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Diari català i independent, creat el 1996

Diari català i independent, creat el 1996

Portada Inici [Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya] PERIODISME POST-PRODUCCIÓ GUIÓ Free Music Archive 22 DIY DSLR Camera Rigs DSLR cameras have revolutionized the world of independent filmmaking. One of the most attractive features is their relatively low cost, but once you starting adding rigs and other accessories that cost can go up quick. In an effort to expand your DSLR’s capabilities without shrinking your wallet we put together this DIY DSLR round-up for you. $20 DIY PVC SnorriCam A SnorriCam (also chestcam, bodymount camera, bodycam or bodymount) is a camera device that is rigged to the body of the actor, facing the actor directly, so when he walks, he does not appear to move, but everything around him does. A SnorriCam presents a dynamic point of view from the actor’s perspective, providing an unusual sense of vertigo for the viewer. Here is a simple SnorriCam using PVC tubes. VIA: Tom Preska DIY PVC Dolly This is an simple track dolly using 40mm PVC tubes and some wheels taken from a pair of Rollerblades. VIA: Knut Uppstad DIY Automated DSLR Timelapse Slider VIA: Greg Royar DSLR DIY Pocket Dolly VIA: Ben
