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Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog: The generation that grew up on videogames is blurring lines between real life and games

Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog: The generation that grew up on videogames is blurring lines between real life and games

PacificRim Exchange Marketers don't believe experience necessary2B social media xprt How Knowledgeable Are Marketers With No Social Media Experience? Click here to see larger, printable version of this chart You may have spent a lifetime watching hours of television on a daily basis and being exposed to an infinite number of commercials in the process but, based on that, would you consider yourself knowledgeable about producing a TV commercial? Of course you wouldn’t. So why would two-thirds of marketers who work for “organizations that have not used any form of social media marketing or PR”, consider themselves knowledgeable on the subject? Clearly, there is a disconnect between personal exposure and professional ability that is unique to social media. This was confirmed in MarketingSherpa’s Social Media Marketing and PR study where we found that the “lack of knowledgeable staff” was the most significant barrier to social media adoption. Useful links related to this article Not a Subscriber to Sherpa's Chart of the Week?

Mambo Milosz on Marinetta Ombro Project « SignpostMarv’s SL Blog Building Channel, or Why Microsites are a Bad Idea I'm starting to repeat myself. We've been having very similar conversations about social media with virtually all of our clients over the last eight months or so, the main point being: “You need to start thinking like a media company. Your objective in this fragmented universe should be to build channel.” That sounds great, but what does it mean? 1. Stop building temporary microsites and spending millions in media dollars to send people there, only to shut it all down (or leave it to wither) when the campaign ends. 2. 3. 4. Old habits die hard — we're all still getting used to the scary fact that social media means millions of consumers are publishers — they no longer require a TV station or newspaper to get their point across to a vast audience. “You need to start thinking like a media company. Link to original post

Studio Start with your goal. That’s where you start everything. Even when you don’t notice it. Here is a list of goals that people have when they come to this site. And our suggestions about how to use the site as part of the road to that goal. Self-improvement is not a duty but an opportunity. Busy. Curious. Empath. Doubtful. Guru, local. Helpful. Lazy. Problem-solver. Second Lifer. Teacher. Will-Power Wimp.

Web Redesign 2.0 | Workflow that Works My first Second Life training My first Second Life training This is a very brief post, just to share a great experience I had this evening following a training course at the Academy of Second Learning, at Eson (47/157/351). We created a sphere with some very nice eyes on it, and the sphere really bounced! Things I noticed: how much functionality is actually hidden in the SL interface how nice and easy it is to follow such a hands-on-course you can follow each others questions to the teacher via the chat history and even look back. how objects get transferred from the teacher to the student (this time it was textures and some scripts) There are a lot of these course every day. Related: all my Second Life articles Technorati tag(s): Second Life Add to

TechCrunch Sun building collaborative, virtual world for teleworkers Sun is building a virtual world for its employees that will recreate the real-life interactions of an office, giving workers the ability to move easily from one conversation to another in a collaborative online environment. In a real office, a Sun employee might engage in technical discussion with a few fellow workers, then walk over to a water cooler or snack area and start a new conversation. Sun is recreating that same type of environment on the Web with MPK20, a virtual world similar to Second Life that uses immersive audio to allow multiple conversations at once. “We believe for collaboration, audio is a really essential component,” Nicole Yankelovich, principal investigator for Sun’s collaborative environment project, said Tuesday at the Sun Labs Innovation Update in Burlington, Mass. To continue reading, register here to become an Insider It's FREE to join Sun began developing the software in January and has been using MPK20 for team meetings the last month or so.

Alan Cooper Interview - Agile 2008 - Events Alan Cooper Interview, Agile 2008 For those lacking time to watch the entire 45 minute video, here are a few interview excerpts, to highlight Cooper’s ideas about Agile, Extreme Programming, Open Source, and being a knowledge worker/programmer in the post industrial age, working in organization managed around industrial age models. Extraneous conjunctions have been edited for message clarity. Interaction design is emphasized for visual extraction of his thoughts about its role in Agile software development. The last few paragraphs are of particular interest. “I wrote a book called About Face in 1995 and I wrote a book called The Inmates Are Running the Asylum in 1999 and both of these books were pluming this idea of how does software get constructed and how can it be designed well from the point of view of how it behaves in the world, as though it were a person with a social presence. “I have built a software design consulting company around that. shareshareshareshare

Main Page - Imprudence Choosing the Language for a User Interface UXmatters Perspectives on Process Our experts have described various approaches to the process of making decisions about user interface language. Here’s what they had to say. Get the Right Writer to Create the Right Text “You need not just any writer, but a writer who has expertise in both interactive products and effective communication,” Colleen says. “hiring someone who can assist with both UI design and wording“hiring a freelance writer“shifting someone from your documentation group into that role” Describing the role of this writer, Colleen says, “The writer needs to be involved throughout your entire development process. “For the long term, the writer must have support to develop a style and standards for interface wording. Pabini also emphasizes the importance of developing style guidelines: “To ensure consistency in the use of terminology, it’s important to document the terminology decisions we make in a style guide. Ask the Right Questions “How does your team learn about—and from—users?

scottmerrick Moore's law Observation on the growth of integrated circuit capacity Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years. Moore's law is an observation and projection of a historical trend. Rather than a law of physics, it is an empirical relationship linked to gains from experience in production. The observation is named after Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel (and former CEO of the latter), who in 1965 posited a doubling every year in the number of components per integrated circuit,[a] and projected this rate of growth would continue for at least another decade. In 1975, looking forward to the next decade, he revised the forecast to doubling every two years, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41%. Industry experts have not reached a consensus on exactly when Moore's law will cease to apply. History[edit] In 1974, Robert H. Moore's second law[edit] Major enabling factors[edit] Recent trends[edit]
