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Fédération Française de Go

EncyGoPedie Bienvenue sur l'EncyGoPedie, le Wiki francophone sur le jeu de Go (appelé aussi weiqi ou baduk). Ce site est coopératif, tout le monde peut le modifier et vous êtes invité à le faire ! Il n'est pas nécessaire de s'inscrire. Apprenez Comment utiliser le Wiki et faites des tests dans le Bac à sable. Recherche rapide (dans les titres de page ; plus d'options sur ChercherUnePage) Dernières Modifications liste les pages récemment modifiées. Merci par avance de nous indiquer les "bugs" rencontrés ou de nous faire part de vos suggestions. L'EncyGoPedie contient 1200 pages.0 pages ont été éditées lors des dernières 24 heures. Go Bibliography by Difficulty Note: I'm finding that I don't have as much time as I'd like to read go books these days. If you've recently read a book that you'd like to review, please e-mail your review to me. Please tell me if you would like your name to be linked to a web page, your e-mail address, or neither; also, if you could include your rank, that would be great. This version of the bibliography lists books according to their difficulty; it starts with books for beginners, and then moves on to elementary, intermediate, and advanced books. Some general advice: when you're reading go books, don't worry about understanding everything the first time, and don't worry about giving up on a book halfway through. First Books. This section is for books that are designed for people who don't know anything at all about the game. I recommend any of the first seven books listed beneath here. As a companion for any of these books, I heartily recommend the first volume of Kano Yoshinori's Graded Go Problems for Beginners.

Jeu de go Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cette page contient des caractères spéciaux. Si certains caractères de cet article s’affichent mal (carrés vides, points d’interrogation, etc.), consultez la page d’aide Unicode. Il s'agit du plus ancien jeu de stratégie combinatoire abstrait connu. Bien que le jeu de go soit un jeu chinois, la terminologie utilisée en Occident est principalement d'origine japonaise. Histoire du go[modifier | modifier le code] La très longue histoire du go s'est déroulée pour une grande part dans des mondes clos et séparés : créé en Chine pendant la Période des Printemps et Automnes (-771 – -453), il arriva en Corée puis au Japon au VIe siècle avec l'apport de la culture chinoise par les moines bouddhistes chan. Un jeu chinois[modifier | modifier le code] Légendes des origines[modifier | modifier le code] Certains chercheurs[3] voient dans l'art divinatoire chinois du Yi Jing de nombreuses analogies avec le wéiqí, qui pourrait en être le vecteur matériel[4].

Quick Guide to Core War OK for all the uninitiated out there, Core War is basically a game played by 2 programs. They're loaded into a simulated computer memory at random locations and their purpose is to kill the other program and avoid being killed. Because the start locations have a strong influence on the outcome many battles must be fought to get a fair assesment of which is the superior warrior. Humans of course "play" Core War by designing the programs which represent them in the tournaments. Most commonly warriors are sent to one of the Hills at either the Stormking or Pizza servers. When a warrior is sent to the hill it fights all the other warriors already on the hill and if its score is high enough then it gets a place on the hill and knocks off the lowest scoring warrior. So wait a second I hear you ask, if only programs which score high enough can reach the hill then why don't all the rubbish programs get pushed off the hill leaving only the top programs with an unassailble grip on the hills? - Go Games, Go Information and Go Study Tools The Way to Go | American Go Association Karl Baker's wonderful introduction, "The Way To Go," is probably the most widely read introduction in English. You can also download it for free, and give it to anyone interested in go—in fact we hope you will! There is a .pdf file formatted for printing, or one formatted for reading as an e-book on a standard size computer screen. Printed copies are available to teachers and organizers through The American Go Foundation Teacher Store. Legal Note: "The Way To Go" is a copyrighted work. Featured Firefox Extension: FireNes Brings 2000 NES Games to Your Browser (A) This is an emulator written in Java. It's still illegal because the games are still under copyright. Nintendo is still making money off NES games by releasing them through virtual console. And yes, the ROMs are still downloaded to your computer; how else do you think you're able to play them, magic? (B) If you want to emulate NES games on your computer, free, legally, go take a look over at ConsoleClassix. How is this legal and FireNes not?

Tsumego Collections DORK TOWER How to Solve a Rubik's Cube (Easy Move Notation) First LayerMiddle LayerLast layerNotations Edited by NatK, Krystle, Mimi, BohemianWikipedian and 59 others The Rubik's Cube can be very frustrating and may seem next to impossible to restore to its original configuration. However, once you know a few algorithms, it is very easy to solve. The method described in this article is the layer method: we first solve one face of the cube (first layer), then the middle layer, and finally the last layer. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: First Layer 1Familiarize yourself with the Notations at the bottom of the page.Ad 2Choose one face to start with. Method 2 of 4: Middle Layer 1Place the four edges of the middle layer. Method 3 of 4: Last layer 1Permute the corners. Method 4 of 4: Notations 1This is the key to the notations used.The pieces that compose the Rubik's Cube are called Cubies, and the color stickers on the Cubies are called facelets.There are three types of Cubies: The centers (or center pieces), at the center of each face of the Cube. Tips Practice.
