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Turn a Cheap Router into a Home Automation Server

Turn a Cheap Router into a Home Automation Server

Home automation server with router Install the Linux based OpenWRT firmware on the router. The TL-WR741ND instructions can be found here: If you are stuck, start here: After you have a working SSH connection you can proceed. Because of the router (by default) runs the web admin page on the port 80, we need to add a secondary port to serve our custom web site. Download WinSCP, to simply do this through SSH. Set up a new connection: Host name: normally (by default) Port: 22 User name: root Password: what you gave after installation File protocol: SCP Find this file: /etc/config/uhttpd Copy the following into it: config 'uhttpd' 'secondary' option 'listen_http' '81' option 'home' '/HomeAutomation/www' option 'cgi_prefix' '/cgi-bin' option 'script_timeout' '60' option 'network_timeout' '30' And save it.

30-habits-that-will-change-your-life from - StumbleUpon Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life. You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. Health habits Exercise 30 minutes every day. Productivity habits Use an inbox system. Personal Development habits Read 1 book per week. Career habits Start a blog. What do you think? Update: A reader put together a downloadable copy of all these habits.

The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. Matthew Might, a computer science professor at the University of Utah, writes: “Every fall, I explain to a fresh batch of Ph.D. students what a Ph.D. is. It’s hard to describe it in words. So, I use pictures.” Here it goes. Matt’s Illustrated Guide: Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor’s degree, you gain a specialty: A master’s degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you’re at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you’ve made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don’t forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing. You can find Matt’s Illustrated Guide hosted on his web site.

30 Books I’m Glad I Read Before 30 - StumbleUpon In various ways, these 30 books convey some of the philosophy of how Angel and I live our lives. I honestly credit a fraction of who I am today to each title. Thus, they have indirectly influenced much of what I write about on this site. A medley of both fiction and nonfiction, these great reads challenged my internal status quo, opening my mind to new ideas and opportunities, and together they gave me a basic framework for living, loving, learning and working successfully. If you haven’t read these books yet, I highly recommend doing so. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert – Gilbert, a Harvard professor of psychology has studied happiness for decades, and he shares scientific findings that just might change the way you look at the world. What are your favorite books? Photo by: Katie Harris

A Facebook story | A mother's joy and a family's sorrow | The Washington Post Red Velvet Fudge I suddenly got this brilliant idea that I wanted to make Red Velvet fudge. So I sat down and googled it, hoping for a great, no fail recipe. Those words are very important to a bad recipe follower like myself. No such luck. I couldnt even find a match for 'red velvet fudge'. I was totally dejected. Then it hit me... At the very least, significantly modify an existing one. I started here, with Martha's Foolproof Holiday Fudge. I added food coloring and used white chocolate chips and red cherry flavored chips. Talk about significant modifications. Thing is, this recipe is just not my favorite. (side by side comparison of the two recipes I made... So then I found a recipe on I figured, if I could make a recipe for red velvet fudge, like real red velvet fudge, it would be from this one. Ingredients: 2 cups white sugar 1/4 cup cocoa 1 cup buttermilk 3 tablespoons butter 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp red gel food coloring Directions: Reduce heat and allow fudge to simmer. Happy Holidays!

Is This Jake Gyllenhaal's Penis? A Movieline Investigation It's currently cratering at the box office, but Love and Other Drugs was supposed to be a return to the full-throated, unabashedly erotic films of yesterday, akin to movies like Last Tango in Paris and 9 1/2 Weeks that proudly wore its sexual sizzle on its sleeve. And while we get a faceful of Anne Hathaway's front and back, Jake Gyllenhaal only provides an ass shot. But now a still from the movie is making the rounds online, and it seems like Jake Jr. might have made a cameo after all. The (obviously NSFW) picture after the jump. Here's how it seems without only minimal digital tinkering: And now here it is with the contrast cranked up to 11: Ladies and gentlemen, that looks like a penis to me. Hmmm...This complicates matters. What do you think, gentle reader?

Jaw-dropping image of enormous 'supercell' cloud in Glasgow, Montana By Daily Mail Reporter Created: 12:09 GMT, 1 December 2010 It looks like something from the film Independence Day. But although it may seem like an alien mothership, this incredible picture is actually an impressive thunderstorm cloud known as a supercell. Windswept dust and rain dominate the storm's centre while rings of jagged clouds surround the edge. A flimsy tree in the foreground looks like a toy next to the magnificent natural phenomenon. A super cell thunderstorm crosses a path and continues unabated across the plains on July 28th The photograph is just one image from the portfolio of electrician Sean Heavey. Mr Heavey, 34, an amateur photographer, created the jaw-dropping panoramic image by stitching together three photos from the 400 frames he took of the violent scene he witnessed in July. It caused minor damage, and lasted several hours before moving on. 'I' normally rely on simply being in the right place at the right time for my photography, while I'm out working.

Found In The Archives: Military LSD Testing : The Picture Show Welcome to a new, regular miniseries on The Picture Show. On the first of each month, Found in the Archives will feature archival films and found images selected by Rich Remsberg. In my day job, I work as an archival image researcher on documentaries for PBS, National Geographic, the History Channel, museum exhibits and independent films. It's my responsibility to find the vintage film footage and still photos that make historical documentaries historical. In the course of each project, I come across interesting visual material that, for a variety of reasons, doesn't make it into the finished programs. Sifting through this slag heap is where some of the most compelling pictures and stories are found. Sometimes bemusing, sometimes fairly disturbing, these histories don't always fit so easily into a tidy narrative, and I love them for the way they add dimension and complications to the conventional notions of history. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

Matrix Style Computer Screen Lock with Quark Normally when you want to lock the Windows screen, you would just hit Windows Key + L on your keyboard which will result in the Windows screen lock. Now, how about having a matrix styled computer lock screen ? it would look cool isn’t it ? Quark is a Matrix-styled powerful security tool that protects your computer from unauthorized access by locking the screen and denying any user interaction until the correct password is entered. Adding to the Matrix style visual effects, there are high tech, robotic sound effects that can be heard during the locking, exiting, starting, typing password letters etc. First double click the QLoad.exe and set your password. When the computer is locked, not even Ctrl+Alt+Del works. Download Quark – Matrix style computer lock.

Freedom from Obligation is the Best Gift « Maintaining your book collection | Main | December Discardia: Curing Dissatisfaction Through Perpetual Upgrade » Freedom from Obligation is the Best Gift “I've reached that peculiar but serene stage in life when all I want for Christmas is less.” – writer and critic Roger Ebert Even the luckiest of us feel a bit of extra pressure around the end of the year. We feel the whirlwind beginning as ads start to suggest “the perfect gift for the such and such on your list.” Oh, and let's not forget the family pressures. Friends and families gather together for whatever holidays they celebrate, events are planned with all their special rituals running the gamut from two separate kinds of cranberry sauce for differing tastes right on up to Midnight Mass and Auld Lang Syne in Times Square. There is no time of year more likely to run people ragged than the holidays. Well, I tell you, holiday gift buying is optional. You don't have to buy presents. First and foremost, tell them you care.

World’s First Holographic Concert Was Held In There is no doubt that technology is advancing at a record speed. A few years back I was somewhat involved in developing a 3D generated band for a Swedish television company named TV4. The project was finished and a DVD and a CD were released along with a single. As a matter of fact, in Japan, they have already had their first holographic concert. It comes as no surprise that the first country in the world to hold a holographic concert is Japan.
