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Sound Sculptures

Sound Sculptures

Industrial Design Sketching and Drawing Video Tutorials Un nouveau modèle se crée autour de l'entertainment Quelles impressions vous laissent le palmarès des Cannes Lions ? Thomas Jamet. Globalement, ce palmarès témoigne de l'émergence d'un nouveau modèle économique pour les marques centré autour de l'entertainement. On observe également une plus grande implication du consommateur. Pour faire adhérer ce dernier aux valeurs de la marque, des contenus dédiés sont désormais indispensables : cela ne passe plus par de simples spots publicitaires de 30 secondes. Cette discipline est en pleine explosion, ce qu'a reflété le palmarès dans les catégories Media et Cyber. Et que retenez-vous du palmarès des Media et des Cyber Lions ? T.J. Les productions en brand content sont de fait parfois difficile à classer... T.J. Newcast fête sa première année d'existence... T.J.

Water figure Ethereal Installation of a Thousand Bells (10 pics) Can you imagine walking into a room, looking up and seeing a thousand heavenly bells sparkling above you? Brazilian visual artist Laura Belém has created this very experience for us in The Temple of a Thousand Bells, a new installation that's part of Liverpool's 2010 Biennial. The work features a thousand hand-blown glass bells and an accompanying polyphonic soundtrack inside the Oratory beside Liverpool Cathedral in St. The story of the clear, translucent glass bells are told through loudspeakers in the room, unveiling an ancient legend about a temple of a thousand bells that was built on an island. The bells are meant to evoke water, notions of spirituality, fragility and evanescence. Artist Laura Belém says, “My intention is to show a work that can touch the viewer’s ‘inner self’ – heart and soul – something we share universally and that transcends geographic and cultural boundaries. Come see the Oratory and this installation now until September 17.

Essays | Essays Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι από καιρού εις καιρόν χρειαζόμαστε μία μικρή βοήθεια. Αυτό δεν είναι κάτι για το οποίο πρέπει να ντρέπεστε, και εμείς στο το καταλαβαίνουμε καλύτερα από τον καθένα. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο έχουμε περισσότερους από 1.000 εμπειρογνώμονες, που είναι έτοιμοι να βοηθήσουν στη συγγραφή οποιουδήποτε είδους γραπτού υλικού. Φέρουμε εις πέρας, με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο, οποιοδήποτε Είδος, κάθε επίπεδο Δυσκολίας και ανταποκρινόμαστε στην οποιαδήποτε Προθεσμία! Τo προσφέρει συγγραφή δοκιμίων ανεξαρτήτως επιπέδου δυσκολίας.

La solution à tous les problèmes de financement de la création : du placement de produit ad lib Cette pratique présentée par PSFK apporte une solution à la question de la remote/delayed audience. En insérant numériquement des produits à l’écran après le tournage d’une vidéo, on peut faire du product placement adapté : A l’époque : les rediffusions peuvent être “mises à jour” (voire carrément retravaillées, cf. ces 2 images d’un épisode de How I Met Your Mother ou un bouquin est incrusté lors d’une redif’).Au lieu : on peut placer des produits en fonction du lieu de diffusion de l’émission, en adaptant éventuellement par région, tout est imaginable.Au pays : toutes les marques placées ne sont pas toujours disponibles dans les pays ou les contenus sont diffusés…Au public : si mon audience évolue dans le temps, pourquoi ne pas faire évoluer mes placements ?Au diffuseur : TF1 programme HYMYM Pourquoi ne pas l’enrichir de produits du groupe tels que des jeux de société ou des bouquins?… Pour mémo, notre veille sur le product placement :

World's Largest Gummy Worm: Over 2 feet of gummy goodness. Gummy Worms are delicious. But they're small. When you really need to get your gummy worm "fix", there is no substitute for the World's Largest Gummy Worm. Weighing in at three pounds, it is 128 times bigger than a traditional gummy worm. The World's Largest Gummy Worm is yours to be devoured. The World's Largest Gummy Worm boasts an impressive 5-inch girth and packs a walloping 4,000 calories into its 26-inch-long frame. The World's Largest Gummy Worm packs 4,000 calories into its 3-pound body. As I'm sure you'll remember from geometry class, the volume of a cylinder is represented as πr2h. With a radius of approximately 0.75 inches and a height of 26 inches, the World's Largest Gummy Worm is 46 cubic inches of candy. Its mass is equivalent to approximately 128 regular gummy worms or 840 regular gummy bears. A regular gummy worm is approximately 128 times smaller than the World's Largest Gummy Worm. There are two distinct methods of WLGW consumption: Answer: No, but that would be awesome.

