vous allez lier à l’email. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Breaking strategic inertia: Tips from two leaders - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Growth Frameworks abound for developing corporate strategy. But there’s no textbook or theory that explains how to deliver on that strategy by shifting capital, talent, and other scarce resources from one part of a business to another. One reason is that the moves each organization must make at any point in time are unique. Another is that different senior executives have different roles to play. But that’s not to say companies can’t learn from one another—in fact, understanding the broad range of reallocation challenges faced by different executives sheds valuable light on common pitfalls and the decision-making processes for sidestepping them. Featured here are perspectives from two different industries and corners of the C-suite. Prioritizing projects and regions We start from the proposition that we are not strategic capital allocators; we are bottom-up capital allocators. There’s another dimension to this, beyond just looking at our portfolio in project terms. Rebalancing the portfolio
