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Plants that Contain DMT

Plants that Contain DMT

DMT Candy for the Mind INTENSITY: 9 to 10 SAFETY FACTORS: 5-MeO-DMT is an MAO inhibitor. See list of items not to take with MAO inhibitors on page 19. [Erowid Note: This is probably wrong. MATERIAL: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and 5-Methoxy-Dimethyltryptamine are naturally occurring psychedelics found in a variety of plants around the world, several of which are native to the Amazon region. N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are also manufactured synthetically, as separate compounds, and sold on the underground market And although it's quite rare in the psychedelic underground, synthetic DMT is used much more often than DMT from natural sources. HISTORY: There are several plant sources of DMT, many of which have uniquely different histories of use. Two sources of DMT, Anadenanthera peregrina and Virola theiodora, are made into snuffs, commonly known as Yopo and Epena, respectively. Elsewhere in the Amazon, DMT-containing plants like Psychotria veridis are included in brews known as Ayahuasca or Yage. 1.

DMT Extraction Guide NOTE OF WARNING:QT's DMT Extraction for Students is archived by Erowid as a historical document. The process as described has been critiqued as flawed and dangerous several ways. Safer and more effective DMT extraction and purification techniques have been developed and made available in the years since the document below was created. For one such process, see Noman's "DMT for the Masses". Specific concerns regarding QT's tek, detailed below, were sent to Erowid on behalf of the community at The DMT Nexus, who note: "Time and time again, people have come to The DMT Nexus or other web forums because they were following QT's tek and it either didn't work or they ran into serious issues trying to follow it. Our largest concerns with QT's tek are related to health and safety. Health and Safety Concerns 1) The tek recommends using hydrochloric acid without appropriate guidance on safe handling. 3) The tek describes a method for obtaining ether from starting fluid. Technical Errors Minor Gripes

Ayahuasca Info Frameless Geodesic Dome What is it? It’s a frameless geodesic dome designed to be easy to fabricate and build. It is 18 feet wide at the widest point and about 13 feet tall. It feels very spacious for it’s 209 square foot floor. The dome shell is built out of 3/16” corrugated plastic and 3/4” blueboard foam insulation. There is no frame in this dome. The dome has a radial 2x4 floor system held up by cinder blocks. It has electricity and is heated with a single electric radiator and is cooled with an exhaust fan and small window sized air conditioner. The materials are all easily attainable and it cost about $2100 to build it at the time. The dome shell is also extremely easy to disassemble making it a portable structure. Hacking housing If I want to spend my time writing blog posts, exploring new programming languages, and other things that I want to do but I am unlikely to get paid for, it’s helpful to opt out of certain common expenses. Advocacy The short construction time of this dome is remarkable. Solar gain

The Science Behind Cannabis and Creativity During a government background check in 1988, Steve Jobs famously remarked: “The best way I would describe the effect of the marijuana and the hashish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.” So, was one of the most creative minds of our time onto something, or was he just a turtleneck-wearing stoner who happened to be a genius? We work in a creative industry. Our success depends on our ability to generate exciting ideas and fresh campaigns, to adapt to various budgets, resources, and constraints. That’s why we’re always looking for an edge. A lot of them are smoking weed. I’m not suggesting we swap out our coffee machine for a vaporizer or turn the supply closet into a green room, but I do think it’s an interesting debate. So, without debating the politics or the economics of the sticky icky—or even the moral implications—I want to explore the issue on a deeper level. The Science and Neuroscience We’re not the first ones to ask this question, obviously. The High and Creative Summary

Ayahuasca, DMT and UFOs Some Important Iconographical Motifs: Space-ships The spaceship motif has an important place in Pablo's visions. As we saw earlier, when the curandera who cured his sister gave him ayahuasca, Pablo saw a huge flying saucer making a tremendous noise that made him panic (Vision 7). He told me - with tears in his eyes - that the main icaro he employed to cure many people he learned from a fairy called Altos Cielos Nieves Tenebrosas, who came in a blue spaceship: She asked me: "Do you want to listen to my song?" In spite of the frequency with which Pablo depicts spaceships, he is sparse in his commentary about them. A similar idea has been reported by German anthropologist Angelika Gebhart-Sayer. On several occasions Gebhart-Sayer herself saw soundless yellowish lights about the size of a football, moving about 400 meters away, and about one meter above the ground. "We were in the midst of this battle when something happened well worth remembering. [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..]

