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Chris argyris, double-loop learning and organizational learning @ the encyclopedia of informal education

Chris argyris, double-loop learning and organizational learning @ the encyclopedia of informal education
contents: introduction · life · theories of action: theory in use and espoused theory · single-loop and double-loop learning · model I and model II · organizational learning · conclusion · further reading and references · links · cite Chris Argyris has made a significant contribution to the development of our appreciation of organizational learning, and, almost in passing, deepened our understanding of experiential learning. On this page we examine the significance of the models he developed with Donald Schön of single-loop and double-loop learning, and how these translate into contrasting models of organizational learning systems. Life Chris Argyris was born in Newark, New Jersey on July 16, 1923 and grew up in Irvington, New Jersey. Chris Argyris enjoyed the outdoors – and, in particular hiking (especially in the mountains of New Hampshire and across New England). As well as writing and researching, Chris Argyris has been an influential teacher. Single-loop and double-loop learning Related:  Train the Trainer

Processus et Entreprise 2.0 est disponible Mon dernier livre "Processus et Entreprise 2.0" est enfin disponible. Je ne vais pas vous faire un résumé du livre, les lecteurs de ce blog retrouverons les idées et les thèmes qui ont été développés depuis 5 ans. En revanche, lorsque je suis conduit à parler de ce livre, j'ai besoin de prendre du recul pour parler de la "big picture", ce dont le livre traite de façon générale. Grace à quelques joggings qui ont un très bon effet sur les neurones pour m'aider à synthétiser mes idées, j'ai une vision plus pregnante que ce que j'ai pu développer dans mes précédents billets et que je vais vous livrer. Ce livre, au fond, propose une nouvelle vision de l'entreprise du 21e siècle, mieux adaptée à la nature complexe du monde dans lequel nous vivons, et qui rejaillit sur l'entreprise. La complexification du monde est un sujet majeur que j'aborde dans le livre, mais que d'autres ont déjà évoqué abondamment Le modèle du « management scientifique » de F.

learning theory - models, product and process Photo by Antenna on Unsplash Contents: introduction · what do people think learning is? · learning as a product · learning as a process · experience · reflective thinking · making connections · committing and acting · task-conscious or acquisition learning, and learning-conscious or formalized learning · the behaviourist orientation to learning · the cognitive orientation to learning · the humanistic orientation to learning · the social/situational orientation to learning · the constructivist/social constructivist orientation to learning · further reading · references · how to cite this article See, also, What is education? Over the last thirty years or so, ‘learning’ has become one of the most used words in the field of education. Yet, for all the talk of ‘learning’, there has been little questioning about what it is, and what it entails. There has been a similar situation in the field of education. [O]ther kinds of social learning are more sophisticated, and more fundamental. Taxonomies

Programming Your Brain: The Art of Learning in Three Steps | BitNative From time to time, I run into people who are interested in breaking into programming. Last night at the company holiday party a guy (we’ll call him Sam) walked up and introduced himself, asking for advice on how to move from his current role over to development. Sam’s attitude impressed me – those with a genuine desire to learn go places quickly. Obviously, the road to becoming a better developer begins with learning. Watch someone Thus, I personally watch videos or read books and blogs. Now, be forewarned that according to National Training Laboratories, the percentages on this diagram have no known source behind them, so take my references to the absolute percentages with a grain of salt. Watch someoneTry it yourself and experiment But that’s not the end of the road. Watch someoneTry it yourself and experimentTeach someone else Presto. Does this ring true for you?

Donald Schon (Schön) - learning, reflection and change Contents: introduction · donald schon · public and private learning and the learning society · double-loop learning · the reflective practitioner – reflection-in- and –on-action · conclusion · further reading and references · links · how to cite this article Note: I have used Donald Schon rather than Donald Schön (which is the correct spelling) as English language web search engines (and those using them!) often have difficulties with umlauts). Donald Alan Schon (1930-1997) trained as a philosopher, but it was his concern with the development of reflective practice and learning systems within organizations and communities for which he is remembered. Donald Schon Donald Schon was born in Boston in 1930 and raised in Brookline and Worcester. Working from 1957-63 as senior staff member in the industrial research firm Arthur D. Donald Schon became a visiting professor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1968. Public and private learning, and the learning society Conclusion

Learning Techniques One of the things that we expect you to pick up by osmosis, but almost never mention explicitly, is techniques for learning itself. After you leave university, you will be expected to be able to learn by yourself for the rest of your life. And an hour spent addressing the meta-issue of learning skills pays off in reduced time to actually learn. A lot of work has been done over the past few decades about how people learn. I recommend the work on accelerated learning by Colin Rose and Brian Tracy. You can learn anything if you have a goal that requires it. There are a number of stages to learning, each of which involves a number of aspects. The right state of mind There are six aspects to being in the right state of mind to learn. Here are the six aspects: Find a personal reason to want to learn this material. A variety of ways of input Here is a list of ways you can use variety in getting new material: Play to your strengths in terms of how you process information. Memorising Showing you know

