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Measuring Measures - Measuring Measures - 7 Tips for Successful Self-Learning

Measuring Measures - Measuring Measures - 7 Tips for Successful Self-Learning
Being in debt is a terrifying experience. Unfortunately, this problem is difficult to fix, fixing it can be hard.The piece that follows does offer some pointers on what to do regarding bankruptcy if your burden becomes to much to bear. Be certain you understand all you can about bankruptcy by using online resources. Department of Justice and American Bankruptcy Attorneys provide free advice. Don’t pay for an attorney consultation with a lawyer who practices bankruptcy law; ask a lot of questions. Consider if Chapter 13 bankruptcy for your filing. In order for this to be considered, your car loan must be one with high interest, have a higher interest loan for it as well as a consistent work history. Make sure you file a bankruptcy claim. It is acceptable to find yourself overwhelmed and turn to bankruptcy to get out of trouble. Related:  Learning - General

Einstein On Creative Thinking: Music and the Intuitive Art of Scientific Imagination "The greatest scientists are artists as well," said Albert Einstein (Calaprice, 2000, 245). As one of the greatest physicists of all time and a fine amateur pianist and violinist, he ought to have known! So what did Einstein mean and what does it tell us about the nature of creative thinking and how we should stimulate it? In our last post, we suggested that community singing might be a simple way to introduce creativity into one's life. For Einstein, insight did not come from logic or mathematics. But how, then, did art differ from science for Einstein? Einstein first described his intuitive thought processes at a physics conference in Kyoto in 1922, when he indicated that he used images to solve his problems and found words later (Pais, 1982). Anyone in science education reading this?! In other interviews, he attributed his scientific insight and intuition mainly to music. Wow! So much for Einstein's admission that he often had a feeling he was right without being able to explain it.

De ondergang van het digitale tijdschrift – hoe digitaal uitgeven dwingt tot innoveren « Digital Native Afgelopen week werd bekend dat de verkoop van tijdschriften voor de iPad sterk is gedaald. Bekende tijdschriften als Vanity Fair en Men’s Health hebben te maken met een sterke daling van het aantal verkochte nummers, tot meer dan 40% in het geval van Glamour. Zelfs de grote voorloper op dit gebied, Wired Magazine, zakte van een gemiddelde van 31.000 naar ongeveer 22.000 per maand. En dat terwijl de iPad gezien werd als de grote redder van de kranten- en tijdschriftenindustrie. 1. de prijs moet substantieel lager zijn dan de gedrukte variant. Wilhelms kritiek kun je naadloos op de wereld van het e-boek leggen: prijs en distributie zijn de grootste breekpunten voor de verdere opmars van het e-boek. Apple heeft het in elk geval begrepen. De reden voor de daling van verkochte digitale tijdschriften is niet moeilijk te vinden: de hype is voorbij. Iedereen die zijn lezers met zo weinig respect behandelt, moet niet vreemd opkijken als ze hard weglopen. Het kost tijd, geld en moeite.

Angela Duckworth marmoset.jpg - StumbleUpon Login IMG Picture imgpic (1303).jpg imgpic (1303).jpg Date: 03/19/2012 Full size: 400x600 previous Handbook for Life: 52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity | zen habits By Leo Babauta This is something I’ve been wanting to write for some time — a Handbook for Life. Now, is there any handbook that can be a guide to every single person? Of course not. This is just a list of tips that I think will help many people in life — some of them common-sense tips that we often forget about. It’ll also become apparent from the links in this handbook that I’ve written about this stuff before. How to use this handbook This handbook is not meant to be a step-by-step guide, nor should you adopt all the tips below. Pick and choose the tips that will be most useful to you. 52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity Try rising early.

Useful and Handy Info You Must Know | Water, One, Boil, Clothes, Quickly Useful and handy information that you probably don't know Ants Problem : Ants hate cucumbers. Keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole. To get pure and clean ice : Boil water first before freezing. To make the mirror shine : Clean with spirit To remove chewing gum from clothes : Keep the cloth in the freezer for an hour. To whiten white clothes : Soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes To give a shine to hair : Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair. To get maximum juice out of lemons : Soak lemons in hot water for one hour, and then juice them. To avoid smell of cabbage while cooking : Keep a piece of bread on the cabbage in the vessel while cooking. To rid the smell of fish from your hands : Wash your hands with a little apple vinegar. To avoid tears while cutting onions : Chew gum. To boil potatoes quickly : Skin one potato from one side only before boiling. To boil eggs quickly : Add salt to the water and boil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

iPad publishing: time to switch to v2.0 There is no way around this fact: the first batch of magazines adapted to the iPad failed to deliver. Six months after the initial excitement, the mood has turned turned sour. See the figures below, they show the downturn in circulation for the much publicized iPad versions of a few American magazines: - Wired: 100,000 downloads in June, 22,500 in October and November : down 78%. According to the Magazine Publishers Association, that’s not even a meager 3% of the average print copy circulation for the first half of 2010 — for an iconic tech magazine… - Vanity Fair: 10,500 in August, 8,700 in November, down 17% and less 1% of the print sales. (These numbers include single copy sales and subscriptions, which represent the bulk of the print revenues for US magazines). According to WWD, using figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulation, several high profiles glossies show the same pattern: iPad downloads are in sharp decline everywhere. What went wrong, then? 1 / Comparison kills.

Businessballs free online learning for careers, work, management, business training and education: find materials, articles, ideas, people and providers for teaching, career training, self-help, ethical business education and leadership; for personal, car Sci-Fi Lists - Top 100 Sci-Fi Short Stories Time Management for Graduate Students - The Timer Trick As a graduate student you are no stranger to papers, exams, deadlines, and other stresses of a life in higher education. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with work, easy to feel unmotivated. Even faculty sometimes feel this way. Goofing off during Prime Work-Time Many of us find it hard to begin working when faced with a blank computer screen, stack of articles to read, paper to revise, or mounds of grading. Time Your Work and Your Breaks Three hours may feel interminable, but how's 20 minutes? Vary Your Chunks of Time When I'm having a particularly hard time working, I set my timer for 15 minutes. When you're finding it difficult to work, give the timer tip a try.

Human Bones Used to Make Art Francois Robert has created a series of powerful artworks made out of real human bones to remind people about the consequences of violence. Human skeleton is a strong visual symbol that represents what is left after life has ended, after the flesh and mind cease to function. Also check out: Fruit and Vegetable Skulls 1 jaar na introductie: Nederlandse markt digitaal lezen groeit harder dan VS | Publishr Toen we een jaar geleden digitaal lezen introduceerden in Nederland rekenden we op een succes, maar niet op de verkoopaantallen die we een jaar later zien. We verwachtten toentertijd duizenden e-readers te verkopen en tienduizenden digitale boeken. Intussen zijn die verwachtingen ingehaald door een werkelijkheid van honderdduizenden verkochte digitale boeken en enkele tienduizenden verkochte e-readers. Wekelijks verschijnen er nieuwe, interessante digitale boeken, al is de realiteit dat nog steeds lang niet alle titels digitaal beschikbaar zijn. Toch is het aantal titels in het afgelopen jaar bijna verdrievoudigd, en is bijvoorbeeld de helft van alle titels uit de Bestseller 60 inmiddels digitaal verkrijgbaar. Standpunt herzien De Nederlandse markt groeit in zijn eerste jaar veel harder dan bijvoorbeeld de Amerikaanse. Tussenbalans Nu we, een jaar na de introductie, de tussenbalans hebben opgemaakt zien we dat er nog veel te verbeteren en te veranderen valt. Toekomstvisie
