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Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now I was honored to be invited to speak at Occupy Wall Street on Thursday night. Since amplification is (disgracefully) banned, and everything I say will have to be repeated by hundreds of people so others can hear (a k a “the human microphone”), what I actually say at Liberty Plaza will have to be very short. With that in mind, here is the longer, uncut version of the speech. We Recommend The youth and those who are not so young participating in Occupy Wall Street deserve support, not scorn. Does the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has now spread from lower Manhattan to places as far flung as Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, signal a new beginning for the left? Since they can no loner ignore the occupation, the mainstream media has decided to mock and dismiss it instead. About the Author Naomi Klein Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist, fellow at The Nation Institute and author of the... Also by the Author I love you. That slogan began in Italy in 2008.

Apple Confirms That Its Dev Center Has Been Breached By Hackers After 3 days of silence as to why the iOS Developer Center has been down, Apple has just confirmed that they are investigating a security breach. Developers just began receiving the email below; Apple has confirmed to us that the e-mail is legitimate. According to the email, Apple detected a security breach on its Dev Center servers on Thursday. While most of the information on the servers was encrypted and Apple claims it’s safe, they do say that the hacker(s) may have accessed developer’s names, addresses, and email addresses. Though we’ve yet to hear any reports of any individual accounts being used maliciously, it seems the intruders might already be attempting to use the accessed data to their advantage; since the developer center went down on Thursday, we’ve heard dozens of reports of developers receiving unsolicited password reset requests. Update — Just got off the phone with an Apple rep, who confirmed a bit more:

USA: Jill Stein, candidate du parti écologiste, veut un virage à gauche USA: Jill Stein, candidate du parti écologiste, veut un virage à gauche BALTIMORE (Etats-Unis) - Les Verts américains --minoritaires dans le système de bipartisme américain-- ont désigné samedi Jill Stein pour les représenter à l'élection présidentielle de novembre, où cette pédiatre de 62 ans défendra des idées fermement ancrées à gauche. Lors de la convention du parti écologiste, à Baltimore (Maryland, est), Jill Stein a réaffirmé ces idées, espérant faire entendre la voix des écologistes au milieu des luttes au sommet entre démocrates et républicains qui monopolise l'essentiel de l'attention médiatique. Les Verts veulent promouvoir un système de santé universel, abroger les frais de scolarité dans les universités, annuler les dettes contractées par les étudiants et mettre en place immédiatement un moratoire sur les saisies de maisons. Mme Stein veut aussi mettre en place une Nouvelle Donne Verte qui permettrait de créer des millions d'emplois et de s'attaquer à la crise du climat.

Interview with creator of Occupy Wall Street "bat-signal" projections during Brooklyn Bridge #N17 march REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi Earlier this evening, tens of thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched throughout New York City, many making their way on to the Brooklyn Bridge, carrying LED candles and chanting. As Occupiers took the bridge in a seemingly endless sea of people, words in light appeared projected on the iconic Verizon Building nearby: "99% / MIC CHECK! A few hours later I spoke with Mark Read, who organized the "bat-signal" project. XJ: How did this come together? Mark Read: It came up at an action coordination meeting. And a guy named Hero, who has been central to a lot of facets of the occupation since the beginning, turns to me and says, "We need a bat signal. I said, I think I can do that. My friend Will Etundi, who I know from these renegade street parties, the alter-globalization movement, carnivals against capital—he's part of a community of friends who deploy spectacle and art in the service of radical politics. I knew we'd need a powerful projector. MR: I did.

The Raw Story | Archive | Occupy Paying taxes today? Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and others got a refund last year Six of the most profitable companies in the U.S. were due a tax refund last year, according to a new analysis. WalletHub reported Tuesday that Abbott Laboratories, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, AIG, Bristol-Myers, and Verizon – all listed on the S&P 100 – paid an overall negative tax rate… Occupy Madison builds first house in planned eco-village for the homeless A homeless Wisconsin couple moved into a “tiny home” Christmas Eve they helped build with fellow Occupy Madison members. Study suggests Occupy Wall Street movement undone by liberals’ need to feel unique Liberals tend to underestimate their similarity to other liberals, according to a recent study, while conservatives overestimate their similarities — and those differences may account for the relative political success of the tea party in comparison to Occupy Wall Street. Occupy protester to face trial over subpoenaed tweets

ISPs exaggerate the cost of data Internet service providers were recently exposed for grossly exaggerating the cost of providing online data For years, internet service providers have been raising the costs of broadband internet service due to what they call "increasing demand for service." Both fixed and mobile internet providers recently claimed that increasing demand is leading to "ballooning" costs, which made price increases necessary. All of this was brought to a halt by a study from Plum Consulting. On a smartphone, €10 per gigabyte is about the norm. This statement was released by Plum Consulting after the survey: "Traffic-related costs are a small percentage of the total connectivity revenue, and despite traffic growth, this percentage is expected to stay constant or decline." Of course there are still operating expenses such as maintaining the lines, employing a workforce, and paying for other business expenses such as office space and utilities. Post a CommentRelated Articles

Apple v. Samsung: What the jury was told News By Martyn Williams July 31, 2012 12:13 PM ET IDG News Service - The 10 California jurors who will decide the rights and wrongs in the battle between Apple and Samsung were sworn in late Monday and alongside instructions on how to proceed during the case, the U.S. judge presiding over the case explained to them the basics of the high-profile battle. So much has been written in the media -- both factual and opinionated -- about the case that it might seem familiar to many, but the jurors have been told they aren't allowed to read press reports, research it or do their own investigations. Here's how the battle between the two companies was explained to the jurors by Koh, of the U.S. Koh began by summarizing the basics of how the case would be run and explaining what is and what isn't evidence, how they should measure the credibility of witnesses, the need to take notes, how the jurors should conduct themselves, and other items that are common to many cases.

