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What should every programmer know about web development

What should every programmer know about web development

Taste for Makers February 2002 I was talking recently to a friend who teaches at MIT. His field is hot now and every year he is inundated by applications from would-be graduate students. Taste. Mathematicians call good work "beautiful," and so, either now or in the past, have scientists, engineers, musicians, architects, designers, writers, and painters. For those of us who design things, these are not just theoretical questions. If you mention taste nowadays, a lot of people will tell you that "taste is subjective." Most of us are encouraged, as children, to leave this tangle unexamined. Your mother at this point is not trying to teach you important truths about aesthetics. Like many of the half-truths adults tell us, this one contradicts other things they tell us. What goes through the kid's head at this point? Saying that taste is just personal preference is a good way to prevent disputes. Whatever job people do, they naturally want to do better. Good design is simple. Good design is timeless. - Home Launching a New Website: 18 Steps to Successful Metrics & Marketing The process of launching a new website is, for many entrepreneurs, bloggers and business owners, an uncertain and scary prospect. This is often due to both unanswered questions and incomplete knowledge of which questions to ask. In this post, I'll give my best recommendations for launching a new site from a marketing and metrics setup perspective. This won't just help with SEO, but on traffic generation, accessibility, and your ability to measure and improve everything about your site. #1 - Install Visitor Analytics Nothing can be improved that is not tracked. Google analytics, or any other package (see some alternatives here), needs to be placed on every page of your site and verified. #2 - Set Up Google & Bing Webmaster Tools Accounts Both Google & Bing have webmaster tools programs that monitor data about your site and message it back to you through online interfaces. That said, the numbers inside these tools are not always perfect, and often have serious flaws. p.s.

Are there alternatives to the GTD system? - Personal Productivity Beta - Stack Exchange current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Personal Productivity beta Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Personal Productivity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people wanting to improve their personal productivity. Are there alternatives to the GTD system? 9 Answers active oldest votes Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? Get the weekly newsletter! Top questions and answers Important announcements Unanswered questions see an example newsletter By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Linked What does a digital tickler file look like? Related How to use Google Tasks to implement a GTD system? How to incorporate emails into a GTD system? Hot Network Questions

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters About microformats - Webmaster Tools Help Marcado de datos con microformatos Los microformatos son sencillas convenciones (conocidas como entidades) que se usan en las páginas web para describir un tipo concreto de información (por ejemplo, una opinión, un evento, un producto, una empresa o una persona). Cada entidad tiene sus propias propiedades. Por ejemplo, una persona tiene las siguientes propiedades: nombre, dirección, cargo, empresa y dirección de correo electrónico. En general, los microformatos hacen uso del atributo class en las etiquetas HTML (que suelen ser <span> o <div>) para asignar nombres breves y descriptivos a las entidades y a sus propiedades. <div><img src="" /><strong>Roberto Sánchez</strong> Editor principal de Ediciones ACME Calle Mayor 4 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid 28801 </div> A continuación se muestra el mismo HTML marcado con el microformato hCard (persona). A continuación se indica cómo funciona este ejemplo. Microformatos anidados Contenido no visible

Lessons Learned From Helping Over 150 Startups With Marketing Part 1: Fundamentals « blog - Introduction to using git locally - Why git?; Getting started Wednesday 14th January 2009 Why git? Why bother using git? Using a distributed version control system (DVCS), which git is, allows us to do certain things more easily that more traditional centralised version control systems, such as CVS or Subversion. Finally, we have the question of: why git specifically? This guide aims to show just some of the commands that git lets you use - there are certainly far more than are listed here. Of course, any corrections or suggestions are welcome! Getting started For any git command, git-<command> and git <command> usually do the exact same thing. To start, we probably want to create a git repository. git init This will create a repository containing a single branch, master. To get things into the git repository, we first need to move them into the index. git add <my-file><some-other-file> This will add <my-file> and <some-other-file> to the index. git add . Once you're happy with the state of the index, you can commit your changes by typing git commit

TechCrunch HOWTO Use UTF-8 Throughout Your Web Stack Planning product launch and my pre-launch checklist | Bootstrapping Independence I am preparing to launch a new web service in the next few weeks. I don’t have an exact date yet, but I have been putting together my pre-launch checklist of things to do, as well as a detailed launch plan. When looking for resources about the best way to launch a software business, I found many useful articles, but not very many consolidated resources which laid everything out in an easy to digest manner. I wanted to document the entire process to help structure my own thinking, as well as giving those who come after a roadmap to follow. After I launch, I will be reporting on the success of each segment of my plan. Background Reading First, there are several useful resources out there already, which had a lot of useful tips. There are many more, and each of those contain some great links as well, but I find myself repeatedly returning to these articles to re-read them to glean some additional wisdom from their words. Optimize the site for the media Find a compelling story

Getting started with "Getting Things Done" This article was originally posted during the first week of 43 Folders' existence, and, pound for pound, it remains our most popular page on the site. Please be sure to also visit related pages, browse our GTD topic area, plus, of course you can search on GTD across our family of sites. I’ll be talking a lot here in coming weeks about Getting Things Done, a book by David Allen whose apt subtitle is “The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.” Like I did the other day with Quicksilver, I wanted to provide a gentle, geek-centric introduction to Getting Things Done, so that you can think about whether it might be right for you. The Problem with “stuff” Getting Things Done succeeds because it first addresses a critical barrier to completing the atomic tasks that we want to accomplish in a given day. Stuff is bouncing around in our heads and causing untold stress and anxiety. So how does GTD work? This is a really summarized version, but here it is, PowerPoint-style: GTD is geek-friendly So what next?

Heap (data structure) Example of a complete binary max-heap with node keys being integers from 1 to 100 1. the min-heap property: the value of each node is greater than or equal to the value of its parent, with the minimum-value element at the root. 2. the max-heap property: the value of each node is less than or equal to the value of its parent, with the maximum-value element at the root. Throughout this article the word heap will always refer to a min-heap. Note that, as shown in the graphic, there is no implied ordering between siblings or cousins and no implied sequence for an in-order traversal (as there would be in, e.g., a binary search tree). A heap data structure should not be confused with the heap which is a common name for the pool of memory from which dynamically allocated memory is allocated. Heaps are usually implemented in an array, and do not require pointers between elements. The operations commonly performed with a heap are: The heap data structure has many applications.

How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers Web browsers are the most widely used software. In this primer, I will explain how they work behind the scenes. We will see what happens when you type in the address bar until you see the Google page on the browser screen. The browsers we will talk about There are five major browsers used on desktop today: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera. The browser's main functionality The main function of a browser is to present the web resource you choose, by requesting it from the server and displaying it in the browser window. The way the browser interprets and displays HTML files is specified in the HTML and CSS specifications. Browser user interfaces have a lot in common with each other. Address bar for inserting a URIBack and forward buttonsBookmarking optionsRefresh and stop buttons for refreshing or stopping the loading of current documentsHome button that takes you to your home page The browser's high level structure The browser's main components are (1.1): Syntax:
