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Twitter Mosaic: Make Art from Twitter (and then buy it!)

Twitter Mosaic: Make Art from Twitter (and then buy it!)

How To Become A Twitter Super Snooper This post is going to show you how to become a Twitter super snooper. If you disagree with these practices, please look away now. But for the rest of you, pull your chair closer and listen up… If you want to spy on other Twitter users to help build a network of business contacts, let us introduce you to a powerful service over at Step 1 Head over to and enter your Twitter username. That’s pretty cool, but I expect you already know most of that stuff. However, I reckon the most perceptive among you know what’s coming next… Step 2 Now you know how the tool works, you can use it to check the stats for any Twitter user (insert evil laugh here). Look up your friends, family, colleagues, competitors, industry leaders, ex-spouse. Step 3 Once you’ve got over the novelty of being able to snoop on your friends, consider how you could use this to strengthen your Twitter network. Number One: Timing Number Two: Language Number Three: Infiltration ShareThis Related Posts:

Map Your Twitter Followers  Adviso | le blogue interne - Porte ouverte sur les réflexions s Quand publier sur les médias sociaux? Quels formats sont optimaux? Comment mes publications pourraient-elles avoir plus de portée et d’engagement? Ce sont des questions que nous nous posons tous afin de maximiser nos efforts sur les plateformes sociales. Pour vous aider à vous retrouver, nous vous proposons une infographie mise à jour contenant les informations clés lorsque vient le temps de publier du contenu sur les médias sociaux. Quel est le lien entre les différents concepts du titre de cet article ? Dans un contexte omnicanal, l’expérience client n’est plus pensée par canal, mais d’une manière plus globale. Aujourd’hui, presque tous les projets numériques ont lieu dans un contexte où les parties prenantes jouent un rôle majeur dans l’accomplissement des tâches. En numérique, où tout va très vite et où les projets sont souvent démarrés en vitesse « grand V », on constate que la gestion des parties prenantes en début de projet est parfois oubliée.

Book of tweets: Writer to compile 'Twitter Wit' for Ha Preserving Cabrini-Green's images In the sharp sun of an April afternoon, Nate Lanthrum walks through the remains of Cabrini-Green giving away what he has taken. He looks out of place, a white guy carrying a $1,500 Nikon D700 camera, but the residents are used to him by now and greet... Blackhawks thrilled to have Brent Seabrook back Starting with Game 6 Sunday, Brent Seabrook's timeout will be over and the defenseman will be back on the ice — so long as he promises to play nice. The Blackhawks have done pretty well in Seabrook's absence, winning all three games the NHL... NFL draft preview: Defensive ends As the NFL draft nears — it takes place May 8-10 — we're taking an 11-day, position-by-position look at what's out there and what the Bears need. In May 1974, Tribune delivered 2 Watergate bombshells Obama denounces racist comments reportedly made by NBA owner Cubs can't take advantage of Brewers' injuries Northwestern women win at Wrigley Blackhawks thrilled to have Brent Seabrook back

Create image mosaics with a free web app - Download Squad by Lee Mathews on January 14, 2009 at 03:00 PM There's no denying the inherent coolness of image mosaics. If you haven't heard the term, they're those insane images that are made up of hundreds of other scaled-down images. Zoom out, and it looks like something recognizable (like Paper Mario, for example). has a slick online generator that automatically creates mosaics from your uploaded images, and it works well. To achieve the best results, use fairly large originals - Mario was 1280 pixels high, and turned out rather nicely. For more mosaic fun, you might want to take a look at the Flickr-based Mosaickr. Tags: mosaic, photo-mosaic

PeekAnalytics - Unparalleled Twitter Demographics Découvrez mes trucs et astuces pour trouver un job – RDV jeudi 10 avril à 20H Catégories: Emplois Retrouvez moi ce jeudi 10 avril à 20H une conférence gratuite d’une heure quinze, où je vais vous donner mes trucs et astuces pour trouver un emploi et sortir du lot face aux autres candidats. Dans cette Web Conférence, je vais vous expliquer : – Comment passer du CV 1.0 au CV 2.0 – Comment sortir […] Retrouvez moi ce jeudi 10 avril à 20H une conférence gratuite d'une heure quinze, où je vais vous donner mes trucs et astuces pour trouver un emploi et sortir du lot face aux autres candidats. Dans cette Web Conférence, je vais vous expliquer : - Comment passer du CV 1.0 au CV 2.0 - Comment sortir du lot sur Google avec les outils modernes (Blogs...) - Comment devenir un expert reconnu, sans pour autant y consacrer des heures - ... Le personal branding pour devenir un expert reconnu… Le personal branding from Extend Coaching Le personal branding from Extend Coaching Lire Plus

10 Twitter Apps You (probably) Never Heard About! Twitter is growing at a phenomenal rate and so is the eco-system around it. 10-15 new Twitter apps are being launched every single day. While most of them are MEME applications, few are really interesting and worth a shot. I’ve put together a list of Twitter related applications which are fairly new and do serve the purpose.. Here you go…. TweetCC is one of the latest Twitter related services which lets Twitter users publish and license tweets with Creative Commons. So how do you really license your tweets, it’s simple, tweet this msg.. Visit to know about licensing options.. TwitterDMer: This service lets its users send customized DM’s to a follower. Twisten.FM is a service which “crawls Twitter for tweets about music. Twittad lets Twitter users monetize their Twitter profiles by selling their backgrounds to the advertisers. Example of conversations are displayed.. twtTRIP is a wonderful service helping travelers make the most out of their travel plans.

analyzing the connections between friends and followers

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