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Edinburgh Botanics

Edinburgh Botanics

The Seed Site The Dungeons - Scary, historical, educational attractions - Official Site St. Giles Growing a Healing Garden | Mama Knows Rating: 7.9/10 (9 votes cast) When you visit your local market or garden centre, check out their herb selection. You may be surprised at the varieties of herbs that are available. Here are a few ideas for your own herb garden – easy to grow plants with medicinal properties. Here are 12 the most popular herbs that are easy to grow: Peppermint: Peppermint Peppermint tea is a traditional remedy for an upset stomach or gas,because it supposedly relaxes gut muscles. Echinacea or Coneflower: Echinacea or Coneflower Herbalists use an extract of this common cold preventive to boost the immune system and the production of white blood cells. Sage: Sage In medieval herbals, sage is a cure-all, supposed to heal grief,fever and the nerves. Rosemary: Rosemary Ancient herbalists recommended rosemary for headaches and claimed that its fragrance could ward off infections. Dog Rose: Dog Rose In ancient times. the wild dog rose was the most popular source of rose hips – tiny fruits related to apples. Lavender: Borage

Welcome to Edinburgh Zoo Scots Music Group- home Gardens Latest issueApril 2014 April 2014 In this issueGet ready for spring! How to design a fragrant pathway; purple, this yea'rs hottest hue for flowers; dealing with drainage; an enchanted woodland; our favourite woody climbers and more! more PollYou Must select an option. Please try again. From the Editor Hope Sprouts By Erin McLaughlin There's room for trial and error in every garden. «Home of the Famous Edinburgh Free Tour with some of the best guides in the business» - SANDEMANs NEW EUROPE

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