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Interactive: European Stereotypes As part of the Europa project, newspapers from six European countries (Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Italy) were asked to stereotype each other, and then asked cultural commentators in each country to assess how accurate they are. You can read the resulting articles on The Guardian website. Here's an extract from the one about the British: The stereotype is itself a stereotype. The European image of the Brit – either pukingly drunk football fan or snooty City gent, both living off past imperial glories, sullenly resenting being in Europe rather than ruling the world – is itself a cliche. Just as Brits know that every good Frenchman wears a striped shirt and beret, and that ruddy-faced Germans subsist on a diet of beer and sausage, so we know precisely what all those Europeans think of us. ALSO SEE• French stereotypes: arrogant and good in bed?

Study Tip – How to Practice Listening! You have been studying English for a long time. You have a good knowledge of English grammar and you know lots of words. You can read things in English and you can communicate well in writing. You are not alone. You may be pronouncing a word incorrectly, and therefore you can’t understand the word when it’s pronounced correctly.You are listening for the wrong words and sounds. Here’s an activity that you can do to improve your listening skills and get used to the sounds of natural spoken English. Choose a short audio clip at your level. If you are a beginner or low intermediate, choose something that is about 1-2 minutes; more advanced learners should choose longer clips that are about 3-5 minutes. Here are some suggestions: BeginnersRead TheorySuper Easy Reading (These are reading websites, but there are listening clips for each passage.) Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What words did you get right? 9. 10. 11. NOTE: Your listening skills will not improve overnight.

English is all around! Towards First Certificate in English: FCE - A Review This was the writing task I did in advanced 2, Let me know if you found any mistake. Writing task: You have seen this announcement in your local English-language newspaper. Have you eaten at a local restaurant? If so, why not write a review for our Food section, telling other readers what the restaurant and its food is like? San Caferino RestaurantI love Italian food, especially pasta, so I decided to try San Caferino which is on 2 de Mayo Avenue.For me, first impressions count, and when I got into the restaurant, it made me feel comfortable as though it was home. The English Blog

Cómo memorizar los phrasal verbs Unos de los aspectos más difíciles del aprendizaje de una nueva lengua es el de retener correctamente la información en la memoria. Ya he dicho en otras ocasiones que en inglés resulta particularmente complicado memorizar el vocabulario porque hay tres tipos de archivos, complementamente distintos, que guardar. Uno de esos archivos es el significado de la palabra, el otro es del sonido y el tercero es cómo se escribe la palabra. Para hacer frente a estos problemas utilizaremos una técnica que a mí me gusta mucho por su efectividad. Hace mucho ya hice algo de esto. Para lograrlo, primero miraremos con detenimiento una imagen que cuenta una historia absurda (la mente retiene mejor información extrema o absurda) . Nota: Cuando un phrasal verb tiene varios significados, aprenderemos aquel significado que sea más frecuente. Por ahora son solo unos pocos verbos. ¡Al toro! Aquí están los phrasal verbs de esta semana: **************************************** Novedades:CURSO DE INGLÉS ONLINE GRATUITO

Listening for ELT and Learner Autonomy One of the challenges that many ELT students face, is listening. When it comes to international exams such as the IELTS, they struggle in keeping up with the listening passage and end up in a sea of useless frustration. Learning to listening to English and becoming an autonomous learner are important skills. Among other sites where learners can improve their listening skills, these 2 come to mind at the moment. Lit2Go offers readings of poetry and novels, is easily accessible with indication of authors, genres and readability scale and every audio comes with a PDF. LingoRank is a collection of TED talks, which students can set their level then go ahead and select the talk they are interested in listening/watching. With a wide selection of topics, there is no reason why learners shouldn't be accessing these resources to improve their listening skills. What other listening activities/sites do you suggest? Further Suggestions:

Aprender a pronunciar inglés con TIC La pronunciación en lengua extranjera siempre ha sido un gran desafío, pero las TIC ofrecen muchas posibilidades de aprender, casi jugando. Hoy les comparto tres herramientas que me han resultado prácticas para enseñar inglés en la escuela secundaria y en el nivel superior. Se trata de aplicaciones texto-voz, conocidas como TTS (del inglés Text to Speech). Oddcast Ingresamos lo que queremos pronunciar donde dice “Enter text”. El avatar puede ser femenino o masculino, de Norteamérica, Reino Unido, Australia, y varios países que hablan inglés, o bien otro idioma elegido. Además, incluye efectos especiales como hablar con eco, suspirando, en un tono más grave, más agudo y a diferentes velocidades. Talk it Es una aplicación disponible para descargar. Muestra un cuadro de texto en el que se puede ingresar un fragmento y luego oír cómo se pronuncia. Traductor de Google

Writing Worksheets STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close This document has been saved in your Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet. Here you can quickly access all of your favorite worksheets and custom generated files in one place! Click on My Filing Cabinet in the menu at the upper left to access it anytime! Grade Level Estimation Title: Grade Level Estimation: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Grade level may vary depending on location and school curriculum. Common Core Standards Common core standards listing. All common core standards details. If you think there should be a change in the common core standards listed for this worksheet - please let us know. [x] close Printable worksheets for writing paragraphs, letters, addresses, and more. Writing Projects

20 recursos educativos para aprender inglés Internet está repleto de recursos educativos para aprender inglés de manera divertida y dinámica. Ahora tienes la oportunidad de convertir el aprendizaje en una experiencia motivadora y enriquecedora para tus alumnos. A continuación, te recomendamos 20 recursos agrupados por niveles que no puedes perderte para el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa: Infantil (de 0 a 6 años) Lil’ Fingers: Historias mágicas para los más pequeños, ilustrado con imágenes con movimiento para hacer más entendedor el cuento.Educa nave: Recopilación de recursos digitales clasificados por temas, ideal para aprender vocabulario con los más pequeños. Primaria (de 6 a 12 años) Maya y Miguel: Juegos divertidos relacionados con recetas para aprender vocabulario, fichas para imprimir y videos educativos para aprender inglés.Eduland: ¿Quieres que tus alumnos aprendan el vocabulario de las escuela? Secundaria (de 12 a 18 años) Para todas las edades ¿Preparado para transformar tus clases en un espacio diferente?

Myplaceforenglish 50 Incredibly Useful Links For Learning & Teaching The English Language - Teaching a new language to non-native speakers may be one of the most challenging educational jobs out there, so ELL teachers can use all of the help they can get! Thankfully, many excellent resources for ELL and ESL exist online, from full-service websites to reference tools and communities, all designed to make the task of educating ELL students just a little bit easier and more effective. We’ve scoured the Internet to share 50 of the best of these resources, and we hope you’ll find lots of valuable content and tools through these incredibly useful links for ELL educators. Websites Resource tools, printables, and other great stuff for ELL educators are all available on these sites. Articles & Advice Check out resource lists, journal articles, and ideas for best practices in ELL on these links. Organizations Take advantage of the great opportunities and resources available from these organizations that benefit ELL teachers. Learning Resources Teaching Resources Reference Communities & Blogs