Attaqué par le camp Obama, Romney assure n'avoir "rien à cacher" aux impôts Le candidat républicain à la Maison Blanche Mitt Romney a assuré mardi qu'il n'avait "rien à cacher" aux impôts, en réponse aux attaques du camp démocrate lui reprochant de rester très discret sur certains comptes qu'il détiendrait à l'étranger. Dans un entretien accordé à Radio Iowa (centre), M. Romney a affirmé que ses comptes étaient gérés par un mandataire et que lui-même n'avait aucun droit de regard dessus. "Je ne m'en occupe pas moi-même. Je ne sais même pas où ils se trouvent", a avoué le candidat dans cet entretien enregistré lundi mais diffusé mardi, au moment où le camp de son adversaire démocrate Barack Obama l'incite à faire la clarté sur ses feuilles d'impôts. "Cet administrateur respecte toutes les lois américaines. Ancien repreneur d'entreprises avec son entreprise de capital-risque Bain Capital, M. Plus tard mardi, lors d'une réunion électorale à Grand Junction (Colorado, ouest), M. Et revenant à la situation financière de M.

Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi | UCDavis Bicycle Barricade 18 November 2011 Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi Linda P.B. Katehi, I am a junior faculty member at UC Davis. You are not. I write to you and to my colleagues for three reasons: 1) to express my outrage at the police brutality which occurred against students engaged in peaceful protest on the UC Davis campus today 2) to hold you accountable for this police brutality 3) to demand your immediate resignation Today you ordered police onto our campus to clear student protesters from the quad. What happened next? Without any provocation whatsoever, other than the bodies of these students sitting where they were on the ground, with their arms linked, police pepper-sprayed students. What happened next? Police used batons to try to push the students apart. This is what happened. You are responsible for it because this is what happens when UC Chancellors order police onto our campuses to disperse peaceful protesters through the use of force: students get hurt. Sincerely, Like this:

Bank lobbying firm sends out memo to undermine ‘Occupy Wall Street’ By Andrew JonesSaturday, November 19, 2011 13:16 EDT In an exclusive from MSNBC’s Chris Hayes and the Huffington Post, a Washington D.C. lobbying firm has prepared a memo for its Wall Street bank clients informing them of ways to deal with “Occupy Wall Street” and the political fallout the movement may cause. The memo was written by the firm Clark, Lytle, Geduldig, and Cranford (CLGC), warning the the American Bankers Association (ABA) that Republicans could turn on them as a strategic move in next year’s elections due to Democratic pressure. CLGC proposed to the ABA an $800,000 price tag on receiving “opposite research” from the firm in order to create “negative narratives” about Occupy Wall Street and the politicians who support them. Hayes notes in his show Saturday morning that two of the firm’s members, Sam Geduldig and Jay Cranford, were aides for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh). WATCH: Video from MSNBC, which was broadcast on November 19, 2011. Andrew Jones

Delaware judge dismisses Goldman Sachs pay claims | Delaware Inc. The New York investment bank Goldman Sachs is known for, among other things, paying its executives pretty well. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, for example, was awarded a $67.9 million bonus in 2007, the same year the firm set a Wall Street pay record. Criticism over Goldman’s pay practices found its way into Delaware’s highly-regarded business court system recently, with investors claiming that the bank’s compensation practices are unfair. Goldman, Blankfein and other officers and directors were named as defendants in the suit, which was dismissed by Delaware Chancery Court Judge Sam Glasscock III on Wednesday. “Here, the Plaintiffs allege that the Director Defendants violated fiduciary duties in setting compensation levels and failing to oversee the risks created thereby,” Glasscock wrote in his decision. The suit also says that Goldman turned its back on clients during the financial crisis, including in one now-infamous case.

Microsoft ID guru slams 'duplicitous' Apple High performance access to file storage Microsoft chief architect of identity Kim Cameron has insisted that the "non-personal information" collected by Apple can be used to personally identify you – despite angry counterarguments from at least one Jobsian fanboi. At a privacy conference in Seattle, Washington, Cameron last week gave a talk that touched on Apple's recent changes to its iPhone privacy policy, which he first flagged up in late June. Apple now says it will collect "non-personal information - data in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual," and it reserves the right to disclose this information "for any purpose." This, according to Apple, includes data such as "occupation, language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, location, and the time zone where an Apple product is used so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising." But the fanboi was unbowed.

Élections américaines: Obama et Romney restent au coude-à-coude dans les sondages ETATS-UNIS - Barack Obama et son adversaire républicain Mitt Romney restent au coude-à-coude dans les intentions de vote, malgré le récent arrêt de la Cour suprême ayant validé la réforme de l'assurance maladie du président américain sortant, selon un sondage publié mardi. Alors que Barack Obama était attendu mardi matin dans l'Iowa (centre) pour une journée de campagne, 47% des électeurs inscrits interrogés dans cette enquête Washington Post-ABC affirment qu'ils voteront pour lui, et 47% pour Mitt Romney. Ces chiffres n'ont pas évolué depuis la précédente livraison de l'enquête il y a un mois, alors qu'entre-temps, le 28 juin, la Cour suprême a accordé une victoire majeure au président démocrate en déclarant constitutionnelle la réforme de l'assurance maladie promulguée en mars 2010. Cette menace évacuée, Barack Obama reste vulnérable sur la question de l'économie. Obama a pour lui sa connaissance des dossiers