Psilocybin Mushrooms The Extraterrestrial Inflitration of Earth? INTENSITY: 3 to 7 for most experiences. MATERIAL: There are dozens of species of mushrooms which contain the psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin/psilocin in active amounts. 99% of the psilocybin mushrooms I've seen sold on the underground market are the variety known as Psilocybe cubensis (also called Stropharia cubensis), and dosage levels discussed below pertain to this variety. Some species of psilocybin mushrooms contain up to 10 times as much psilocybin by weight as cubensis, producing an equivalent experience at a much lower dose. HISTORY: The use of psilocybin mushrooms can be traced back thousands of years. In Plants of the Gods, Schultes and Hofmann trace the use of these mushrooms to numerous locations and Indian cultures in pre-Colombian Mexico and South America. The Indians held the mushrooms with such reverence that the Aztecs named them Teonanacatl, meaning "flesh of the gods" or "divine flesh." Psilocybin can also be combined with LSD, DMT, or Nitrous Oxide.

Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain One of the great revelations of 20th century science is that all existence can be broken down into simple wave functions. Every photon, energy emission, and elementary particle rings with its own unique wave signature. When we see a color, we are actually seeing a distinct frequency of visible light. When we hear a sound, our eardrums are actually being vibrated by subtle waves in the air molecules around us. Even the neurochemical processes of human consciousness ­ our very thoughts ­ ring with their own distinct wave patterns. By studying the way that waves interact with other waves, researchers have found that even low-powered oscillations can have enormous effects on standing waves, physical structures, and even the human brain. Tesla first realized the massive potential of resonant waves in 1898 when he performed a simple experiment with an electromechanical oscillator the size of an alarm clock. "The principle cannot fail," Tesla would say. Monroe's Big Discovery The Neural Radio

DMT DMT is Schedule I in the United States. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute without a DEA license. Not available by prescription. Addictive Potential: None Emergency Room Visits Yearly: No recorded hospital visits Mandatory Minimum Sentence: Unknown Mechanism of Action: agonist of the serotonin receptors, at 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C, among others (see a more detailed discussion below) Overview: DMT Crystals Pure DMT, or N,N-dimethyltryptamine, at room temperature is a clear or white crystalline solid. DMT is an entheogen that has been used in a spiritual setting for millennia. DMT is only orally active when it is combined with an MAOI. Legality: Despite the fact that DMT is classified as a Schedule I drug, the United States Supreme Court recognized it’s spiritual significance. Pharmacology: DMT affects numerous G protein coupled receptors. Substance Identification: (Info provided by Bunk Police, 2013; Bunk Police, 2013) Side Effects and Adverse Reactions: Videos: Research:

DMT ~ Water Spirit In my descriptions of psychedelic experiences thus far, I have attempted to describe the range of effects that most users encounter. However, in some cases psychedelic experiences can become quite unique and personal. I've had a most unusual relationship with N,N-DMT, which has led to my discovering a magical alliance between N,N-DMT and the spirit of water. When I first encountered N,N-DMT I quickly became an aficionado, and began smoking either 5-MeO or N,N-DMT two or three times each week. My natural curiosity has led me to take psychedelics in as many different settings as possible. When I began smoking N,N-DMT my experiences over the first few months were bright, positive, enjoyable, and ever touching new dimensions. After about four months of use I began to lose some of the rapport I had experienced with DMT, accompanied by a reduction in the frequency of my use. From Mt. The third stop of my journey was in Sedona where I hiked into the red rock cliffs. 1.

Psilocybin mushroom Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic drugs psilocybin and psilocin. Common colloquial terms include magic mushrooms and shrooms.[1] Biological genera containing psilocybin mushrooms include Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolus, Pholiotina, Pluteus, and Psilocybe. About 40 species are found in the genus Psilocybe. Psilocybin mushrooms have likely been used since prehistoric times and may have been depicted in rock art. History[edit] Early[edit] Archaeological evidence indicates the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms in ancient times. Hallucinogenic species of the psilocybe genus have a history of use among the native peoples of Mesoamerica for religious communion, divination, and healing, from pre-Columbian times to the present day. Modern[edit] Inspired by the Wassons' Life article, Timothy Leary traveled to Mexico to experience psilocybin mushrooms firsthand. Occurrence[edit] Effects[edit]