sit With ‘Noir’ Sit returns to his bold black & whites, examining the troubled relation between the animal kingdom and mankind even closer. This time around his work is focused on the magnificent beauty of the beast and the way it is used to serve the vanity that is intricate to humanity. The result is a haunting series that is simultaneously sexy and morbid. The sensual textures of fur and feathers are juxtaposed with pale animal skulls and soft female curves to illustrate the malicious blackness gnawing away at the edges of our sense of beauty. NOIR Nr.4 - 145 x 105 cm - Acrylic on canvas NOIR Nr.5 - 75 x 125 cm - Acrylic on canvas Sold NOIR Nr.6 - 80 x 100 cm - Acrylic on canvas Sold NOIR Nr.7 - 120 x 80 cm - Acrylic on canvas NOIR Nr.8 - 55 x 125 cm - Acrylic on canvas Sold NOIR Nr.9 - 70 x 100 cm - Acrylic on paperboard Sold NOIR Nr.10 - 50 x 70 cm - Acrylic on canvas Sold NOIR Nr.13 - 120 x 100 cm - Acrylic on canvas NOIR Nr.14 - 80 x 100 cm - Acrylic on canvasSold

Fri, 02/10/2012 Defining Social Commerce: A Tale of Three Conversations Everyone, especially Wall Street, is standing up to salute social commerce. Look at the IPO pipeline - LinkedIn, Groupon, Zynga, Living Social. But despite all this attention, the definition of social commerce is fuzzy at best. How do we know if these companies will win, if we can't even agree on what it is? When defining something social, it's helpful to characterize it by the conversations that make up the experience. Craig Donato is the Founder and CEO of Oodle, a social marketplace that also powers Facebook Marketplace. Social Shopping When I'm thinking about buying something - especially something expensive or something that I simply care about a lot - I talk to people I trust. Social shopping is rooted in the overall shift we're seeing - consumers engaging in the social discovery of everything. It definitely worked in my case. Social Marketing Businesses need to talk with their customers. Businesses need to talk with their customers. Social Trading Portobello Road photo from geograph

Apron Cooking Guides Apron Cooking Guide Best Bits All the cooking info you need, hung around your neck Keep the kitchen clear of cookbooks Dual-purpose apron Cooking, roasting, and defrosting times, plus more The apron that takes the applause Sure, you'll take the plaudits when you're fine dining dinner party goes down a storm, but there'll be no doubt that some of the praise should really be aimed in the direction of the Apron Cooking Guide. You see, this clever apron boasts all manner of cooking essentials, including weight conversions and times for cooking, roasting, and defrosting. And, as well as all that, the Apron Cooking Guide, a great gift for any friends or family who are prone to a bit of kitchen creativity, is still a more-than-adequate apron at heart. Apron Cooking Guide Includes Numeric conversions Vegetable cooking times Bird roasting times Freezing instructions Defrosting times Cooking glossary Fast, Flexible Delivery Options Here’s a summary of the services we offer: Standard Delivery

Chartpak Ad markers « Following my earlier rant about Prismacolor markers the Marker Fairy delivered a brand new set of 100 Chartpak Ad markers last night for my birthday. They are a veritable bargain when ordered from Dick Blick at less than $2 a stick (the Prismacolors set me back $4 each at Hobby Lobby). I haven’t had much of a chance to put them through their paces yet but I can say that my early impressions are much more favorable than with the Prismacolors. The ink flows much faster than the Prismacolors which should be ideal for my rapid sketching motions. The design of the markers is very simple yet effective. The extra large chisel tip manages to achieve a wide range of line weights without resorting to the confusion of multiple tips (and caps) on each end of the marker. Note special chiseled tip that allows for multiple line weights

A Case for Web Storytelling Much ink has been spilt lately bemoaning the lack of quality content on the web. “Sure the site flashes and whizzes and startles, but what does it have to say?” This type of complaint assumes an incomplete, overly stark dichotomy: namely that sites are made up of “style” and “content.” A recent article right here at ALA took the bold step of suggesting that maybe style and content aren’t so easily separable after all. In addition to style and content (even understood in their broadened definitions), I propose that there is at least a third element in the web design mix that is getting overlooked. Why so Tech, Beck? The web is first and foremost a medium of communication. Never before have the participants in a medium been so required to learn arcane, technical incantations before they are allowed to communicate in said medium (which explains the continuing appeal of AOL to the new Internet user). For one reason, the web is a many-to-many technology. Not so the web. “Will do, partner.

