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P2P microblogging platform

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21 Technologies That Will Decentralize the World Across the planet, new technologies and business models are decentralizing power and placing it in the hands of communities and individuals. "We are seeing technology-driven networks replacing bureacratically-driven hierarchies," says VC and futurist Fred Wilson, speaking on what to expect in the next ten years. View the entire 25-minute video below (it's worth it!) and then check out the 21 innovations below. Thanks to Jenny Ryan whose Open Garden newsletter inspired this post. Here are 21 innovations that will help make it happen: 1. Decentralized technology will become mainstream in 2014, according to the Open Garden Foundation, a San Francisco-based startup dedicated to net neutrality and internet access for everyone. 2. Commotion Router is free, open source software that allows for communities to build their own mesh networks. 3. Do you really want to trust your data to Twitter? 4. The future of devices is micro and wearable. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Bitcloud Twister, le Twitter qui contourne la censure | Jeudi 24 Avril 2014 sur StreetPress Freedom Alors pourquoi utiliser Twister ? Guepi, un autre twister-addict, contacté par l’intermédiaire d’un forum dédié aux logiciels libres explique pourquoi il kiffe l’outil de microblogging : « Le point principal qui m’a intéressé pour tester cet outil, c’est avant tout le côté un peu décalé, un peu technophile, geek diront certains. » « Mais il y a aussi une motivation plus politique », assure Stéphane Bortzmeyer. Preums’ Si l’utilisation du protocole Bitcoin assure l’unicité de chaque pseudonyme (en remontant bloc par bloc la chaîne de partage, on peut s’assurer que le message posté correspond bien à un compte précis) cela devient vite la course au premier inscrit. « Si quelqu’un décide de créer le compte François Hollande, personne d’autre ne pourra le prendre, explique Stéphane Bortzmeyer. Et personne ne peut rien faire contre ce « name squatting » car il n’y a pas de serveur général qui pourrait effacer le faux compte.

Amazon Wants To Include Peer-to-Peer Payments In Its “Real World” PayPal Competitor Earlier today, the WSJ published a report on how Amazon is building a Kindle-based point-of-sale payments service for local merchants using technology it picked up via its Gopago acquisition –something we actually reported on back in December. In fact, this looks like just part of what Amazon has in mind. The e-commerce giant is also developing a solution for person-to-person payments — bypassing banks and other payment networks — putting it in even closer competition with P2P payment giant PayPal. The P2P payment system, as it’s being conceived, would have a mobile component to it, and it would be cloud-based, so presumably usable over desktop, too. Those Amazon phones we and others keep talking about could be coming soon — the latest that we’ve heard, by the way, is that they may get announced in the next 60 days and ship this summer. Building in a P2P service to sweeten the deal, and help differentiate the phones from the rest of the pack, could be a smart move. Developing world

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity - Part 1 - Sacred Geometry International The concept of Panspermia underwent a noteworthy mutation through the work of Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winning discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA. After considering the difficulties inherent in achieving an interstellar transfer of organic matter through random processes alone, he was led to propose a startling and controversial idea—that the process of Panspermia was intelligently guided! He coined the term ‘Directed Panspermia’ to express the idea. With this important amplification Exobiology came full circle, arriving at a concept of Cosmic Evolution that has a precedent in the Hermetic wisdom of ancient Egypt, and has maintained an ongoing, but intermittent existence through a variety of sacred and arcane traditions since that time. The Grail symbol first emerges in history in a series of remarkable writings that appear in France over a span of about half a century between the years 1180 and 1230 AD. 1180 and 1230 AD.

OpenBitTorrent - An open tracker project Twitter like Open source Michel Bauwens on the pitfalls of start-up culture Our second extract from the transcript of the C-Realm Podcast Bauwens/Kleiner/Trialogue, Michel Bauwens talks about the disconnect between young idealistic developers and the business models many of them default to, unaware that there’s better options. I’d like to start with outlining the issue, the problem around the emergence of peer production within the current neoliberal capitalist form of society and economy that we have. We now have a technology which allows us to globally scale small group dynamics, and to create huge productive communities, self-organized around the collaborative production of knowledge, code, and design. But the key issue is that we are not able to live from that, right? The situation is that we have created communities consisting of people who are sometimes paid, sometimes volunteers, and by using open licenses, we are actually creating commonses – think about Linux, Wikipedia, Arduino, those kinds of things.

Rebels In Action | A place of action and non-conformity! Multipeer Connectivity As consumer web technologies and enterprises race towards cloud infrastructure, there is a curious and significant counter-movement towards connected devices. In this age of mobile computing, the possibilities of collaboration, whether in work or play, have never been greater. In this age of privacy concerns and mass surveillance, the need for secure, ad hoc communications has never been more prescient. In this age of connected devices, the promise of mastery over the everyday objects of our lives has never been closer at hand. The Multipeer Connectivity APIs, introduced in iOS 7, therefore may well be the most significant for the platform. Multipeer Connectivity is a framework that enables nearby devices to communicate over infrastructure Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks. Advertising & Discovering The first step in communication is to make peers aware of one another. Objective-C static NSString * const XXServiceType = @"xx-service"; Advertising

Dupont-Aignan, @dupontaignan @yanndudoubs @canalplus @frhaz @LeSupplement Haziza veut me salir en manipulant les faits. Trop c est trop! 1,228 | 2 months ago Pas capable de maintenir l'ordre public à Marseille mais prêt à intervenir en Syrie! 414 | 9 months ago La Russie va récupérer la Crimée , la France va brailler avec les américains qui ne feront rien et l Allemagne empochera les contrats russes 373 | 2 months ago Edouard Martin le vendu de Florange ! 348 | 5 months ago Quand il s'agit de gauchistes écolos soudain quelle pudeur ds les commentaires ! 300 | 2 months ago Hollande va soutenir militairement en Syrie les islamistes qui tirent sur nos soldats au Mali ! 298 | 9 months ago Je sors de l'enregistrement de ONPC de Ruquier. 293 | 5 months ago Curieux France Info parle de "radicaux" ! 277 | 2 months ago Je suis allé manifester mon soutien aux #veilleursdebout. 265 | 11 months ago Hollande vient de signer l'arrêt de mort de son quinquennat! 241 | 7 months ago 239 | 24 days ago 237 | 4 months ago Brétigny.

We want to replace YouTube, Dropbox, Facebook, Spotify, ISPs, and more with decentralized apps based on proof of bandwidth. We need developers. Welcome to Bitcloud. The Invisible College Archaic Torso of Apollo We cannot know his legendary headwith eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torsois still suffused with brilliance from inside,like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low, gleams in all its power. Otherwisethe curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor coulda smile run through the placid hips and thighsto that dark center where procreation flared. Otherwise this stone would seem defacedbeneath the translucent cascade of the shouldersand would not glisten like a wild beast’s fur: would not, from all the borders of itself,burst like a star: for here there is no placethat does not see you. -Rainer Maria Rilke