Beyond the Comfort Zone: 6 Ways to Build Independent Thinking Image credit: iStockphoto The shift toward applying more executive function (EF) within learning and assessment will cause some discomfort in teachers and students. The transition will not eliminate the need for memorization, as automatic use of foundational knowledge is the toolkit for the executive functions. Memorization, however, will not be adequate as meaningful learning becomes more about applying, communicating and supporting what one knows. One way you can help your students shift from blindly following instructions and memorizing single right answers is to help them recognize their successful use of executive functions throughout their learning experiences. The end result will be a greater awareness by the students, not only for how their brains work, but also for how they can push themselves to connect what they can recall with real-world problems and opportunities they encounter. Low-Risk Experiences Using EFs in Common Core Topics EFs and How to Activate Them 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mobile Learning: 50+ Resources & Tips I believe mobile devices will transform education. This is why I created a free ebook, Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources with helpful tips and several resources to help support this trend. One reason is because mobile devices are designed in a way that forces the teacher to give control to the learner. When we equip a classroom with iPads, iPods, small tablets, or cellphones the learning is literally put in the hands of the students. Mobile Learning Free Ebooks Mobile Learning Posts/Presentations I’ve Given Mobile Learning LiveBinder of Resources Mobile Learning Mindmap of Implementation This mindmap is full of case studies, schools, teachers, free ebooks, and more to show real examples of mobile learning at its best.

Brain-Friendly Teaching (1): Putting Brain-Friendly Strategies To Work How can the findings of current brain research be applied in the classroom to help students perform best on standardized tests? Marilee Sprenger details seven steps to move information from sensory memory to long-term memory. "In the United States, most schools prepare for standardized tests by spending a large amount of time a few months prior to testing on review," observes brain expert Marilee Sprenger. According to Sprenger, meaning and emotion are key to placing information into long-term memory. The Law of Supply states that at higher prices, producers are willing to offer more products for sale than they would at lower prices, and that the supply increases as prices increase, and decreases as prices decrease. "Within those two laws are four central ideas; therefore, there are four bits of information. For Sprenger, step one in this process is to reach students. "Now it's time to see if they truly understand," says Sprenger. "Feedback is known to increase student achievement.

QR Codes – What are they and how can I use them in my classroom? A QR Code is a type of barcode that is readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera telephones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, URL, or other data*. Like me, you may have seen these codes in newspapers and magazines, on promotional material, in the corner of posters and wondered what they were all about. A square that consists of black and white squares that looks like an out of focus pixilated image? First, watch this short, fun video from a primary class in Queensland to get an idea of how QR Codes are being used in the classroom, and then keep reading. QR Codes can provide an alternative access format for students who need additional support in reading and writing. The way QR Codes can be used in the classroom is only limited by our own and our students’ imagination. More ideas? Teaching with QR MacBook QRGen

Writing In The 21st Century What are the arts but products of the human mind which resonate with our aesthetic and emotional faculties? What are social issues, but ways in which humans try to coordinate their behavior and come to working arrangements that benefit everyone? There's no aspect of life that cannot be illuminated by a better understanding of the mind from scientific psychology. And for me the most recent example is the process of writing itself. (37 minutes) Introduction Psychologist Steven Pinker's 1994 book The Language Instinct discussed all aspects of language in a unified, Darwinian framework, and in his next book, How The Mind Works he did the same for the rest of the mind, explaining "what the mind is, how it evolved, and how it allows us to see, think, feel, laugh, interact, enjoy the arts, and ponder the mysteries of life". He has written four more consequential books: Words and Rules (1999), The Blank Slate (2002), The Stuff of Thought (2007), and The Better Angels of Our Nature (2011).

Tip 114 - Audio QR Codes Imagine students’ artwork hanging in your school’s hallway and beside each masterpiece is a QR code. When parents, students, and other teachers scan the code using a mobile device, they hear the student telling about themselves and the relevance of their art... Or what about a QR code in the back of a library book that allows you to hear a student’s review of the book? Or a QR code sent home to parents that allows them to listen to their 1st grader reading or telling a story? Sounds difficult, doesn’t it? Not familiar with QR codes? 2 Options for Recording the audio file and generating a URL: Option 1: 1. Note - The first time you use this site, you will need to click a couple of buttons to set it up. 2. 3. 4. Option 2: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creating the QR Code: Use an online QR Creator 1. - QR Hacker - Kaywa - QuickQR 2. 3. 4. Batch-Generating Codes in a Google Spreadsheet 1. (For instructions, see Tip 111 ) Suggested fields: - First Name

Prefrontal-hippocampal dynamics involved in learning regularities across episodes + Author Affiliations Address correspondence to Christian F. Doeller, Saarland University, Department of Psychology, Experimental Neuropsychology Unit, PO Box 15 11 50, Saarbrücken D-66041, Germany. Email: Abstract Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the neural correlates of context-specific memories and invariant memories about regularities across episodes were investigated. Introduction Episodic memory refers to the ability to remember specific events set in a spatio-temporal context (Tulving, 1983). How does the brain represent repeated overlapping features of episodes? Recent neuroscientific research has begun to study the neural correlates of learning regularities across specific episodes. Another line of evidence for prefrontal involvement in learning regularities comes from artificial grammar learning research, where subjects acquire abstract knowledge about the rules of a finite-state grammar (Cleeremans et al., 1998). Figure 1. Subjects
