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Selenium WebDriver — Selenium Documentation

Selenium WebDriver — Selenium Documentation
NOTE: We’re currently working on documenting these sections. We believe the information here is accurate, however be aware we are also still working on this chapter. Additional information will be provided as we go which should make this chapter more solid. Introducing WebDriver The primary new feature in Selenium 2.0 is the integration of the WebDriver API. How Does WebDriver ‘Drive’ the Browser Compared to Selenium-RC? Selenium-WebDriver makes direct calls to the browser using each browser’s native support for automation. For those familiar with Selenium-RC, this is quite different from what you are used to. WebDriver and the Selenium-Server You may, or may not, need the Selenium Server, depending on how you intend to use Selenium-WebDriver. There are some reasons though to use the Selenium-Server with Selenium-WebDriver. Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project To install Selenium means to set up a project in a development so you can write a program using Selenium. Java <? Python Ruby Perl Pros

Selenium-Webdriver Design Test & Measurement Tips Floating Switch from TI Transforms Offline LED Drive Design Monday, November 4, 2013 Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) introduced the industry’s first floating switch architecture that simplifies the offline linear drive of LEDs in lamps, downlights and fixtures. The AC switched… Read More Video: Engineering slide chart from Great Innovations Monday, April 29, 2013 In this product demonstration is an engineering slide chart from Great Innovations. Read More Contoured, modular ergonomic grip Wednesday, April 10, 2013 The Contour Grip is a modular ergonomic grip that incorporates controls on the front, side and back. Read More Dynamic testing saves energy, time and money Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Dynamic testing of performance factors for a Department of Defense (DoD) customer’s helicopter transmissions, primarily in the Apache and Blackhawk classes presented a challenge, which involved an existing… Read More Fast 16-bit digital-to-analog converter at 1.5 GSPS Read More Read More

Selenium from scratch « Diving deep into JEE Hi reader, If you’re concerned with testing then you’ve already came accross the difficult task of UI testing. We all agree that fat client model is different from thin client’s but they share common characteristics: screens and transitions between screens. Testing them is different but seems equaly difficult. The other very important behaviour to test is the transitions between screens. We will test 2 transitions: a successful form submission and a failure.Selenium is a tool that allows some arbitrary piece of code to describe a behaviour against a target browser. Lets build a simple example that illustrates the concepts. First create a web project. Re-run mvn archetype:generate, choose the right number (45 in my example) and follow the instructions. Check that everything runs fine In order to write any test we need to configure Selenium in our pom.xml Our tests configuration is now ready. Say your side provides a contact page and we want to test a successful message submission: Like this:

Web Testing with Selenium Sushi: A Practical Guide and Toolset How does one test the user-interface of a web application? Too often, the answer seems to be 'clumsily, slowly, and not very well'. The technology of automated, repeatable, testing of websites is still developing, but it exists; and Michael Sorens is here to describe an even better approach based on Selenium Contents Some testing categories, such as unit testing, are well-supported by tools. Broadly speaking, applications with a graphical user interface fall into two types: client applications, those that run on a user’s computer, and web applications, those that run on a remote server and are accessed with a client browser. I measure goodness in a software package by using a simple yardstick against the three aspects, features, documentation, and support. Record and playback actions (primarily typing and mouse clicks). That short but powerful list of features is one of the main reasons I became enamored with this free product. Any software package, however, has defined boundaries. try

Seleniumworks Aerotech Inc. | Motion Control Products - Positioning Stages and Systems Introduction à SpecFlow 16 avril 2013 Bonjour, aujourd’hui nous allons parler de SpecFlow, un petit framework de test que je classerai dans une rubrique de BDD (Behavior Driven Development) puisqu’il propose de faire des tests unitaires en langage courant. L’écriture des tests se divise donc en deux parties : le comportement du test sera écrit par le responsable des spécifications du projet tandis que le pendant technique de ces tests restera à la charge du développeur. Présentation de SpecFlow Specflow est un petit framework de spécification et de test unitaires. Pour cela, vous allez devoir créer deux types de fichiers : Les fichiers de Feature où vont être écrits les comportements à tester à l’aide de la syntaxe Gherkin.Les fichiers de StepDefinitions dans lesquels vont être implémentés les étapes définies dans le fichier de feature Déjà, un découpage se fait. La syntaxe Gherkin Gherkin est le Domain Specific Language de SpecFlow. Voici les bases de la syntaxe gherkin. Les StepDefinitions Comment l’installer

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