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Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki - classes, species, guilds and more FORCE Junkies - A Fansite for Star Wars - The Old Republic SWTOR Character Stats Guide It's essential to know you character's stats and more important, how each stat will boost your character's dps, armor, HP and so on. A good micro-management of your char's stats is probably the most important char development strategy in a MMORPG and Star Wars: The Old Republic is no different. If you're a new player in the MMO scene, you need to know there are 2 sets of stats, primary stats (base stats) and secondary stats. Primary Stats are basically the core of your character, understanding these stats, will help you efficiently increase your character's output (damage, healing) and resistance (armor, HP). Primary Stats Strength - Increases your melee power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate This is the primary stat of the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior . Aim - Increases your ranged power (damage & healing) and critical hit rate This is the primary stat of the Trooper and Bounty Hunter . Endurance - Increases your character's HP Force/Tech Power - Gives only force or tech power

TORWars SWTOR Matrix Cubes (Relic Items) We already mentioned in one of our previous articles that Datacrons can either provide a permanent boost to a stat or a Matrix Shard which can be used to create Matrix Cubes (relic items that can offer significant stat boosts to your character). Now we will try to shed some light on this aspect so you can get a better idea on how to create Matrix Cubes with Matrix Shards, what is the purpose of Matrix Cubes along with detailed info that will guide you into using them properly. The significance of Matrix Cubes To begin with, Matrix Cubes are items that can be used on the relic slots of your character and boost multiple stats. Matrix Shards come in four colors: red , blue, yellow and green . By using three Matrix Shards (in whatever combination of colors) you can create a Matrix Cube. Here is the currently known list of Matrix Cubes color combinations: Level 15 Level 24 Level 32 Level 50 – Force Users Level 50 – Tech Users Assembling and disassembling Matrix Cubes

Swtorhub SWTOR Crew Skills - The Beginner's Guide Crew Skills have been a popular discussion topic but information is still scattered across multiple websites and articles so we did some research and tried to make a comprehensive beginner's guide about them which we hope will be of great use for many newcomers. We have already presented all gathering , crafting and mission skills and also an article regarding possible crew skill combos. Still there are many things you should know about crew skills besides that in order to use them at full potential and maximize your profits. Learning crew skills You will be able to learn three crew skills following one rule: you can only choose one crafting skill per character. You will share your crew skills with ALL your companions, in other words they will know the same crew skills as you do, not different ones. Unlearning crew skills Using crew skills For each of your companions you can assign a queue of up to 5 crafting sessions at the same time. Optimizing crew skills

SWTOR Companion Gifts Guide: How to buy your love [Updated 4/17/2012 - Game Update 1.2 Ship Droids affection] As we all know by now, our decisions and actions can please or displease our companions. And since your character will be stuck with the same companions for the rest of his….virtual life, might as well make them like you. Companion gifts are the way to gain the affection of your trusty comrades and they are categorized in ranks from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest rank and 5 the highest. Since it’s doubtful that Qyzen Fess will appreciate the old box of chocolates and flowers you must know that each companion likes only certain types of gifts. Gifts are also classified by quality: green (the most common), blue (obviously superior and provide 50% additional affection compared to green ones) and purple (very rare). Received affection points from gifting also vary on your affection level. Courting gifts also work only on romanceable companions.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Guides, Strategies and News
