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Cut and Jacked

Cut and Jacked - Part 1 Lean It UP | Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Health How To Build Muscle: Women’s Edition Part 1 – An Intro on Getting Started This series is collaboration between JC Deen and Joy Victoria. Joy wrote 90% of the content. Joy’s a wealth of fitness knowledge, and has already been published in the likes of T-Nation and contributes to WomanScope News Magazine. Make sure you check out her site, and sign up for updates. This is part 1 of a 3 part series. Be sure and subscribe at the bottom of the article to get Parts 2 and 3. For so long, the words ‘women’ and ‘muscle’ were rarely seen in the same sentence. Because of the overwhelming load of information available (thank you, Internet!) Note: This is not a fad diet coupled with an impossible training program. Today, we’re giving you the so-called secrets behind how and why these principles work. And that’s what a lot of diet and training plans fail to explain. How would you like to be given the freedom to manipulate the common “rules” of popular diet and training methods that have you spinning your wheels, and actually get results because you know why they work? 1. 2.
